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August 16

Saints Days : Esteban de Hungría, Eleuterio, Arsacio and Roque

1097 - Marriage of Pedro I of Aragón with his second wife Berta in Huesca

1114 - Ramón Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona, conquers Ibiza
1519 - in today's Mexico, after disposing of its ships, the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortes enters with his men in Aztec territory.
1570 - in the Spanish colonies of America the Catholic Inquisition is established.
1812 - in the Plaza Mayor in Madrid the Constitution promulgated by the Cortes of Cadiz is proclaimed.
1896 - Spain received the first news of the new insurrection in the Philippines, which ended with the Spanish invasion of the islands.
1898 - Francisco Silvela publishes his article "Without pulso", that initiates the so called "Literature disaster."
1918 - The first two National Parks are created – Peña Santa in Covadonga, Asturias and Ordesa in the Pyrenees
1927 - An agreement between Spain and Portugal on the hydroelectric use of the Duero River
1936 - Republican forces arrive in Mallorca
1942 - a young Falangist throws a bomb during a few carlistas funerals celebrated in the sanctuary of the Virgen de Begoña (Vizcaya), which was witnessed by general Varela.
1946 - The cyclist Julián Berrendero XXVI wins the Tour of Catalonia.
1954 - in the Canary Islands, Tenerife is invaded by a swarm of locusts.
1965 - Postal Train accident in Almería causes 10 deaths and 53 wounded
1966 - The recovery of the hydrogen bomb which fell into the sea cost 320 million pesetas
1968 - The Bilbao Bishopric is occupied by 40 priests, in protest at the arrest of priests in the Basque Country
1971 - In Santander, a serious fire caused losses of 170 million pesetas.
1974 - 30,000 British tourists are affected in Spain by the collapse of the British company Court Line
1980 - Gas explosion causes 26 injuries in a hotel in Pontevedra
1981 - Lord Carrington arrives in Spain for talks on Gibraltar
1982 - The autonomous Statute de Castilla-La Mancha is created.
1985 - Barcelona Central Hispano Americano Bank is robbed by the procedure of butrón (hole in walls or floors). Thieves loot of more than 1000 million pesetas booty.
2001 - Emilio Botín becomes the single President of Banco Santander
2001 - The Galician drug trafficker Sito Miñanco is arrested.
2004 - In the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, María Quintanal wins a silver medal for shooting - the first silver medal for Spain.
2011 - Madrid the World Youth Day, organized by the Vatican each year to promote the figure of the pope begins.

Roque Ruaño - http://arquitecturamanila.blogspot.com/

1779 - Jacinto Ruiz Mendoza, soldier.
1877 - Roque Ruaño, priest civil-engineer  He was known after he drew up plans for the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Main Building, the first earthquake-shock resistant building in Asia which was constructed at the Sulucan property of the Dominican order in the city of Manila. He was born in Palencia and submitted himself in faith to the Dominican Order in 1894. He arrived in the Philippines on July 21 1904. Upon arrival to the country, he served his first few years in the Colegio de San Juan de Letrán as Father Rector. He transferred to the University of Santo Tomas and was able to obtain a Doctorate in Civil Engineering  (d. 1935) 
1895 - Jacinto Guerrero, composer of zarzuelas.
1897 - Joaquín Bau, tradesman and politician (d. 1973)
1920 - José Tamayo, theatre director.
1921 - Salvado Moxó Ortiz de Villajos, historian.
1924 - Carlos Sánchez del Río, physicist, investigator and academic.
1929 - Carmen Bernardos, actress.
1935 - Leopoldo Azancot, writer.
1943 - Luis Roldán, policeman, corrupt former director of the Guardia Civil.
1944 - Soledad Becerril, politician
1946 - Ramón Núñez Centella, research scientist.
1973 - Iker Sarriegui, footballer.
1974 - Joaquín Reyes, comedian.
1976 - Susana Rodríguez, volleyball player.

1936 - Victor Chumillas, religious and Blessed (b. 1902)
1950 - Juan Marcilla Arrazola, engineer (b. 1886)
1988 - Eduardo Haro Ibars, poet (b. 1948)
1990 - Paulino Vicente, painter.
1991 - Federico Marés Deulovol, sculptor and academic.
1992 - Cándido López Sanz, chef.
2006 - Hilario Camacho, musician (b. 1948)
2012 - Manuel Calvo Hernando, journalist, writer and science writer (b. 1923)