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February 21

Saint’s Day for Pedro, Damián, Félix and Severiano.

1521 - The army commanding commoner Juan de Padilla besieged Torrelobatón city and its castle.
1714 - The various maritime forces are now called Royal Navy.
1807 - With permission of Pope Pius VII, the sale of part of the property of the churches agreed to ease the plight of the Treasury.
1809 - Zaragoza, the Board capitulates to the French after several months of siege and more than fifty thousand dead.

Andrés Segovia - wikipedia

1819 - Spain -through the Treaty of Adams-Onís- gives the United States the territories of Oregon and Florida.
1910 - King Alfonso XIII signed a decree of pardon for most of those convicted of the events of the Tragic Week in Barcelona.
1920 - Resigns the government of Manuel Allendesalazar Muñoz.
1921 - In Madrid, the Spanish sculptor Victorio Macho forth in the Palace of Libraries and Museums.
1924 - General Miguel Primo de Rivera closed down the Ateneo de Madrid and banishes Miguel de Unamuno after dispossess from his professorship at the University of Salamanca.
1925 - Spain begins broadcasting on Radio Ibérica, which transmits only to Spain daily spoken, giving news without comment.
1931 - The number of unemployed workers in the country amounts to about 150,000.
1935 - Claims for damage caused by the Revolution of Asturias, planned by the Workers' Alliance, now number more than 3,000.
1936 - The Standing Committee of the Spanish Parliament approves amnesty bill drafted by the government and involving all political prisoners.
1936 - The cessation of General Franco occurs as Chief of Staff of the Army, after which he was transferred to the Canary Islands.
1937 – The League of Nations bans foreign national "volunteers" in the Spanish Civil War.
1943 - Madrid Metropolitan Stadium was inaugurated.
1957 - Royal Language Academy chose as new academic Camilo Jose Cela.
1957 - In the auditorium of the University of Barcelona's first free student assembly held.
1964 - Queen Victoria in Madrid Theatre premieres 'We sell the flat' by Alfonso Paso.
1967 - Summaries of the facts of the City University of Madrid pass military jurisdiction.
1982 - Manuel Fraga Iribarne is reelected president of Popular Alliance.
1985 - In Spain, the former Argentina president Maria Estela Martinez de Peron resigns from the presidency of Argentine Justicia-lista Party.
1986 - Xerardo Fernández Albor is reelected president of the Board of Galicia.
1988 - Julio Anguita is elected General Secretary of PCE, the Spanish Communist Party. He became General Coordinator of the Izquierda Unida left-wing coalition the following year, remaining in the position for eleven years.
2005 - in the Basque Country, the Basque premier Juan Jose Ibarretxe Basque dissolves Parliament and calls elections for April 17.
2005 - Madrid, a landslide in the expansion works of Line 1 of Metro kills one worker and injuring seven others.
2006 - Mayor of Palencia, Heliodoro Gallego, assumes the presidency of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP).
2008 - The Spanish language translation, the last book of the Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the author J. K. Rowling, goes on sale
2014 - The OECD has ruled out a rapid recovery for Spain and has called for more adjustments. They recognise the ‘good direction’ of previous reforms but want a new turn of the screw in labour reform which would limit wages and workers rights. They have repeated their call for a single work contract..

