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April 14

Saint’s Day for Tiburcio, Valeriano, Lamberto and Abundio.

1182 - Sevilla mosque opens, whose works had begun ten years before.
1573 - Captain Juan de Garay from Asuncion (Paraguay current) to the south with a composed of 9 Spanish and 75 "young men born to this land 'expedition. The following year founded Santa Fe and Buenos Aires six years later.
1748 - in the north of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina), the Spanish Rafael de Aguiar founded San Nicolás de los Arroyos.
1931 - Spain proclaimed the Second Republic after the elections held after the voluntary resignation of dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera, in which, despite the monarchist victory, Republicans triumphed in 41 of the 50 provincial capitals. Given the strong Republican momentum in cities, and taking into account the prevailing chieftaincy in rural areas, King Alfonso XIII decided to leave the country. Eibar is the first locality in which the republican flag be flown.

King Juan Carlos 1 at the launch of the AVE - Photo www.adifaltavelocidad.es

1931 - Francesc Macia proclaimed the Catalan Republic after the municipal elections that give most to Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya.
1931 - In Granada the Granada Football Club was founded.
1936 - In Barcelona makes his last appearance the theater group "La Barraca", created by Federico Garcia Lorca.
1955 - Geno (Aitona, Lleida) an archaeological site is discovered.
1968 - Spain University of Mercantile Marine opens.
1992 - the first AVE high speed line is inaugurated in Spain, with the first official trip from Madrid to Sevilla.
2000 - José María Fidalgo is elected new secretary general of the CCOO union.
2007 - Supermodel Esther Canadas (30) weds MotoGP rider Sete Gibernau (34) in Spain
2015 - Rodrigo Rato is under investigation for money laundering

1126 – Averroes, was a Muslim Andalusian philosopher and judge who wrote about many subjects, including philosophy, theology, medicine, astronomy, physics, Islamic jurisprudence and law, and linguistics.  
His philosophical works include numerous commentaries on Aristotle, for which he was known in the West as The Commentator.  He also served as a judge and a court physician for the Almohad Caliphate. He was born in Córdoba in 1126 to a family of prominent judges—his grandfather was the chief judge of the city. (d. 1198)
1204 - Enrique I, Castilian king. 
He was the son of Alfonso VIII of Castile and Eleanor of England, Queen of Castile (daughter of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine).(d. 1217)

1578 - Felipe III, King of Spain and Portugal, A member of the House of Habsburg, He was born in Madrid to King Philip II of Spain and his fourth wife, his niece Anna, the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II and Maria of Spain. Philip III later married his cousin Margaret of Austria, sister of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor.
Although also known in Spain as Philip the Pious, Philip's political reputation abroad has been largely negative. Historians C. V. Wedgwood, R. Stradling and J. H. Elliott have described him, respectively, as an "undistinguished and insignificant man," a "miserable monarch," and a "pallid, anonymous creature, whose only virtue appeared to reside in a total absence of vice." In particular, Philip's reliance on his corrupt chief minister, the Duke of Lerma, drew much criticism at the time and afterwards. For many, the decline of Spain can be dated to the economic difficulties that set in during the early years of his reign.
Felipe III of Spain - painted by
Andrés López Polanco - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Bilddatenbank.
Nonetheless, as the ruler of the Spanish Empire at its height and as the king who achieved a temporary peace with the Dutch (1609–1621) and brought Spain into the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) through an (initially) extremely successful campaign, Philip's reign remains a critical period in Spanish history.
After Philip III's older half-brother Don Carlos died insane, their father Philip II had concluded that one of the causes of Carlos' condition had been the influence of the warring factions at the Spanish court. He believed that Carlos' education and upbringing had been badly affected by this, resulting in his lunacy and disobedience, and accordingly he set out to pay much greater attention to arrangements for his later sons
Carlos Ibáñez e Ibáñez de Ibero - unknown artist - http://www.grabadoantiguo.com
1825 - Carlos Ibáñez e Ibáñez de Ibero, 1st Marquis of Mulhacén, divisional general and geographer. He represented Spain at the 1875 Conference of the Metre Convention and was the first president of the International Committee for Weights and Measures. As a forerunner geodesist and president of the International Geodetic Association, he played a leading role in the worldwide dissemination of the metric system. His activities resulted in the distribution of a platinum and iridium prototype of the metre to all States parties to the Metre Convention during the first meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1889. These prototypes defined the metre right up until 1960.
He was born in Barcelona. According to Spanish tradition, his surname was a combination of his father's first surname, Martín Ibáñez y de Prado and of his mother's first surname, Carmen Ibáñez de Ibero y González del Río. As his parents' surnames were so similar he was often referred as Ibáñez or Ibáñez de Ibero or as Marquis of Mulhacén. When he died in Nice (France), he was still enrolled in the Engineer Corps of the Spanish Army. As he died around midnight, the date of his death is ambiguous, Spaniards retained 28th, and other Europeans 29 January.
1892 - Juan Belmonte, bullfighter (d. 1962)
1926 - Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, Spanish president between 1981 and 1982 (d. 2008).
1951 - José Eduardo González Navas, politician
1953 - José Mari Manzanares, bullfighter.
1955 - Millán Salcedo, who along with Josema Yuste formed the comedy duo Martes y Trece, was born in Brazatortas, Ciudad Real.
1958 - Santiago Urquiaga, footballer.
1967 - Alfonso Alonso Aranegui, politician.
1976 - Santiago Abascal Conde,  a Spanish politician, who has been the leader of Vox party since September 2014 and a member of the Congress of Deputies in representation of Madrid since 2019.
1981 - Raúl Bravo Sanfélix, footballer.
1988 - Roberto Bautista Agut, tennis player

1842 - Alejandro Aguado, banker and aristocrat (b. 1784).
1915 - Luis Coloma, writer and journalist.
1962 - Cayetano de Mergelina y Luna, archaeologist and professor (b. 1890).
1969 - Matilde Muñoz Sampedro, actress (b. 1900)
2004 - Miguel de Guzmán, mathematician (b. 1936).
2011 - Miguel Martínez-Lage, translator (b. 1961).
2012 - Pedro Macía, Journalist and TV presenter (b. 1944).