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February 19

Saint’s Day for Julián, Marcelo, Álvaro de Córdoba and Gabino.

1493 - The Portuguese Navy tries to catch in the Azores islands Christopher Columbus on his return journey to prevent disclosure of the other route to the Indies he thinks he has discovered.
1549 - Valladolid, King Charles I created the Archivo General de Simancas according royal decree.
1836 - Juan Alvarez Mendizabal decreed the sale of all goods extinct religious orders within the paying back process.

Eloy Azorín - Photo www.antena3.es

1919 - In the magazine Greece and various newspapers, the ultraísta Manifesto signed by Guillermo de Torre and Pedro Garfias appears, among others.
1936 - The first government of the Second Spanish Republic, which was chaired by Manuel Azaña after the elections that gave victory to the Popular Front begins
1941 - In the province of Pontevedra, a hurricane destroyed about 150,000 trees and more than 300 church towers.
1981: the Honorary Consuls of El Salvador and Austria in Bilbao, and of Panama in Pamplona are kidnapped by ETA. All three were released nine days later.
1985 - A Iberia Boeing 727 crashes in Bilbao when hitting the communications antenna of Mount Oiz killing the 148 occupants.
1989 - Cayetano Cornet get the gold medal 400 m at the European Championships in Athletics, held in The Hague.
1990 - The full Constitutional Court of Spain decided to recur in Melilla elections held on 29 October.
1991 - The construction of the Centennial Bridge in Seville, designed on the occasion of Expo '92 is completed.
1998 - Banco Santander launches bid to take the entire capital of the Spanish Banco de Credito (Banesto).

1601 - Alonso Cano or Alonzo Cano, painter, architect and sculptor born in Granada. (d. 1667)
1841 - Felipe Pedrell, guitarist, composer (Excelsior; La Celestina) and musical scholar, born in Tortosa (d. 1922)
1843 - Adelina Patti, Italian opera soprano (Lucio), born in Madrid (d. 1919)
Gabino Bugallal, fotografiado por Manuel Compañy (c. 1902)
1861 - Gabino Bugallal Araújo, 2nd Count of Bugallal, politician and Prime Minister of Spain in 1921. Gabino Bugallal was a member of the Conservative Party in Spain. He held several important political offices between 1905 and 1921, such as 3 times Minister of the Treasury, Minister of Education, Minister of Justice, Minister of the Interior and Minister of Industry. (d. 1932)
1879 - Angel Cabrera, Spanish paleontologist and geologist (d. 1960).
1895 - Diego Mazquiarán, bullfighter (d. 1940)
1909 - Jesús Delgado Valhondo, poet (d. 1993).
1913 - Conrado Blanco, poet and theatre businessman (d. 1998).
1917 - Elena Soriano, writer (d. 1996).
1936 - Paloma O'Shea, pianist. patron of the arts, founder and current president of the Reina Sofía School of Music and founder and president of the Albéniz Foundation, which organises the Paloma O'Shea Santander International Piano Competition in Santander
1953 - Victoria Vera, actress.
1955 - Soledad Cazorla Prieto was a jurist and the first Spanish prosecutor against gender violence. She directed a network of fiscal specialists who worked in this field in Spain after the creation of the 2004 Integral Law against Gender Violence. She held the position for a decade, from 2005 until her death.
Remembered as a defender of equality, her professional career was closely linked to the development of this law. (d. 2015)
1977 - The actor, Dani Martín, lead singer with El Canto del Loco, was born in Madrid
1977 - Actor Eloy Azorín (Todo sobre mi madre, Juana la Loca, Los Borgia).
1987 - Beñat Etxebarria Urkiaga, footballer.
2004 - Millie Bobby Brown, English actress (Stranger Things) and UNICEF goodwill ambassador, born in Málaga

1430 - Alvaro de Córdoba, religious and Spanish Blessed (b. 1358)
1445 - Leonor of Aragon, queen of Portugal (b. 1402)
1929 - Lamberto Alonso, painter and tenor (b. 1863).
1985 - Gregorio López-Bravo, politician (b. 1923).
1989 - Rafael Martínez Sansegundo, basketball player (b. 1964).
1992 - Eduardo Barreiros, businessman (b. 1919).
1996 - Antonio Creus, Formula One driver (b. 1924).
2003 - Isaac Vazquez, a Franciscan priest, theologian and historian (b 1926.).
2011 - Florinda Chico, actress (b 1926.)