1462 - Joanna la Beltraneja, princess of Castile (d 1530),
1766 - Mariano Fernández de Folgueras y Fernández Flores, was a Spanish military and colonial administrator who twice became the Governor-General of the Philippines from 1806 to 1810 and from 1816 to 1822. It was during his term when the people from Ilocandia revolted against Spain in 1807, the Napoleonic Spain was established in 1808 and the Viceroyalty of New Spain was dissolved in 1821.  (d. 1823)
Pedro Gómez de la Serna - https://es.wikipedia.org/
1806 - Pedro Gómez de la Serna, was a Spanish jurist and politician, and a leading force for the modernization of 19th-century Spanish law. After studies of civil and canon law at the University of Alcalá, where he later also taught, Gómez de la Serna was employed in the judicial administration and was appointed provincial governor of Guadalajara in 1836.  A follower of the Progressive Party, he was appointed Minister of the Interior in 1843 as part of the last cabinet of the regency of Baldomero Espartero, whom he followed into exile to London. He returned to Spain in 1846 and again briefly served in government as Minister of Justice in 1854 under Salustiano Olózaga. From 1854 to 1856, he was the 7th Attorney General of Spain, and became president of the Supreme Court in 1869.  He also served as rector of the University of Madrid and president of the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, and was a member of several other Royal Academies. On multiple occasions he was elected to the Congress of Deputies and the Senate of Spain. Gómez de la Serna was a noted scholar in the fields of legal theory and legal history. He wrote the prescribed university textbooks on the principles of law and on Roman law, and developed one of the first systematic overview of Spanish civil and criminal law, thereby helping to establish modern Spanish legal scholarship. He was also one of the leading drafters of the first Spanish code of civil procedure of 1855. (d. 1871)
1811 - Don Fernando Calderón de la Barca y Collantes, 1st Marquis of Reinosa was a Spanish noble and politician who served as Minister of State between 1875 and 1877. Second son of Manuel Santiago Calderón de la Barca y Rodríguez-Fontecha, Senator for Cantabria, and his wife Saturnina Collantes y Fanega. (d. 1890)
1817 - José Zorrilla, romantic poet dramatist (El Rey Loco) and playwright born in Valladolid (d. 1893).
1851 - Juan-María Nepomuceno Jordán de Urriés y Ruiz de Arana, Spanish nobel (d. 1908).
1861 - Torcuato Luca de Tena y Álvarez Ossorio, journalist (d. 1929).
1870 - Manuel Gómez-Moreno, (born in Granada) archeologist and historian (d. 1970).
1893 - Andrés Segovia Torres, 1st Marquis of Salobreña, known as Andrés Segovia, was a virtuoso Spanish classical guitarist from Linares,  Many professional classical guitarists today were students of Segovia, or students of his students. Segovia's contribution to the modern-romantic repertoire not only included commissions but also his own transcriptions of classical or baroque works. He is remembered for his expressive performances: his wide palette of tone, and his distinctive musical personality, phrasing and style.  (d. 1987)
1904 - Mariano Juaristi, Atano III, pelota player (d. 2001).
1917 - Juan Vallet de Goytisolo, judge (d. 2011).
1921 - Antonio María Javierre, cardinal (d. 2007)
1929 - Arturo Fernández Rodríguez, was a Spanish actor who appeared in numerous films since making his debut in 1954. (d. 2019)
1930 - Arturo Fernández, actor
1941 - Victoria Camps (born in Barcelona) philosopher and professor of ethics.
1946 - Lorenzo Santamaría, musician.
1955 - Partido Popular Minister and ex Senator, Josep Piqué, who was born in Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona. He was named President of the low-cost airline, Vueling, in November 2007.
1959 - José María Cano, singer-songwriter and painter (Mecano, 1982-98 - Hoy No Me Puedo Levantar), composer (Luna) and visual artist, born in Madrid
1974 - Iván Campo, footballer born in San Sebastián
1974 - Roberto Heras, cyclist
1975 - Diana Riba i Giner is a Catalan politician and a member of the European Parliament for Spain.
1833 - Josefa Amar y Bourbon, educator and writer (b. 1749)
1897 - Elies Rogent, architect (b. 1821).
1911 - Isidro Nonell, painter (b. 1873).
1918 - Eduardo Torroja y Caballé, mathematician (b. 1847).
1924 - Mateo Inurria, sculptor (b. 1867).
1938 - Carlos de Haya González, aviator (b. 1902).
1941 - Rafael Guerra, Guerrita, bullfighter (b. 1862).
1962 - Julio Rey Pastor, mathematician (b. 1888).
1964 - Luis Martín-Santos, writer and psychiatrist (b. 1924).
1967 - Ramón Iribarren Cavanilles, engineer (b. 1900).
1984 - Fernando Remacha, composer (b. 1898).
1984 - Emilio Rodríguez Barros, cyclist (b. 1923).
1991 - Andrés Mejuto, actor (b. 1909).
2000 - Antonio Díaz-Miguel, basketball player and coach (b. 1933)
2011 - Odón Alonso Ordás, Orchestra conductor and composer (b.1925).
2022 - Joaquín Bernadó bullfighter (b. 1946)
2022 - Miguel Gallardo, comic book author (El Vibrola) (b. 1956)
2023 - Amancio Amaro was a midfielder who also played for Spain when it won its first European Championship in 1964. He made 42 appearances for his country and honorary president of Real Madrid (b. 1940)