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February 2

Saint’s Day for Cornelio, Lorenzo and Cándido.

850 - In Oviedo is crowned King Ordoño I
1518 - The Cortes of Valladolid agree to the incorporation of the Indies to the Crown of Castile.
1536 - Spaniard Pedro de Mendoza founds Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1543 - Ruy López de Villalobos arrives in the Philippines at the head of a Spanish expedition and names the islands ‘Las Islas Filipinas,’ in honour of the heir to the Spanish throne, Prince Felipe, later Felipe II of Spain.

Ruy López de Villalobos - www.philippines-islands-lemuria.blogspt.com

1814 - Spanish Cortes set a series of measures before the imminent return of Fernando VII, in order to impose the monarch (last hope of the absolutist to restore the old regime). Thus, the Regency mark the route that the monarch should follow in his return, honors that will be received and the pledge of the 1812 Constitution as a step towards recognition.
1866 - Madrid fails in an attempt to overthrow the Unionist government.
1892 - Santiago Ramon y Cajal was appointed Professor of Histology and Pathology at the University of Madrid.
1900 - Enactment in Spain a law on accidents at work.
1923 - Start of the motorcycle regularly test Barcelona-Zaragoza-Barcelona. 48 vehicles were enrolled
1938 - Spain are restored in that country as emblems shield and the imperial crown of the Catholic Monarchs.
1945 - Spanish Theatre in Madrid drama premieres Infinite prison, by Joaquin Calvo Sotelo.
1964 - Arrest of seven activists of the Basque Nationalist Party.
1966 - Barcelona, Spain, is demolished Camp de Les Corts, a former stadium of FC Barcelona.
1978 - The Kings of Spain pay tribute to the Spanish Republicans killed by the Nazis in the Austrian concentration camp Mauthausen.
1979 - Probation is granted for Jorge Cesarski the far-right activist in Spain.
1984 - Half a million Spaniards manifested in various cities against industrial reconversion.
1999 - a series of three earthquakes, the largest registering 5 on the Richter scale, hits the district of Río Mula in Murcia. It was the biggest in 50 years and affected 5,000 houses.
2004 - A team of scientists from the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (CSIC), led by researcher Jordi Rius, discovers the atomic structure of Aerinite.
2005 - discovered in Gipuzkoa the first river moon milk in liquid form in the world.
2015 - Mariano Rajoy and Pedro Sánchez sign a pact against Jihadist terrorism
2016 - British real estate company Chestertons has opened its first office in Spain in the Paseo de Gràcia in Barcelona as part of its international expansion. COE Robert Bartlett said ‘this city, with its cosmopolitan atmosphere and magnificent architecture, has become a grand attraction for buyers, both local and international’.

1208 - James I, the Conqueror, King of Aragon and Valencia (1239-1276) and Mallorca (1229-1276) (d.1276).
1425 - Leonor de Foix, Queen of Navarre (1479) (d.1479).
1457 - Peter Martyr d'Anghiera, Italian-Spanish historian and author (d. 1526)
1817 - José María Ventura Casas, musician and composer who consolidated the long sardana and reformed the cobla, adding instruments to give it its current formation. (d. 1875)
1866 - Enrique Simonet, painter and academic (d. 1927)
1868 - Enriqueta Martí i Ripollés, child serial killer, kidnapper, prostitute and procuress of children. (d. 1913)
Ramon Franco - Photo https://www.eldiario.es/
1896 - Ramon Franco, was a Spanish pioneer of aviation, a political figure and brother of later caudillo Francisco Franco. Well before the Spanish Civil War, during the reign of Alfonso XIII, both brothers were acclaimed as national heroes in Spain; however, the two had strongly differing political views. He died mysteriously off the coasts of Mallorca (d.1938)
1902 - Josep Samitier, footballer (d.1972).
1917 - Alberto Sols, Doctor (d. 1989).
1922 - Juan Marichal, historian and writer (d. 2010).
1923 - Albert Ràfols-Casamada was a Catalan painter, poet and art teacher involved in the vanguard movements of his time. He is considered one of the most important, multifaceted Catalan artists of his time. (d. 2009)
1925 - Delfí Abella i Gibert was a Catalan psychiatrist, essayist and songwriter. (d. 2007)
1946 - Fernando Colomo, film director.
1950 - Bárbara Rey, actress.
1956 - Carlos Rubiera, musician, writer and politician
1959 - Eduardo Tamayo Barrena, polítician.
1959 - Ildefonso Falcones, writer.
1959 - Dolors Bassa i Coll is an educator, psychopedagogist and a Catalan politician 
1960 - Abel Resino, football player and trainer.
1963 - Gonzalo de Castro, actor.
1965 - Quique Sánchez Flores, football player and trainer.
1970 - Aitor Gorosabel, singer, guitarist and composer in the band Su Ta Gar.
1974 - Jordi Puigneró i Ferrer is a Catalan computer engineer, politician
1977 - Antonio Pagudo, actor.
1977 - Bibiana Aído Almagro politician who served as Minister of Equality. She became the first person to be Equality Minister on 14 April 2008, at the beginning of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's second term as Prime Minister of Spain. She has a BA (Hons) in International Business Administration from University of Cádiz.
1978 - Macarena Gómez, actress.
1980 - Oleguer Presas, footballer
1982 - Sergio Castaño Ortega, footballer
1987 - Gerard Piqué, footballer
1991 - Kiko Femenía, footballer.

1592 - Ana de Mendoza, Princess of Eboli, aristocrat (b 1540.).
1809 - Antonio Raimundo Ibáñez Llano and Valdes, nobleman and industrial (b.1749).
1923 - Manuel Murguía, writer and historian (b. 1833).
1963 - Eugenio Hermoso, painter (b. 1883).
1997 - Raimundo Saporta, sports official (b.1926).
2003 - Francisco Tuero, Judge (b. 1921).
2004 - José Luis Vila-San Juan, writer and historian (b. 1926).
2011 - José Muñoz Ávila, polítician (b. 1923).
2012 - Alfonso Nieto Tamargo, Doctor of Law and journalist, former rector of the University of Navarra (b.1932).