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December 28

Teófila and Castor. El Día de los Santos Inocentes, the Feast of the Holy Innocents, commemorating the slaughter by King Herod the Great of all male children under the of two. It is also the Spanish equivalent of April Fool’s Day, when it is customary to play jokes.

0801 - Barcelona: Louis the Pious entered the city after deposing Muslims and started the Carolingian control of the city and county.
1287 - Alfonso III grants to the Aragonese nobility the privileges of the Union of Aragon.
1288 - Alfonso III establishes a commitment to partnership with the pretender to the throne Alfonso de la Cerda.
1536 - In the current Colombia, Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada reached the plain of Bogotá, after exploring the Magdalena river, and baptised with the name Nuevo Reino de Granada
1833 - The Queen Regent, María Cristina de Borbón, whose daughter would later become Isabel II of Spain, marries Guards Captain Agustín Fernando Muñoz y Sánchez in secret, shortly after the death of her husband and uncle, Fernando VII.

Portrait of Queen Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies by Franz Xaver Winterhalter - Paris - 1841

1836 - Spain officially recognises the independence of Mexico with the signing of the Santa María-Calatrava Treaty
1874 - Martínez Campos proclaimed Alfonso XII in Sagunto.
1901 - Jaime de Borbón suffered a car accident near Monte Carlo.
1922 - Comedy by Pardo Bazán 'metal calf' opens in Valladolid.
1923 - The Directory agrees to prohibit the teaching of Catalan in the official centers.
1926 - The economic agreement between the State and the Basque provinces, whose validity is of 25 years, is approved.
1929 - Premiered in the Barcelona theater, the old city, the work 'Lola is going to the ports', by Manuel and Antonio Machado.
1956 - Six people died when the Madrid-Coruña express derailed.
1957 - In Madrid the Salk vaccine was used during voluntary vaccination campaign against polio.
1967 - Writer Héctor Vázquez Azpiri obtains the Alfaguera prize for his work 'Fauna'
1973 - From 1 January, the Asturian miners inside the mine will work 40 hours a week.
1978 - The new Spanish Constitution was published in the Official State Bulletin.
1982 - Congress of Deputies appoints ombudsman Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez.
1984 - A new law allowing conscientious objection to military service is published in the Official State Bulletin.
1993 - The Bank of Spain intervened in Banesto bank (under the direction of Mario Conde).
1995 - TV series Farmacia de Guardia ended with a 62.8% audience share and 11.527 million viewers, making it the most watched television in Spain.
1988 - Barcelona City Hall awards the Golden Medal to painter Salvador Dali, while he was still alive
2002 - 10,000 people protest in the beach of A Coruna (Spain) under the slogan "Never Again" and demanding accountability for the Prestige oil spill.
2005 - In Las Palmas (Canary Islands) the Spanish police detain the financial leader of the Clan Nuvoleta, one of the most wanted bosses of the Neapolitan mafia.
2010 - CNN+ closes.

