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Google is a third party which uses cookies and so when you visit our site Google will make a cookie. That gives Google information that someone has entered, and what page route they take, how long they are on the site etc. All useful stats for us as it helps us to know our public.
Google own information on them.

name - purpose - expires

_utma - This randomly generated number is used to determine unique visitors to our site - two years

_utmb - This randomly generated number works with _utmc to calculate the average length of time users spend on our site - 30 minutes

_utmc - This randomly generated number works with _utmb to calculate when you close your browser - when you close your browser

You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies here

You have three choices
1, you can use the ads preferences manager to manage the Google ads you see here

2, go to here where your computer can be scanned to see what cookies you have got.
You can then switch off Google advert and many other cookies here.

3. manage cookies in your browser
In Chrome you can also remove what are called Flash cookies which are part of the data stored by the Adobe player
You can learn how to manage cookies in Chrome here

Don't forget if you switch off cookies websites won't remember who you are, they won't remember your login, and every time you fill in a form you will have to start afresh.

Cookies make a website friendlier and easier to use, and remember they are totally anonymous.