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February 3

Saint’s Day for Blas, Óscar, Laurentino, Ignacio and Celerino

1112 - Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona and Douce I, Countess of Provence marry, uniting the fortunes of those two states.
1522 - Toledo  surrenders to the troops of Charles I during the War of the Communities.
1783 - Spain recognises the independence of the United States.

Juan Negrin - photo www.lne.es

1813 - José de San Martín defeats a Spanish royalist army at the Battle of San Lorenzo, part of the Argentine War of Independence.
1874 - General Manuel Pavia sends his troops into the Spanish congress to prevent the defeat of Emilio Castelar.
1875 - During the Third Carlist War Lácar Surprise, incident in which King Alfonso XII was about to be captured by the Carlist forces occurs.
1904 - The River Segura in Murcia bursts its banks.
1912 - In Ferrol, the Kings of Spain, Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg, attend the launching of Spain's new Navy battleship.
1915 - The Spanish Congress approves the bill of naval bases.
1930 - The Royal Spanish Football Federation decided not to participate in the international tournament in Montevideo.
1939 - The head of the Belgian Rexist Party, Leon Degrelle, arrives at Burgos.
1944 - In Spain, in the framework of the Second World War the General Francisco Franco reaffirms the strict neutrality of Spain.
1954 - In Huelva snow for the first time in its history.
1963 - 23 people are killed and more than 100 are injured when a former convent in use as Town Hall offices collapses in the town of Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife.
1979 - Madrid, Olof Palme makes a lecture at an event commemorating the centenary of the PSOE.
1980 - The kings of Spain begin their first official visit to the Basque region.
1987 - In Spain the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Spain was officially presented to the public.
1987 - Spanish Education Minister, José María Maravall, says he is willing to dialogue with student representatives.
1993 - In a hospital inspection Banyoles (Girona, Spain) a new case of female circumcision is discovered in the daughter of an immigrant from Gambia.
1995 - recovered the works of Picasso and Braque stolen from a museum in Stockholm in 1993.
2003 - on the Spanish coast of Tarifa (Cádiz) are arrested 163 immigrants arriving by boat after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar.
2003 - the Galician and Cantabrian coasts continue to collect the oil spilled by the tanker Prestige.
2005 - the Cervantes Institute signed an agreement with the Royal Galician Academy (RAG) to promote the presence of the language and culture of Galicia in all centers of the Institute.
2006 - following a complaint from the General Society of Authors and Editors (SGAE), the Frikipedia is temporarily removed from the web.
2006 - The Spanish Government authorizes Gas Natural's bid for Endesa while imposing certain conditions on the operation.
2017 - Judicial attack against the 3% of Convergence of Mas’ – Detained the key men for the former president and the former Barcelona mayor Xavier Trias for illegal financing – the Guardia Civil searched the Port, FIRA and Barcelona Municipal companies who adjudicated public works for a 3% commission.

1338 - Joanna of Bourbon (d. 1378)
Blas de Lezo - portrait https://dbe.rah.es/
1689 - Blas de Lezo, Spanish admiral best remembered for the Battle of Cartagena de Indias (1741) in modern-day Colombia, where Spanish imperial forces under his command decisively defeated a large British invasion fleet under Admiral Edward Vernon. Throughout his naval career, Lezo sustained many severe wounds; he lost his left eye, left hand, complete mobility of the right arm, caught typhoid fever and had his left leg amputated in situ after being hit by the projectile of a cannon.(d. 1741)
1807 - Jenaro Pérez Villaamil, painter (d. 1854).
1815 - Manuel Moreno López, journalist and politician (d. 1868).
1826 - Manuel Castellano, painter (d. 1880).
1849 - Ricardo Magdalena, architect (d. 1910).
1861 - Blas Mora, singer of Aragonese Jota (d. 1938).
1868 - Dámaso Ledesma, organist, composer, musicologist, and priest, born in Ciudad Rodrigo (d. 1928)
1878 - Ramon Maria Aller Ulloa, astronomer, mathematician and priest (d. 1966).
1892 - Juan Negrín, Prime Minister during the Second Republic, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (d. 1956)
1901 - Ramón J. Sender, writer (d. 1982).
1902 - Martín Agüero Ereño, bullfighter (d. 1977).
1915 - José Jabardo, cyclist (d. 1986).
1929 - Evaristo Márquez Contreras, sculptor (d. 1996).
1934 - Alfred Lucchetti, actor (d. 2011).
1947 - Soledad Puértolas, writer.
1949 - Amancio Prada, flamenco singer.
1950 - Juan Alberto Belloch, former Justice Minister under the Socialist government of Felipe González.
1950 - María Jiménez, singer.
1957 - Antonio Lara Ramos, historian and writer.
1961 - Mercedes Abad, writer and journalist.
1963 - José Biriukov, basketball player.
1978 - Joan Capdevila, footballer.
1984 - Sara Carbonero, sports journalist. Since early 2000, she was a TV presenter for Telecinco, until she moved to Porto, in Portugal, when her husband Iker Casillas joined FC Porto in July 2015.

1558 - Alfonso de Castro, religious and royal conejero (b. 1495).
1802 - Pedro Rodríguez, Conde de Campomanes, politician (b. 1723)
1803 - María Isidra de Guzmán y de la Cerda, teacher (b. 1768).
1889 - Juan Manuel Montalbán, judge (b. 1806).
1892 - Antonio Machado Álvarez, writher, father of the poets Antonio and Manuel (b. 1848).
1938 - Manuel Linares Rivas, dramatist (b 1866).
1947 - José Luis Hidalgo, poet (b. 1919).
1952 - Pedro Muguruza, architect (b. 1893).
1972 - Ramón Prieto Bances, polítician and judge (b. 1889).
1974 - Rafael García y García de Castro, bishop (b. 1895).
1974 - Juan de Orduña, film actor and director (b. 1900).
1981 - Isabel Garcés, actress (b. 1901).
1983 - Felipe Boso, poet (b. 1924).
1987 - Manuel Díez-Alegría, soldier (b. 1905).
1989 - Juan Manuel Fanjul Sedeño, polítician (b. 1915).
1998 - Juan García Iranzo, historian (b. 1918).
2007 - Ángel Luis Bienvenida, bullfighter (b. 1924).
2022 - Antonio Miró, fashion designer (b, 1948)
2023 - Paco Rabanne, designer known for his space age aesthetic, confirmed by Spanish group Puig, which controls the Paco Rabanne fashion house and perfume business (b. 1935)