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April 30

Saints Days – Pío V and Luis. Nuestra Señora del Villar

642 - Chindasvinto was crowned monarch in Visigoth Spain.
984 - Almanzor occupied León and killed the locals.
1224 - Fernando III and Rodrigo Rodriguez de Girón, count of Saldaña and Carrión, signed the Law of Omen (Buenavista de Valdavia).
1492 - Spain announces it will expel all Jews
1492 - The Catholic Kings ordered that the ships in Palos de la Frontera in Huelva be placed at the service of Cristóbal Colón, and they gave Columbus the title of Admiral, Viceroy and Governor of the lands he discovers.

The opening of Madrid airport 1931 - Photo urbancidades.wordpress.com

1508 - Nicolas de Ovando, administrator of the West Indies, Ferdinand the Catholic receives the order to build churches.
1557 - Mapuche leader Lautaro is killed by Spanish forces at the Battle of Mataquito in Chile.
1650 - French rebel Henri de la Tour Turenne signs treaty with Spain
1657 - the British Navy Admiral Robert Blake destroys the fleet of Diego de Indias Egües in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
1725 - Austria Vienna Treaty is signed, by which Felipe V, king of Spain, signing peace with Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor.
1726 - The Royal Spanish Academy presents the king Felipe V the first volume of the Dictionary of Authorities.
1802 - Bridges II dam breaks, causing 608 dead in Lorca (Murcia).
1862 - Palaeolithic remains are found at San Isidro, in the Manzanares valley in Madrid.
1902 - A vaccination campaign against smallpox stops an epidemic in Murcia.
1908 - The first concert by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra was held in the Teatro Real in Madrid, Richard Strauss the conductor.
1909 - The right to strike recognised in Spain.
1925 - A decree to channel the Guadalquivir river to make it navigational the 180kms to Córdoba.
1927 - in Santander, Azorín launches his book The Reaper.
1931 - Madrid airport opens close to Barajas.
1934 - Excluded from the amnesty law (by default) Martinez Anido, Callejo, Guadalhorce, Magaz and Calvo Sotelo.
1943 - World War II: The British submarine HMS Seraph surfaces near Huelva to cast adrift a dead man dressed as a courier and carrying false invasion plans.
1957 - Non-formal education is recognized and the titles of Doctor architect and Doctor engineer are created.
1958 - Amendments to the Civil Code provides, among others, that "the request for separation may only be performed by the innocent spouse".
1961 - Real Madrid champion Spanish football league, with the highest score achieved to date is proclaimed.
1976 - in Barcelona the film The Great Dictator Charles Chaplin, made in 1940 as a satire against dictator Adolf Hitler, and prohibited by the dictator Francisco Franco for 36 years debuts.
1978 - Spain's PSP Enrique Tierno Galvan merges with the PSOE.
1993 - The engineer Amable Liñán obtains the Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research.
1994 - Antoni Asuncion (Interior Minister) resigned for political responsibility in the flight of Luis Roldán (former director general of the Civil Guard), accused of various crimes.
2000 - Spanish rider Emilio Alzamora P. G. champion of Spain Motorcycling proclaimed in the 125 cc and American Kenny Roberts, in the test of 500 cc.
2004 - José María Barreda takes over the presidency of Castilla-La Mancha from José Bono who becomes Minister for Defence in the Zapatero Government.
2005 - The unemployment rate stood at 10.2% (the lowest in the last 25 years).
2006 - Team Handball Ciudad Real achieved their greatest success to become champion of Europe in a Spanish final, where he beat Portland San Antonio of Pamplona.
2006 - Three Spanish pilots of 125 cc (Hector Faubel, Alvaro Bautista and Sergio Gadea) up to the podium of the Turkish Grand Prix motorcycle racing, something that had not happened since 1989.
2012 - Spain's economy double dips after a 0.3% contraction and 25% unemployment rate

1734 - Pedro Lopez de Lerena, politician (d. 1792).
1883 - Indalecio Prieto, polítician (d. 1962).
1905 - Fernando Briones Carmona, painter (d. 1988).
1912 - Manuel Gutierrez Mellado, soldier and vice president of the Spanish government (1976-81) and Minister of defence (1977-79), born in Madrid (d. 1995).
1913 - Enrique Soladrero, footballer (d. 1976).
1932 - Miguel de la Quadra-Salcedo, reporter.
1932 - Anton Larrauri, composer born in Bilbao
1932 - Antonio Tejero Molina, military coup leader.
1936 - Antonio García Bellido, biologist researcher and teacher.
1944 - Félix de Azúa, poet and novelist.
1953 - Joan Massagué, doctor.
1964 - Luis Livingstone, singer, composer and actor.
1980 - Tania Lamarca, gymnast.
1990 - Paula Ribó singer-songwriter and actress
1998 - Georgina Amorós, actress
2002 - Miguel Urdangarin y Borbón, infanta.
2002 - Anna Cramling Spanish-Swedish chess player

65 - Seneca, Spanish-Roman writer
65 - Lucanus, Spanish-Roman poet, nephew of Seneca (b 39 AD).
1551 - Sebastián Moyano, known as Sebastian de Belalcázar, Spanish conquistador.
1882 - Ramón Mesonero Romanos, writer (b. 1803).
1947 - Francesc Cambó, Catalan politician.
1963 - Vicente Risco, polítician and intellectual (b. 1884).
1972 - Clara Campoamor, politician (b. 1888).
1981 - Paco Bienzobas, footballer (b. 1909).
2010 - Jordi Estadella, journalist (b. 1948).