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April 2

Saint’s Day for Francisco de Paula, Teodosia and Nicecio.

1332 - In Vitoria is was signed for Álava to become part of Castilla
1513 -the conquistador, Juan Ponce de León, becomes the first European to set foot on present-day Florida.

Juan Ponce de León - www.history.com

1767 - a decree by Carlos III, known as the 1767 Pragmatic Sanction, expels Jesuits from all Spanish territory.
1812 - Soria, the French authorities executed four members of the Superior Board of the Province of Burgos.
1903 - Zaragoza, Madrid and Salamanca bloody clashes between students and politicians occur.
1910 - military aviation in Spain is born.
1933 - in Santander, former summer palace of King Alfonso XIII becomes the International University of the Magdalena, later Menendez Pelayo International University.
1934 - Manuel Azana founded the Republican Left party.
1948 - the cyclist Miguel Poblet gets the win in the second Grand Prix of Catalunya.
1954 - arrives at the port of Barcelona Semíramis ship, which returned 286 volunteers of the Blue Division.
1956 - the dictator Franco granted the Great Cross of Isabel the Catholic Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer (founder of Opus Dei).
1968 - Spain is admitted to the European Space Research Organization.
1971 - the Franco dictatorship condemns the director of the newspaper Madrid to pay a fine of 250,000 pesetas for an article entitled "Neither government nor opposition."
1972 - six members of the terrorist group ETA armed burst in the church of Galdácano (Vizcaya) at the time of the Mass and read a manifesto.
1976 - Segovia - the II Congress of the Democratic People's Federation, chaired by José María Gil-Robles is inaugurated.
1977 - in the Basque Country is presented to the public for the first time the political party EIA (Euskal Iraultzarako Alderdi), history of EE (euskadiko ezkerra).
1984 - in Spain, the Kings made the first official visit to the Community of Castilla y Leon.
1997 - scientists from the CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research) manage to demonstrate that a synthesized drug for years by German researchers kills cancer cells without affecting healthy.
2004 - just three weeks after the tragic Madrid train bombings, a bomb is discovered on the AVE high speed line between Madrid and Sevilla, 30 kms from the capital. An AVE train was stopped 20 kms away and the bomb was deactivated.
2004 - in Landes French police arrested three members of the leadership of the terrorist group ETA.
2004 - during the opening day of the eighth legislature, the Socialist Manuel Marin is appointed president of the Congress of Deputies and, also a Socialist, Javier Rojo, president of the Senate.
2010 - within the national plan of transition to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) analogue switch occurs.
2020 - Spain's death toll passes 10,000 (10,003) as it posts a record single day rise of 950 deaths

1545 - Elisabeth of Valois was a Spanish queen consort as the third spouse of Philip II of Spain. She was the eldest daughter of Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici. (d. 1568)
Maria de Jesús de Ágreda  - https://www.museodelprado.es/en
1602 - María de Jesús de Ágreda, (Maria Coronel) franciscan, born in Agreda
was a Franciscan abbess and spiritual writer, known especially for her extensive correspondence with King Philip IV of Spain and reports of her bilocation between Spain and its colonies in New Spain.
She was a noted mystic of her era. A member of the Order of the Immaculate Conception, also known as Conceptionists, Mary of Jesus wrote 14 books, including a series of revelations about the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Her bilocation activity is said to have occurred between her cloistered monastery in rural Spain and the Jumano Indians of central New Mexico and West Texas, and inspired many Franciscan missionaries in the New World.
In popular culture since the 17th century, she has been dubbed the Lady in Blue and the Blue Nun, after the color of her order's habit. (d. 1665).
1858 - Eduardo Barrón González, sculptor (d. 1911).
1876 - Lluïsa Vidal i Puig ( born in Barcelona) was a painter. Raised in a well-off family closely related to Catalan modernist circles, she is known as the only professional women painter of Catalan modernism, and one of the few women of that period who went abroad to receive art lessons.(d.1918)
1909 - Manuel Olivares, football player and trainer (d. 1976).
1927 - Ferenc Puskás, Hungarian football striker (Hungary 85 caps, Spain 4, Real Madrid, Budapest Honvéd) and manager (Panathinaikos), born in Budapest (d. 2006)
1937 - Antoni Ros-Marbà, orchestra conductor.
1943 - Itziar Aizpurua, Basque politician.
1949 - Pedro Pacheco, politician.
1954 - Emilio Olabarría, politician.
1972 - Oliverio Jesús Álvarez González, footballer.
1982 - David Ferrer, tennis player (World #3 2013, Davis Cup champion Spain 2008, 09, 11, French Open 2013 runner-up; 23 ATP titles) born in Xàbia, Alicante
1984 - Miguel Ángel Moyá, footballer.

1412 - Ruy González de Clavijo, explorer and author
1416 - Fernando de Antequera, King of Aragón.
1871 - Francisco Javier de Istúriz, politician.
1930 - Osmán Pérez Freire, Chilean composer died in Madrid
1992 - Juanito, footballer and manager (b. 1954)
2001 - Jesús Romeo Gorría, Businessman and Politician (b. 1916).
2003 - Mario López, poet.
2003 - Terenci Moix, writer.
2009 - Rudy Ventura, singer and trumpet player.
2013 - Jesús Franco, Spanish director, screenwriter, producer, and actor (b. 1930)
2013 - Mariano Pulido, footballer(b. 1956).