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Aunt - tia
Brother – hermano
Brother-in-law - cuñado
Child – niño/niña
Children – niños (or niñas if all the children are female)
Children (of a specific person) – hijos
Cousin – primo/prima
Daughter – hija
Daughter-in-law – yerna
Divorced – divorciado/divorciada
Family – familia
Father – padre
Father-in-law - suegro
Granddaughter - nieta
Grandfather – abuelo
Grandmother – abuela
Grandparents – abuelos
Grandson - nieto
Husband – marido/esposo
Marital status – estado civil
Married – casado/casada
Mother – madre
Mother-in-law – suegra
Nephew – sobrino
Niece - sobrina
Parents-in-law – suegros
Relative – familiar/pariente
Separated – separado/separada
Siblings – hermanos
Single – soltero/soltera
Sister – hermana
Sister-in-law - cuñada
Son – hijo
Son-in-law – yerno
Uncle and aunt – tios
Widower/widow – viudo/viuda
Wife – esposa/mujer