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December 6

Saint’s Day for Emiliano and Nicolás de Bari.

1492 - After exploring island of Cuba for gold, surmising it for Japan, Columbus lands on island similar to Castile, naming it Hispaniola
1534 - The city of Quito in Ecuador is founded by Spanish settlers led by Sebastián de Belalcázar.
1797 - The Spanish military Joaquín del Pino Sánchez was appointed governor of Chile.
1978 - a landmark day in Spain, when 88% of the Spanish people ratified the new Spanish Constitution which was approved by parliament on 31st October 1978. It’s now celebrated as a public holiday, the Día de la Constitución Española.

2017 - ‘the separatists maintain the ‘process’ without a new plan’ – the Supreme judge annulled the European Arrest Warrant for Puigdemont to avoid him being benefited from Belgium Justice. Constitution Day With forty years of existence, never before has it been so challenged and questioned so openly. From the long recession to the rampant corruption, the political crisis has combined to leave space for the more extreme.
2017 - Mariano Rajoy and Theresa May outside No 10 Downing Street – a brief but cordial meeting where both supported each other’s hot potatoes – Cataluña and Brexit – May supported Rajoy’s response to the Catalan crisis and Rajoy thanked her being ‘clear and firm’ and Rajoy voiced optimism of a final Brexit agreement.
Fernando IV of Castilla - https://www.europasur.es/
1285 - In Sevilla, Fernando IV of Castilla called the Summoned, was King of Castile and León from 1295 until his death. His upbringing and the custody of his person were entrusted to his mother, Queen María de Molina, while his tutorship was entrusted to his grand uncle Henry of Castile the Senator (d. 1312 in Jaén)
1814 - Juan Prim y Prats, 1st Count of Reus, 1st Marquis of los Castillejos. 1st Viscount of Bruch, was a general and statesman who was briefly Prime Minister of Spain until his assassination (d. December 30, 1870 in Madrid)
1821 - Manuel Fernández y González, writer. (d. 1888)
1839 - Manuel Ossorio y Bernard journalist (d. 1904)
1887 - Carlos Martínez de Campos, soldier and writer.
1888 - Emiliana de Zubeldía e Inda, Basque composer and pianist.
1902 - Xosé Manuel Cabada Vázquez, poet and prose writer in Galician and Spanish.
1913 - Mercedes Ballesteros Gaibrois, writer.
1921 - Luis Cuenca, actor who won the 1996 Goya for Best Supporting Actor in ‘La Buena Vida,’ was born in Navalmoral de la Mata, Cáceres.
1921 - Gustavo Couttolenc, writer, Canon, Professor and Mexican academic who specialized in the translation of works from Latin into Spanish.
1925 - Carmen Martín Gaite, author, born in Salamanca (d. 2000)
1929 - Javier Cortes Álvarez de Miranda, discoverer of the Villa Romana La Olmeda and Academic Institution Tello Téllez de Meneses archaeologist.
1930 - Eladio Cabañero, poet.
1951 - Paco Lobatón, journalist.
1930 - Carmelo Cedrún, goalkeeper.
1979 - Fran Yeste, footballer.
1982 - Alberto Contador, cyclist

1300 - San Pedro Nicolás Pascual, saint.
1558 - Juan de Celaya, humanist (b. 1490)
1658 - Baltasar Gracián, priest and author (b. 1601)
1835 - Ignacio Alonso Zapatero, guerrilla and military.
1865 - Sebastián Iradier, composer (b. 1809)
1876 - Manuel Cantero de San Vicente, economist and politician (b. 1804)
1888 - Manuel Fernández y González, writer.
1943 - Ricardo León, writer. (b. 1877)
1977 - Juan Antonio Suanzes, military political (b. 1891)
1995 - Luis Regueiro, footballer (b. 1908)
2003 - José María ‘El Chaba’ Jiménez, cyclist who won eight stages of the Tour de España, died suddenly of a heart attack aged 32 in Madrid.
2009 - Pedro Altares, journalist. (b. 1935)