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February 26

Saint’s Day for Fortunato, Víctor, Alejandro and Porfirio

1498 - Alcala de Henares, Cardinal Gonzalo Jimenez de Cisneros placed the first stone of the Complutense University.
1901 - The Marcelo Azcarraga government resigns, following bloody clashes between armed forces and the people of Madrid to mark the funeral of the poet Ramón de Campoamor.
1902 - Sevilla rains continue and the waters of the Guadalquivir reach five meters above its usual level.

Nacho Cano - Archive Photo

1904 - The Congress of Deputies approved the bill on compulsory military service.
1908 - in Barcelona's Palau de la Música Catalana Catalanesques opens with the works of Lluís Millet, and the gloss cantata, Felipe Pedrell (with lyrics by Joan Maragall).
1909 - Spanish Cortes approved a bill to create a National Theatre with state subsidy.
1925 - the case is opened against the Spanish professor at the University of Granada, Fernando de los Rios.
1932 - the government of the Second Spanish Republic approves a law allowing couples to divorce, the first such law in Spain. It was overturned by the Franco government six years later.
1948 - Spain constitutes the Privy Council, established by the Act of Succession to the Head of State.
1952 - Barcelona 'Lola piconera' film starring Juanita Reina opens.
1958 - The Ministry of Public Works ordered that all motor vehicles must be provided, on the road, rear view mirror.
1976 - Spain withdraws its last troops from Western Sahara.
1980 - concluded the trial for the massacre of Atocha, the Madrid Train bombings.
1981 - Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo takes over the presidency of the government of Spain.
1984 - elections to the Basque Parliament, in which the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) obtains 41.69% of the vote, followed by the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), with 23.22%.
1986 - Spanish director Jaime Chavarria's film debut The Golden River.
1987 - Jose Antonio Ardanza is reelected President of the Basque Government by an absolute majority in the first vote in Parliament.
1991 - the Spanish Canary Islands Police seize two tons of cocaine on a ship at sea, from Colombia and final destination in Galicia and drug trafficking network.
1998 - The Supreme Court of Spain condemns the former president of Banesto, Mario Conde, 4 years and six months in prison for a crime of misappropriation, while the National Court in Madrid, condemning the former director of the Civil Guard, Luis Roldán, to 28 years in prison for embezzlement of public funds, fraud, bribery and five crimes against the Treasury.
2001 - Spanish Interior Minister Jaime Mayor Oreja, leaving the Ministry of Interior to present his candidacy for lehendakari.
2004 - opens in Valladolid an exhibition to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the death of Isabel the Catholic.
2004 - all democratic parties except the PP, supporting a demonstration against ETA in Barcelona.
2005 - the Catalan police stop in Barcelona to Rafaelle Amato, head of one of the clans of the Camorra.
2006 - in Bilbao, the Spanish police arrested a member of GRAPO wanted for the murder of a businesswoman in Zaragoza on February 6.
2006 - next to a bank branch in Vitoria (Spain) breaks a homemade bomb and causing minor injuries to two people.

1517 - Antonio Agustin, Spanish ecclesiastic (d.1586).
1801 - Alejandro Mon y Menéndez, politician (d. 1882).
1883 - Eugenio Hermoso, painter (d. 1963).
1893 - Guillermo Fernández-Shaw, lyricist (d. 1965).
1903 - Agustín de Foxá, writer, journalist and diplomat (d. 1959).
1904 - Manuel Lozano Guillén, anarquista soldier (d. 1945).
1921 - Eulalio Ferrer Rodriguez, Mexican writer and publicist of Spanish origin.
1926 - Gabino Díaz Merchán, archbishop.
1927 - Manuel Conde Pumpido, magistrate.
1937 - Eduardo Arroyo, painter and sculptor.
1941 - Guillermina Motta, singer.
1945 - Tina Sáinz, actress.
1953 - Fernando Villapol Parapar (born San Tirso de Abres, Asturias) is a museum curator and art critic, most famous as a contemporary Galician sculptor. He is also the founder of the Ethnographic-Pedagogic Museum in Bretoña. He studied at the College of Applied Arts in Lugo, Spain, although can be considered an autodidact, attributing most of his knowledge and acquired skills through his self-funded travels and investigations of sculpture across the globe (e.g. Africa, Cuba, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Sweden).
1955 - Eusebio Unzué, cyclist trainer.
1964 - The composer and record producer, Nacho Cano, and former member of one of the most successful Spanish groups of the 1980s and 90s, Mecano, was born in Madrid.
1969 - Ander Garitano, football player and trainer.
1985 - Fernando Llorente, footballer
1993 - Jesé Rodríguez, footballer

1561 - Jorge de Montemor, author and poet (b. 1520)
1792 - José Cadalso, writer (b. 1741).
1815 - Agustín de Pedrayes, mathematician (b. 1744).
1889 - Paula Montal, nun (b. 1799).
1930 - Rafael Merry del Val, Cardinal (b. 1865).
1974 - Ignacio Agustí, writer and journalist (b. 1913).
1982 - Paco Martínez Soria, actor (b. 1902).
1989 - Pablo Palitos, Argentinian actor of Spanish origin (b. 1906).
1991 - Ángel Fernández Franco, known as "El Torete", famous delinquent
2005 - Francisco de Asís Cabrero, architect (b. 1912).
2012 - Antonio Pérez Sánchez, businessman (b. 1918).