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February 16

Saint’s Day for Onésimo, Elías, Jeremías, Isaías, Julián and Samuel.

1521 - in Burgos the Edict of Worms of 17 December 1520, was made public by which the Dutch emperor Carlos I of Spain condemns the commoners (not to be confused with the Edict of Worms the same author, May 25, 1521 against Martin Luther).
1881 - Arrival of the Salesians in Utrera.
1894 - Premiered successfully in the Apollo Theatre in Madrid the zarzuela La verbena de la Paloma, with music by Tomás Bretón and libretto by Ricardo de la Vega.
1918 - Joan Miró opens his first one-man exhibition at the Galerías Damau in Barcelona.

Joan Miro - Women and Birds at Sunrise - Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain

1928 - The hostelry owner Rodolfo Lessing creates the Costa del Sol for promoting tourism in the Mediterranean coasts of Spain.
1934 - First flight of the autogiro Madrid La Cierva, piloted by its inventor.
1936 - Elections bring the Popular Front to power in Spain.
1937 - Spanish Falange organized the burning of ballot boxes in Sevilla and Córdoba, in commemoration of the previous elections.
1941 - After two days the fire that ravaged the city of Santander and has destroyed about four hundreds buildings is declared extinguished.
1956 - formation of the Seventh National Government of Spain (1956-1957), chaired by Francisco Franco.
1959 - Film Alfonso XII Where are you going ?, premiers directed by Luis César Amadori premieres, and interpreted by Paquita Rico and Vicente Parra.
1962 - The Official Gazette published a decree of the Ministry of Labour equating labor rights of women with men.
1967 - The penalty of arrest and fine those who violate the restrictions on freedom of expression was decreed.
1971 - Two boats with 12 crew disappear without a trace off the coast of Almeria, in the middle of a strong weather and after sending an SOS.
1974 - Dairy conflict in Santander causes the waste of 50,000 liters of milk, of the 750,000 of which are collected daily in the province.
1980 - A new airport opens in Vitoria.
1983 - Starts broadcasting, Basque Country, Spain, regular emissions of Euskal Telebista first chain, in Basque.
1983 - Sagunto (Valencia) initiates a general strike in defense of the maintenance of blast furnaces in the Mediterranean.
1983 - The suspects in the Bologna massacre, which took place on August 2, 1980 were arrested.
1984 - Jose Rodriguez of the Borbolla is appointed President the Junta de Andalucía, after resigning Rafael Escuredo.
1984 - Fidel Castro makes his first visit to a European capital when a plane carrying the President of Cuba and Daniel Ortega, who would become President of Nicaragua a year later, makes a five hour stop in Madrid.
1988 - By consensus choice of the Spanish Cortes, Alvaro Gil-Robles replaces Joaquin Ruiz-Giménez in the office of the Ombudsman.
1990 - The businessman, Adolfo Villoslada, is set free by ETA after 84 days in captivity. He paid a ransom of 300 million pesetas.
1991 - The film Ay, Carmela !, by Carlos Saura, obtains thirteen Goya Awards from the Spanish Film Academy.
1993 - Elias Yanes, archbishop of Zaragoza, is elected president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference.
2004 - A judge of Navarre grants to two lesbians the shared patria of the biological daughters of one of the women
2005 - the ex Secretary of State for Security, Rafael Vera, enters prison for misappropriation of public funds.
2005 - A Spanish scientist discovers that the fungus Candida famata causes blindness.
2006 - Terrorist gang ETA placed a bomb in an industrial estate in Vizcaya which caused little damage
2016 - A woman has to work eleven and a half years more than a man to get the same size pension. The salary breach widened during the crisis and now stands at 24%, the same level as in 2002. The breach can by summed up in eight points which women suffer 1 – Unemployment and youth inactivity 2 – Precarious and part-time contraction 3 – Wage inequality 4 – Difficulties in conciliation. 5 – More female unemployment 6 - It takes women longer to find a new job after redundancy 7 – Inequality in unemployment pay 8 – Women are simply poorer.
2019 -  Prime Minister Sánchez announced a snap election for 28 April 2019, After the 2019 General State Budget was voted down by the Congress of Deputies on 13 February 2019.
2021 - The Catalan rapper Pablo Hasél was arrested and imprisoned in his hometown of Lleida, Cataluña for two final sentences by order of the Audiencia Nacional in Madrid: a 2-year prison sentence for glorification of terrorism in his songs and a second sentence of 9 months in prison for glorification of terrorism in a song and several tweets, as well as a fine of €10,800 for Lèse-majesté and another of €6,750 for insulting state institutions, which add up to days in prison for each instalment he fails to pay. His imprisonment sparked a wave of protests and has coincided with the government's announcement of a reform of crimes related to freedom of expression. Starting from that night, supporters protested in several cities across Spain, with some protests involving violence and property damage. The protests caused rifts in Spain's coalition government, between PSOE members supportive of the police, and Podemos members supportive of protests

