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Beach Safety

It is always safer to bathe on beaches which are patrolled by lifeguards, as most are in the summer months except the smaller, more isolated beaches.

Please also pay attention to the sea safety flags which you will see flying on the beach. A green flag indicates that it is safe for bathing, yellow is for caution, and a red flag indicates that it is too dangerous to enter the sea.

These flags must be respected for your own safety as there are cases every year of tourists drowning after failing to respect the red flag. There are some areas of Spain where you may be fined for swimming while the red flag is flying. You may on occasion see a jellyfish warning flag flying on the beach warning of the risk of stings if you enter the water. The banks of jellyfish which are sometimes found off the coast can give a painful sting. A blue flag flying is a symbol of quality and cleanliness. Beaches which have been awarded under the Blue Flag programme can be found at the website blueflag.org, which also gives information on those with disabled access.

Take care in the sun, particularly if you are fair skinned, and in the summer months try and avoid being out in the sun in the hottest part of the day between 12 pm and 4 pm. The cooling effect of the sea breezes can be deceptive, so do make sure to reapply your sun cream. Also note that you can still burn when the sky is cloudy. Bare feet can burn on the hot sand. Keep hydrated and drink plenty of water.

Watch out for pickpockets. The beach is prime territory for theft, so do keep a close eye on your belongings. RULES AND REGULATIONS You may see signs signalling activities which are banned on the beach. These can include walking your dog, playing loud music, ball games, camping or lighting barbecues. Fines can be imposed, although a warning may only be given on the first occasion.