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December 5

Saint’s Day for Dalmacio, Anastasio, Sabas and Crispina.

633 - the IV Council of Toledo begins, in the presence of the king Sisenando, under the direction of San Isidoro.
1008 - Assassinated Ramón Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona.
1550 - Arrived at Virreinato of New Spain the second Viceroy, don Luis de Velasco y Ruiz de Alarcón 
1492 - Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to set foot on the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic).
1865 - Chincha Islands War: Peru allies with Chile against Spain.
1918 - Begins the new Government of the Count of Romanones, that shows discomfort with the autonomy of Catalonia.
1929 - King Alfonso XIII declares (through "royal order") Granada as a historical-artistic site.

1930 - The Spanish Royal Academy of Language endorse the use of female nouns indicating professions or positions.
1999 - the Spanish press proudly reports that the Pedro Almodóvar film ‘Todo sobre mi madre – All About My Mother,’ was voted ‘Best European Film at the European Film Awards in Berlin.

1857 - Mario Méndez Bejarano, writer and politician. (d. 1931)
1878 - Manuel Torre, flamenco singer songwriter (d. 1933)
1885 - Alonso Quesada, writer (d. 1925)
1918 - Rafael Termes, banker (d. 2005).
1918 - Andrés Mateo, footballer (d. 1993).
1920 - Dalmacio Langarica, cyclist (d. 1985)
1939 - Ricardo Bofill, architect.
1946 - José Carreras, world-famous tenor, was born in Barcelona
1950 - José Monje Cruz – Camarón de la Isla – The legendary flamenco singer was born in San Fernando, Cádiz. (d.1992)
1950 - Tony Isbert, actor.
1963 - Jesús Montoya, cyclist.
1967 - Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, film director.
1973 - Patricia Pérez, actress and presenter.
1979 - Jordi Bargalló, ice hockey player.
1981 - Javier Ríos, actor.

1082 - Ramón Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona (b. 1053)
2009 - Manuel Prado y Colon de Carvajal, senator, diplomat and businessman. (b. 1931)
2010 - Marcos Valcárcel, historian, journalist and writer (b. 1958)
Gabino Fernández - https://www.diariodecadiz.es/
2022 - Gabino Fernández Campos was well known in the evangelical sphere for his tireless work in spreading the gospel and recovering the Protestant historical memory through conferences, books and media appearances. His first contact with the gospel was when he was 16 and read a pamphlet titled The Ten Commandments, immediately afterwards he began to attend the evangelical church in Valdepeñas, where he converted to Christ shortly afterwards. (b. 1944 in Ciudad Real)