1594 - Juliana Morell, Dominican nun and intellectual child prodigy. (d. 1653).
1670 - Melchor de Macanaz, writer and politician (d. 1760).
Pedro Messía Corea de la Cerda - https://www.xwhos.com/
1700 - Pedro Messía Corea de la Cerda, 2nd Marquis of Vega de Armijo (born in Córdoba) was a Spanish naval officer and colonial official. From 1761 to 1773 he was viceroy of New Granada (present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and Ecuador).  (d. 1783)
1778 - Juan Van Halen y Sarti was a military officer. After fighting for the losing side in the Peninsular War, he was forced to flee to Spain. Van Halen became a military adventurer throughout Europe and went on an 18-month tenure as a colonel in the Russian Caucasus Dragoon Regiment until his removal by Tsar Alexander I of Russia. (d.1864)
1813 - Juan Francisco Camacho, Spanish statesman and financier, was born in Cádiz. The first part of his life was devoted to mercantile and financial pursuits at Cádiz and then in Madrid, where he managed the affairs of and liquidated a mercantile and industrial society to the satisfaction and profit of the shareholders. (d. 1896)
1841 - Antonio Cortina Farinós, was a Spanish painter, decorator and art teacher. (d. 1890)
1887 - Jose Moreno Villa, painter (d. 1955).
1892 - Anselmo Albareda, Cardinal (d. 1966).
1893 - Julio Martinez Man, agronomist and astronomer (d. 1945).
Onésimo Redondo - https://www.bne.es/
1905 - Onésimo Redondo Ortega, was a Falangist politician. He founded Juntas Castellanas de Actuación Hispánica (the Castilian Hispanic Action Groups), a political group that merged with Ramiro Ledesma's Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista (Unions of the National-Syndicalist Offensive) and José Antonio Primo de Rivera's Falange Española. Together with Ledesma and Primo de Rivera, Redondo was one of the key figures of Francoist propaganda.(d. 1836)
1907 - Ana María Martínez Sagi was a Catalan poet, trade unionist, journalist, feminist and athlete of Republican Spain. (d. 2000)
1916 - Cándido Catalán Lasala, priest (d. 1936).
1928 - Pedro Casaldáliga, bishop emeritus.
1928 - Elías Yanes, archbishop emeritus of Zaragoza.
1932 - One of Spain’s most famous bullfighters, Antonio Ordóñez, was born in Ronda.
1934 - Rafael Pérez Estrada, writer and poet (d. 2000).
1935 - Juan Piquer Simón, filmmaker (c. 2011).
1945 - Fernando Esteso, actor.
1947 - Juan Camacho, singer (d. 1982).
1958 - Alberto Górriz, footballer.
1960 - Antonio Dechent, actor.
1961 - Santiago Tabernero, film director and screenwriter.
1963 - Luis Miguel Domínguez, nudist.
1969 - Fermin Cacho, athlete middle distance athlete (Olympic gold 1,500m 92, silver 96) born in Barcelona
1969 - Anne Igartiburu, presenter of Spanish television.
1982 - Lucía González Lavado, writer.
1988 - Diego Capel, footballer
1991 - Sergio Canales, footballer

1579 - The conquistador, Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, died in Mariquita, Colombia. There is a theory that he was the inspiration for Cervantes’ Don Quijote. (b. 1509)
1624 - Juan de Mariana, Jesuit and historian (b 1536.).
1645 - Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, Spanish general and politician, 24th Governor of the Duchy of Milan (b. 1585)
1976 - Manuel Olivares, football player and trainer (b. 1909).
1983 - José Luis Acquaroni, writer and journalist (b. 1919).
1991 - The movie and theatre director, the actor Luis Escobar Kirkpatrick, the Marqués de las Marismas del Guadalquivir.
1998 - Fernando Abril Martorell, polítician (b. 1936).
2006 - Tomás Pascual, businessman (b. 1926).
2007 - Alfonso Silva, footballer (b. 1926).
2011 - Santi Santamaria, cook (b 1957.).
2013 - Marife de Triana, ballad singer and actress (b 1936)
2024 - Anne Hernandez, The retired university lecturer had been at the helm of Brexpats in Spain since it was founded in 2016 to keep British residents informed of their rights and responsibilities prior to the UK's exit from the EU.