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August 31

Saints Days : Ramón Nonato, Amado, Aidano and Optato

1158 - In Castilla civil war begins with succession problems arising after the death of Sancho III.
1217 - In Castile, Queen Berenguela cedes the throne to his son Ferdinand III.
1451 - Inca (Balearic Islands), citizen oligarchy with the support of mercenaries Italians, defeat the forans.

Pepé Reina

1811 - The Cortes of Cadiz created the Order of San Fernando to reward acts of heroic courage in wartime.
1813 - At the final stage of the Peninsular War, British-Portuguese troops capture the town of Donostia (now San Sebastián), resulting in a rampage and eventual destruction of the town. Elsewhere, Spanish troops repel a French attack in the Battle of San Marcial.
1823 - in the Bay of Cadiz, French forces led by Luis Antonio de France (Duke of Angouleme) take over the fort of Trocadero in the Battle of Trocadero.
1834 - Madrid Normal Training School Elementary is inaugurated, for the training of national teachers.
1839 - in Oñate (Guipúzcoa) Elizabethan General Baldomero Espartero and the Carlist general Rafael Maroto embrace before their (Abrazo de Vergara) armies, which ends the first Carlist War (of the three Carlist Wars of the nineteenth century) or War Seven Years (1833-1840).
1901 - in Guipúzcoa, the editorial of Guipuzcoa Mail is assaulted by waring marines.
1905 - Astronomers from all over Europe travel to Burgos to observe the total solar eclipse.
1925 - Algeciras, in the framework of the war in Morocco, French General Philippe Petain and Spanish Miguel Primo de Rivera draw a joint action plan against Abd el-Krim.
1953 - Santander airport is inaugurated.
1961 - Spain withdraws the last of her troops from Morocco.
1981 - Francisco Fernández Ordóñez resigns as Justice Minister.
2001 - The Directorate General of Pharmacy granting a protective immobilizing a dialyzer marketed by Baxter multinational, after the death of twelve patients undergoing hemodialysis in Valencia, Madrid and Barcelona.
2012 - Comes into force on Royal Decree Law 24/2012 Restructuring and Resolution of Credit Institutions, which regulates the popularly known as bad bank.

1869 - Juan Torrendell writer (d. 1937)
1874 - Juan Rof Codina, vet (d. 1967)
1895 - José Puche Álvarez, doctor (d. 1979)
1897 - Silverio Izaguirre, footballer (d. 1935)
1908 - Ricardo Gullón, writer and essayist (d. 1991)
1913 - Ambrós, cartoonist (d. 1992)
1916 - Ramón Salas Larrazábal, historian (d. 1993)
1936 - Fernando Abril Martorell, politician (d. 1998)
1942 - Pedro Solbes, politician.
1942 - Eugenio Trias, philosopher, born in Barcelona (d. 2013)
1965 - Álvaro García, poet.
1965 - Pablo Motos, Tv and radio presenter and comic.
1965 - Terelu Campos, journalist.
1970 - Goyo Jiménez, journalist.
1982 - Pepe Reina, footballer
1987 - Xavi Annunziata,footballer
1993 - Pablo Mari, footballer

1158 - Sancho III of Castile (b. 1134)
1240 - Ramon Nonato, priest (b. 1204)
1250 - Dominguito del Val, Zaragoza child killed, descanonizado in 1969 (b. 1243)
1450 - Isabella of Navarre, Countess of Armagnac (b. 1395)
1724 - Luis I, King.(b. 1707)
1979 - Alberto Martín-Artajo Álvarez, politician (b. 1905)