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Buying a property

Architect – arquitecto

Builder - constructor

Building licence – licencia de obras

Commercial premises - local

Deeds – escritura

For sale – se vende

Furniture - muebles

Interest rate – interés

Land – terreno

Land (plot of) - parcela

Lawyer – abogado

Mortgage – hipoteca

New build – obra nueva

Offer – oferta

Off-plan – sobre plano

Owner (of property) - propietario

Penthouse - ático

Power of attorney – poder

Property – vivienda

Purchaser - comprador

Real estate agent – agente inmobiliaria

Sales contract – contrato de compraventa

Taxes - impuestos

Vendor – vendedor

Spanish terms:

Adosado – terraced/town house

Agente de Propiedad Inmobiliaria (API) – qualified and registered real estate agent

Azotea – flat roof/roof terrace

Bajo – ground floor flat

Chalet – villa (detached property)

Cocina Americana – open plan kitchen

Comunidad de propietarios – community of owners

Copia simple – unsigned copy of title deeds, stamped by notary

Cortijo – country cottage (usually with land)

Duplex – apartment on two floors

Gestoría/gestor – an agency/agent which handles official matters for its clients

Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles (IBI) – annual property tax

Libre de cargas – debt free

Licencia de primera ocupación – licence to occupy a completed building

Metros construidos – built size in metres

Metros útiles – living area in metres

Nota simple – Land Registry certificate

Notaría – notary’s office

Notario - notary

Plusvalía – capital gains tax on sale of property

Registro de la Propiedad – Land Registry

Semi-adosado – semi-detached

Valor catastral – rateable value of property