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February 27

Saint’s Day for Gabriel de la Dolorosa, Baldomero, Basilio, Honorio and Julián.

1767 - Pragmatic Sanction of Carlos III of Spain so it is expelled the Jesuits from all domains of the Spanish monarchy.
1782 - during the British siege of Gibraltar, a grenade reaches writer Jose Scaffold and causes death.
1801 - Spain declares to Portugal War of the Oranges.
1853 - Spain's first locomotive, which was called Spanish is inaugurated.
1961 – The first congress of the Spanish Trade Union Organisation is inaugurated.
1976 – The formerly Spanish territory of Western Sahara, under the auspices of the Polisario Front declares independence as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

Joaquín Sorolla - On the beach in Valencia - www.wikiart.org

1908 - T National Insurance Institute is created.
1909 - General Primo de Rivera, Minister of War resigns.
1916 - Barcelona the bullring called "Monumental", with capacity for 23,000 spectators is inaugurated.
1916 - Mallorca (Balearic Islands) is founded the RCD Mallorca.
1924 - Barcelona, a snowfall causes several deaths; the tram service was suspended, and long distance telephone and telegraph communications are interrupted.
1937 - The Franco dictatorship restores Grenadier March as the national anthem and establishes as officers, Face to the sun, Oriamendi and the Hymn of the Legion.
1939 - Britain and France recognise Francisco Franco's government in Spain
1940 - In Barcelona the film La Dolores, starring Conchita Piquer opens.
1940 - In Madrid the first issue of the magazine Semana published.
1965 - Spanish Ministry of Information withdrew the license to a foreign correspondent sent the French daily Le Monde, for information on university riots.
1973 - Spanish boxer Pedro Carrasco retires from sport.
1981 - Millions demonstrate across Spain against the attempted military coup which took place on 23rd February that year. The protest in Madrid alone numbered more than one million people.
1983 - In the Basque Country, parliamentary party Herri Batasuna lose all rights in the Basque Parliament by not going to take possession of their charges.
1988 - in Cantabria and Asturias recorded heavy snow, with isolation of many villages.
1995 - Luis Roldán is driven by air from Bangkok (Thailand) to Madrid, via Rome, by the special police group responsible for the search, after 305 days moving across continents.
2004 - Juan Costa (Minister of Science and Technology), announced the installation of Spain's largest supercomputer in Europe.

1719 - Alejandro González Velázquez. late-Baroque architect and painter. Velázquez was born in Madrid into a family of artists; his father Pablo González Velázquez and brothers Luis and Antonio were all painters. Specialising in ornamental painting in 1766 he was appointed director of the new section of Perspective at the Academy. As an architect, Velázquez provided the plans for the redevelopment of the Church of Bernardine nunnery Vallecas, taking charge himself from the traces of its altarpieces, and also traces of the altarpiece of the church of Alpajés in Aranjuez, where he collaborated again with Santiago Bonavía, and the Justinian nuns of Cuenca, where he also was responsible for the overall plans of the temple and the painting of their vaults. Among his disciples was his son José Antonio, the first director of architecture at the Academy of San Carlos in Mexico. (d. 1772)
Joaquín Baldomero - photo https://dbe.rah.es/
1793 - Joaquín Baldomero Fernández-Espartero y Álvarez de Toro, Prince of Vergara, 1st Duke of la Victoria, 1st Duke of Morella, 1st Count of Luchana, 1st Viscount of Banderas  was a Spanish general and politician, who served as the Regent of Spain.He also served as Prime Minister of Spain three times. He was associated with the radical (or progressive) faction of Spanish liberalism and would become their symbol and champion after taking credit for the victory over the Carlists during 1839. His noble title, Duke of La Victoria was granted by Isabella II to him as a result. Along with Manuel de Godoy, Espartero has been the only person other than the Prince of Asturias to have held the title of "Prince" in the Kingdom of Spain, traditionally reserved for the heir to the throne, and was granted to him by King Amadeo I in 1870.  (d, 1879)
1829 - Eduardo Saavedra, engineer, architect, archaeologist and Arabist, member of the Real Academia de la Historia, Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences, Real Academia Española and cofounder-president of the Real Sociedad Geográfica. (d. 1912)
1845 - Ricardo Bellver, sculptor. (d. 1924)
1846 - Joaquín Valverde Durán (27 February 1846 – 17 March 1910) was a Spanish composer, conductor and flautist. As a composer he is known for his collaborations on zarzuelas (he has been described as "the collaborative musician par excellence"). (d. 1910)
1863 - Joaquín Sorolla, the painter who is noted for his portrayal of the effects of sunlight, was born in Valencia. His most typical works are characterized by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the bright sunlight of Spain and sunlit water  (d, 1923)
1879 - José Sancho Marraco composer, organist and chapel master (Cathedral of Barcelona, 1923-57) born in La Garriga (d. 1960)
1893 - José Artés de Arcos, businessman.
1895 - Rodolfo Llopis, socialist leader.
1915 - Leopoldo Castedo, Chilean nationalized Spanish historian.
1916 - Antonio Rivera Ramirez, Spanish politician.
1928 - Ramón Valls Plana, philosopher. (d. 2011).
1950 - Gustavo Suárez Pertierra, politician.
1956 - Antonio Trevín Lombán, politician.
1958 - Juan Antonio March Pujol, diplomat and is the current Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Spain to the Russian Federation, presenting his Letter of Credence to then-President of Russia Vladimir Putin on 22 April 2008.
1963 - Soledad Giménez, singer and composer.
1970 - Gustavo Díaz-Jerez (born in Tenerife) pianist and composer.
1975 - Aitor González, cyclist.
1980 - Iván Hernández, footballer
1990 - Marta Torrejón Moya,  football player who plays as a defender for FC Barcelona. She formerly captained the Spanish national team, making 90 appearances and scoring 9 goals..

1416 - Eleanor of Castile queen consort of Navarra (b c 1363)
1775 - Domingo María Ripoll, poet.
1827 - Simón de Rojas, botanist.
1894 - Dámaso Zabalza, composer and pianist.
1928 - Juan Vázquez de Mella, writer and politician.
1934 - José Llimona, sculptor.
1955 - The man considered to be one of the founding fathers of Spanish cinematography, Fructuós Gelabert, he was responsible for the first ever fiction film seen in Spain, ‘Riña en un café’ – ‘Quarrel in a café,’ released in 1897.
1968 - Manuel Giménez Fernández, Minister in the II Spanish republic
1971 - Daniel Llorente Federico, bishop (b. 1887).
1994 - Antonio de Senillosa, writer and politician
2001 - Jose Garcia Nieto, writer and poet
2003 - Jose Maria Codon, lawyer and essayist (b 1913.).
2011 - Amparo Muñoz, actress and model (b 1954.).
2011 - Pepín Martin Vázquez, bullfighter (b 1927.).
2013 - Maria Asquerino, actress (b 1925.).