1550 - Vicente Gómez Martínez-Espinel was a writer and musician of the Siglo de Oro, He is credited the creation of the modern poetic form of the décima, composed of ten octavo meters, named espinela in Spanish after him, born in Ronda (d. Feb 4, 1624 Madrid)
1718 - Jacobo Francisco Eduardo Fitz-James Stuart y Colón de Portugal, 3rd Duke of Berwick, 3rd Duke of Liria and Jérica, 9th Duke of Veragua, 9th Duke of la Vega, Jacobite.On the death of his father, James Fitz-James Stuart, in 1738, he inherited his titles of Duke of Berwick and Duke of Liria and Xerica (he also possessed many other titles in both Spain and England.) His mother was Spanish, and on her side he was a direct descendant of explorer Christopher Columbus. (d, 1785 in Valencia)
1731 - José de Viera y Clavijo, ecclesiastic, historian, botanist, ethnographer, and professor, best known for his exhaustive History of the Canary Islands (Historia de Canarias) Born in Realejo Alto, on the island of Tenerife, he was the son of the town's mayor, Gabriel Viera del Álama. His mother was Antonia María Clavijo. In his Noticias, he examined the question of Saint Brendan's Island. He died in Las Palmas,(d. 1813)
1745 - Juan Manuel de Ayala y Aranza was a  naval officer who played a significant role in the European exploration of California, since he and the crew of his  ship the San Carlos are the first Europeans known to have entered the San Francisco Bay. Having sailed from the Port of San Blas Nayarit Mexico (d. 1797)
1819 - Joaquín Jovellar y Soler, born in Palma de Mallorca was Former Governor General of the Philippines and Minister of War of Spain (1885-1886) (d. 1892)
1827 - Manuel Aguirre de Tejada. . He was Foreign Minister during the reign of Alfonso XII, and Minister of Justice during the regency of Maria Christina of Austria. After receiving a law degree from the University of Madrid, he travelled to Cuba in 1854 where he remained until the elections of 1857, when he was chosen deputy by La Coruña (province) representing the Unión Liberal. In 1876 he was chosen as senator in La Coruna, named life senator the following year and later senator by Own Right in 1903. After the Revolution of 1868 he became involved in the Conservative Party and was one of the commissioned members who wrote up the Constitution of 1876.
1852 - Leonardo Torres Quevedo, 
engineer and mathematician who built Spain’s first dirigible, was born in Santa Cruz de Iguña Molledo, Cantabria. (d. 1936)
1854 - Jose Castaño was a Franciscan friar born in Hiniesta in the Province of Zamora He spent 17 years in Bicol. Most notable of his contributions was a cultural monograph titled Breve Noticias acerca del origin, religion, creencias y supersticiones de los antiguos Indios del Bicol, on the beliefs, superstitions and myths of the ancient Bicols. At the end of his monograph, he added a 60-stanza epic story written in Spanish detailing the adventures of native heroes Handyong, Baltog and Bantong and how they tamed the wilderness of the Bicol plains fighting monsters and the wily enchantress Oryol, and how civilization slowly took root among the people. Castaño briefly mentioned that he came across this epic being sung by a bard in his native tongue and he translated into Spanish. Because this epic story was part of his contribution, it was believed the translation was written by him, but some researchers give credence to the idea that it was written by Fray Bernardino Melendreras and Castaño simply lifted the epic from the latter's work titled Ibal, as claimed by Merito Espinas, an anthropologist who wrote a book on the so-called Ibalon epic.
1863 - Nicolas Tenorio Cerero, writer, historian, politician and judge. (d. December, 1, 1930)
1872 - Pío Baroja y Nessi, writer of the key novelists of the Generation of 98. He was a member of an illustrious family. His brother Ricardo was a painter, writer and engraver, and his nephew Julio Caro Baroja, son of his younger sister Carmen was a well-known anthropologist (d. 1956)
1874 - María de la O Lejárraga García, usually known in Spanish under the pseudonym María Martínez Sierra was feminist writer, dramatist, translator and politician. She collaborated with her husband Gregorio Martínez Sierra (d. 1974)
1891 - Elvira Juana Rodríguez Roglán, known professionally as Elvira de Hidalgo, was a prominent coloratura soprano, who later became a teacher and vocal coach. Her most famous pupil was Maria Callas (d. 1980)
1892 - Antonio García de Solalinde was a writer, professor and philologist born in the town of Toro in Spain. He was director of the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma (EEHAR) (Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome) and an important collaborator in the Revista de Filología Española (Magazine of Spanish Philology). (d. 1937)
1899 - Edgar Neville Romrée, Count of Berlanga de Duero was a playwright and film director, a member of the 'other' Generation of '27 (d. 1967)
1905 - Antonio Fraguas Forges, a writer, historian, anthropologist and ethnographer Spanish Galician ideology.
1909 - María Rosa Alonso, teacher, philologist and essayist (d. 2011)
1910 - Catalan Manuel Capdevila painter and goldsmith (d 2006)
1910 - Tomás Zarraonaindia, goalkeeper, brother of Telmo Zarra. (d. 2000)
1911 - José Luis Cano  writer, editor and literary critic.He co-founded the literary review Insula in 1947.In 1948, he co-founded and edited the Adonais Poetry Collection which gives the Adonais Prize for Spanish poetry. Luis Cano was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts (Medalla al Mérito en las Bellas Artes) from the King of Spain in 1985.  (d. 15 February 1999) 
1917 - Ricardo Molina, poet (d. 1968)
1923 - Miguel Barceló Pérez  politician who was Senator for Alicante and Eduardo Zaplana's father-in-law. As a child he lived with his family in Barcelona, but during the Spanish Civil War they returned to Benidorm. After the war he studied in Madrid, and when he returned to Benidorm he worked as an entrepreneur in farm management and director of tourism companies. At the same time, his brother Jaime was mayor of Benidorm from 1969 to 1971. During the 1977 Spanish general elections, he managed UCD in Benidorm. When the collapse of this party took place, he chose the mayoralty of Benidorm to the Spanish municipal elections of 1983 as head of list of the Liberal Democratic Party, but he wasn't chosen. He retired from this party to appear as head of the list of Popular Alliance to the Spanish municipal elections of 1987. Simultaneously was chosen senator by the province of Alicante to the Spanish general elections of 1986, 1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011 and 2015.(d 12 March 2018)
1938 - Pachín football defender (8 caps  Real Madrid) and manager (Osasuna, Levante, Granada) born in Torrelavega (d. 2021)
1957 - Francisco Javier Arenas, ex-leader of the Partido Popular in Andalucía, and who headed three Ministries under the previous Partido Popular government in Spain, was born in Sevilla. he was raised in Olvera, hometown of his parents. He is married with two children, graduated in law and has an MA in Business Management.
1958 - César Sarachu, actor.
1959 - Ana Torroja, singer-songwriter (Mecano) born in Madrid
1962 - Quim Torra, writer, lawyer, politician, editor, journalist, opinion journalist
1964 - Maite Zúñiga, is a retired middle distance runner
1971 - Sergi Barjuan, footballer and manager
1974 - Anxo Lorenzo, Basque bagpipe player.
1976 - Juan García Rodenas Juan García Rodenas Since 1996, García Rodenas has published his works in literary fanzines and magazines. Since 1996, García Rodenas has published his works in literary fanzines and magazines. His most popular character is inspector Serrano, a Spanish occult detective, that appears in García Rodenas' saga La Saga de la Ciudad Oscura (Dark City Saga), an eight-novels story which mixes crime and horror with mystery and supernatural.
1988 - Youssef El Haddaqui Rabil  paralympic is a 5-a-side football player from Spain.
1991 - Sergio Gontán Gallardo, known as Keko, professional footballer who plays for Málaga CF as a right winger.
1999 - Maggie Civantos, actress, best known for her starring role of Macarena Ferreiro in the Antena 3 woman's prison series Locked Up born in Málaga

1696 -  Died in Rome, Miguel de Molinos, teología, condemned by the inquisition to life imprisonment  (b. 1628)
1934 - Pablo Gargallo, sculptor and painter (b. 1881)
1983 - Fidela Campiña Ontiveros, opera singer. (b. 1894)
1994 - Mariano Medina, meteorologist (b. 1922)
1998 - Ricardo Tormo, motorbike rider. (b. 1952)
2007 - Xosé Cuiña, Basque politician. (b. 1950)
2015 - Aitor Basabe, Basque top chef, went missing on Christmas Eve (b. 1968)