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December 3

Saint’s Day for Francisco Javier – patron saint of Navarra - Agrícola, Ambico and Hilaria.

1798 - Spain: begins to inoculate smallpox vaccine.
1812 - French troops occupy Madrid for the second time as part of the War of Independence.1842 - Baldomero Espartero ordered the bombing of civil population in Barcelona to end the uprising against his rule.
1836 - The Courts agreed to negotiate the recognition of the independence of the new American states
1842 - In Barcelona, Baldomero Espartero ordered the bombing of the civilian population to end the uprising against his government  
1906 - The government of Segismundo Moret resigns. The Spanish liberalism is in crisis.
1946 - US government asks UN to order dictator Francisco Franco out of Spain
1997 - Meetings for the creation of the Andalusian pre-autonomic creation in Sevilla.
1992 - The Greek oil tanker Aegean Sea, carrying 80,000 tonnes of crude oil runs aground in a storm while approaching La Coruña and spills much of its cargo

Mar Egeo - https://www.lavozdegalicia.es/

2010 - Air traffic controllers massively leave their jobs shutting down much of the Spanish airspace. The airport control is transferred to the Defense Ministry and the drivers returned to their posts under the supervision of the army.

1729 - Antonio Soler,  Spanish-Catalan composer (Fandango) and theorist born in Olot (d. 1783)
1833 - Carlos Finlay, Spanish-Cuban physician (d. 1915)
1848 - Federico Olaria, painter (d. 1898)
1857 - Salvador Rueda, poet. (d. 1933 in Málaga)
1874 - Pedro Poveda, priest and teacher. (d. 1936)
1902 - Miguel Mucio, cyclist (d. 1945)
1918 - Demetrio Ramos Pérez, historian and academic. (d. 20 July 1999)
1920 - Salvador Canals Navarrete, canonist. (d. May 24 1975 in Rome)
1942 - José Menese, singer. (d. July 29 2016)
1944 - Salvador Moncada, Honduran scientist, Prince of Asturias Award
1951 - Mercedes Cabrera, politician and historian.
1953 - Ágata Lys,actress.
1961 - Captain Javier, TV presenter and comedian.
1965 - Juan Valdivia, el Maestro, guitarist with the group Héroes del Silencio.
1975 - Cristina Llanos, musician from the group Dover
1981 - David Villa, Valencia CF striker,  (98 caps, Valencia, Barcelona) was born in Tuilla, Asturias
1984 - Manuel Arana, footballer 
1992 - Cristian Ceballos, footballer

San Francisco Javier - https://jesuitas.lat/

1552 - Jesuit missionary, San Francisco Javier was one of the co-founders of the Society of Jesus. (b. 1506)
1592 - Alexander Farnese,  was an Italian noble and condottiero and later a general of the Spanish army, who was Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Castro from 1586 to 1592 as well as Governor of the Spanish Netherlands from 1578 to 1592 (b. August 27, 1545 in Rome)
1829 - Juan Augusto Cea Bermúdez, painter. (b. 1794)
1845 - Gregor MacGregor, soldier (b. 1786)
1849 - José Mor de Fuentes, writer. (b. 1762)
1971 - Rafael Rivelles, actor. (b. 1897)
1978 - Juan Esplandiu, painter and draftsman. (b, 1901)
1989 - Fernando Martín Espina, basketball player, who was the first Spaniard to play in the NBA, died in a traffic accident. (b. 1962)
Luis Alcoriza  - http://www.guionnews.com/

1992 - Luis Alcoriza de la Vega was a respected Mexican screenwriter, film director and actor. Alcoriza was born in Badajoz on September 5 1918 and, exiled because of the Spanish Civil War, established himself in Mexico from 1940. His 1962 film Tlayucan was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film 
1993 - Fernando Sagaseta, politician. (b. 1927)
1994 - Victor D'Ors architect teacher. (b. 1909)
1995 - Josep Bartoli expressionist painter. (b, 1910)
2003 - Dulce Chacón, writer. (b. 1954)
2010 - José María Aroca Ruiz-Funes, doctor, professor and politician.