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December 13

Saint’s Day for Lucía, Otilia, Eustracio, Eugenio and Orestes.

1474 - Isabel la Católica is proclaimed Queen of Castile in Segovia.

Isabel la Catolica

1523 - Spanish first exploration commanded by Juan Rodríguez de Villafuerte and baptized with the name Bay of Santa Lucia in Acapulco.
1913 - The Nazaret Cultural Center is founded in San Sebastián.
1938 - The day the ONCE organisation for the blind – Organización Nacional de Ciegos de España – was founded.
1995 - Camilo José Cela received Premio Miguel de Cervantes.
2009 - Barcelona inaugurated line 9 of the metro, the first fully automated line in Spain.
2016 - The Government wants the working day to end at six’- they propose a State pact to improve the family conciliation, the labour market and the fight against fraud. Proposals:
Increase paternity permission from two to four weeks, Increase working from home, 
Create time for personal matters, Start a Social Card to control the aid received.
2017 -  ‘We will continue to battle for water’ – thousands of demonstrators demanded in Murcia urgent solutions ‘but also definitive’. The organisers lamented that the Regional Government has not responded ‘without a single new measure’ to the demonstrations, to be repeated in Torrevieja and Madrid. Irrigators and farmers call on the ministry to dismiss Miguel Ángel Ródenas and the hierarchy of the Water Confederation.

 Martín de Azpilicueta - https://dbe.rah.es/
1492 - Martín de Azpilicueta or Doctor Navarrus, was an important canonist and theologian in his time, and an early economist who independently formulated the quantity theory of money in 1556 (d. June 21, 1586 Rome)
1830 - Sebastian Ignacio Lorente Ibáñez, theologian, philosopher, historian and physician, promoter of education in Peru. (d. November 28, 1984, Lima Peru)
Ángel Ganivet - https://es.wikipedia.org/
1865 - Ángel Ganivet García was a writer and diplomat. He was considered a precursor to the Generation of '98. On 29 November 1898, disillusioned in love, Ganivet drowned himself in the Daugava River. Nearly failing in his attempt, he was first rescued but managed to thrown himself into the river again: Born in Granada (d. November 29, 1898, Riga Latvia)
1887 - Miguel Maura was a politician who served as the minister of interior in 1931 being the first Spanish politician to hold the post in the Second Spanish Republic. He was the founder of the Conservative Republican Party, born in Madrid (d. June 3 1971 in Zaragoza)
1895 - Lucía Sánchez Saornil, poet and activist (d. 1970)
1903 - Carlos Montoya, guitarist and composer (Suite Flamenco 1966) born in Madrid (d. 1993)
1906 - Concepción Piquer López, singer and actress, one of the most important figures in the genre of the copla. (d. December 12, 1990 Madrid)
1906 - Ignacio María Alcorta Hermoso, nickname Cholin, was a footballer who played as a forward. He competed in the men's tournament at the 1928 Summer Olympics winning his solo international cap in the competition. Born in Tolosa (d. November 30 1967 Granada)
1923 - Nati Mistral, singer and actress.
1923 - Antoni Tàpies, painter, sculptor and theorist (Dau al Set) born in Barcelona (d. 2012)
1924 - Enrique Fuentes Quintana, economist (d. 2007)
1927 - Juan Alonso, footballer (d. 1994).
1928 - Nati Mistral, actress and singer.
1937 - Josep Lluís, basketball player.
1944 - Karmele Marchante, journalist.
1950 - Luisa Fernanda Rudi, politician.
1965 - María Dolores de Cospedal, leading PP politician. she served as President of Castile-La Mancha from 2011 to 2015 and as Minister of Defence of the Government of Spain from 2016 to 2018
1978 - Tote King, rapper.
1984 - Santi Cazorla, international footballer
1999 - Marina Bassols Ribera, tennis player

1204 - Maimonides, rabbi and philosopher (b. 1135)
1818 - Pedro Inocencio Bejarano, bishop (b. 1750)
1870 - Pascual Madoz Ibáñez, intellectual, politician and writer. (b. May 17, 1806 Pamplona)
1912 - Vital Aza, writer. (b. 1851)
1925 - Antonio Maura, five times Prime Minister during the early 20th century (b. May 5, 1853 Palma)
1955 - Valeriano León, actor (b. 1892)
1984 - Antonio Tovar, linguist and historian. (b. May 17, 1911 Valladolid) 
1988 - María Teresa León, writer. (b. October 31, 1903 Logroño)
1988 - Manuel López Quiroga, pianist and composer (b. 1899)
1996 - Víctor de los Ríos, sculptor. (b. March 28, 1909)
2002 - Juan Rosa, the flea, comic (b. 1951)
2006 - Loyola de Palacio, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food during José María Aznar’s first term as Partido Popular Prime Minister of Spain, and later a Vice-President of the European Commission, died of cancer at the age of 56. (b. September 16, 1950)
2010 - Valentín García Yebra, academic, philologist and translator (b. 1917)
2010 - Enrique Morente, flamenco singer-songwriter (b. 1942)