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February 6

Saint’s Day for Dorotea and Saturnino.

1482 - the first ‘auto de fe’ of the Spanish Inquisition takes place in Sevilla, where six people were sentenced to death for heresy.
1899 - Spanish–American War: The Treaty of Paris, a peace treaty between the United States and Spain, is ratified by the United States Senate.
1915 - Alfonso XIII ship carrying a large shipment of Cuban coffee, sinks off the port of Santander.

Arantxa Sánchez Vicario - photo eurosport

1918 - Zarzuela opens in Madrid The Jewish boy with lyrics by Antonio Paso and Enrique García Alvarez and Pablo Luna music.
1922 - From this day punctuality is required to public officials of all ministries.
1926 - The king signed a decree establishing the National Book Festival.
1926 - Spain and France signed a military cooperation agreement on the "interests" of both states in the invaded Morocco.
1932 - In Spain numerous protests occur against the order decreed by the government to remove crucifixes from public schools.
1937 - in Spain, in the framework of the Civil War Battle of Jarama, where Republicans face the undemocratic rebels of General Francisco Franco begins.
1939 - Spain's leading Republican leaders, among whom were Juan Manuel Azana and Negrin, take refuge in France.
1942 - The Apollo steamship reaches Barcelona with a cargo of wheat from Argentina.
1950 - Barcelona (Spain) film premieres El amor brujo, starring Ana Esmeralda and Manolo Vargas.
1953 - at the Alcazar Theatre (Madrid) comedy premieres The case of the great lady, of Miguel Mihura.
1953 - In Spain, the reform of school leads to a separation between science and literature.
1960 - The Spanish government guarantees concession rights to six US companies to exploit possible oil deposits in the Sahara region invaded by Spain.
1961 - Manuel Fraga Iribarne is named director of the Institute for Policy Studies.
1967 - In Spain there have been 599 complaints so far by the Palomares nuclear bomb incident.
1968 - In Spain, a acertante of 14 results in the football pools, Moral Gabino, won 30.2 million pesetas.
1972 - Seventeen people were killed and sixty injured when two buses fell into the river in Zaragoza and Sevilla.
1976 - In Spain, the Directorate General of Security suspends recitals Raimon.
1981: José María Ryan, chief engineer at the Lemóniz nuclear plant is found dead, eight days after he was kidnapped by ETA.
1986: Admiral Cristóbal Colón de Carvajal and his chauffer are murdered by ETA terrorists in Madrid.
1992 - In Madrid, the terrorist group ETA murdered three captains, a soldier and a civilian official.
1995: the tennis player, Arantxa Sánchez Vicario, becomes the first Spaniard to gain the No. 1 worldwide singles ranking, holding the position for 12 weeks. During that time she also achieved the top spot for doubles.
2000 - El Ejido (Almería) thousands of Spaniards violently attacked the immigrants living in the region.
2002 - at the University Clinic of Navarra (Spain), a medical team performed the first implantation of stem cells in the country to regenerate infarcted heart.
2003 - at the Hospital La Paz (Madrid), a medical team manages to transplant a (stomach, duodenum, small intestine, pancreas and liver) Complete digestive system as well as a kidney to a 16-year-old suffering from idiopathic pseudo-obstruction chronicle.
2004 - the Ministry of Health prohibits the sale of 197 naturopathic medicine, calling them toxic.
2004 - on the floor of the baroque Church of the Savior (in Sevilla), a group of archaeologists found four graves in the eighteenth century. Archaeologists searched the remains of an ancient mosque.
2005: 18 people die from a gas leak as they sleep in a mountain hostel in Todolella, Castellón.
2006: Ana Isabel Herrero is killed by GRAPO terrorists in Zaragoza.
2006 - Luisa Castro wins the Biblioteca Breve Prize with the novel's second wife.
2017 - Government is studying how to combat the ageing population – in 30 years the number of over 64’s will triple the number of children. After years of holding deaf ears to the demographic horizon on the ageing of the Spanish population and the socio-economic effects, the Government has started to react.
2023 - Two Navy ships and two military planes have departed Spain carrying supplies and aid for the victims following the devastating succession of earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria throughout yesterday

1691 - Francisco Cajigal de la Vega (born in Cantabria) was a Spanish military officer, governor of Cuba from 1747 to 1760, and interim viceroy of New Spain, from April 28, 1760 to October 5, 1760, succeeded by Viceroy Joaquín de Montserrat, marqués de Cruillas. Cajigal was lieutenant general in the royal army and a knight of the Order of Santiago. He sailed from Havana for Veracruz on March 28, 1760. He remained in Veracruz a few days awaiting the arrival of the vehicle intended to take him to Mexico City.
He made his solemn entry into Mexico City on April 28, 1760 and took up the government. He worked to reform the accounting at the treasury. He removed the sales tax on products of iron and steel to stimulate construction and the mining of that metal. To augment revenue, he sold the monopoly on the production of playing cards and farmed out the collection of customs duties at Veracruz for five years. (d. 1777)
1816 - Vicente Cuyás, was a Spanish composer known for his romantic opera La fattucchiera. Vicente Cuyás was born to a Catalan family in Palma de Mallorca where his family had fled during the Peninsular War. (d. 1839)
1818 - Jenaro Quesada, 1st Marquis of Miravalles, general and politician (d. 1889)
1833 - José María de Pereda, author and academic, born in Polanco (d. 1906)
1879 - Ernesto Vilches (born in Tarragona) was a Spanish film actor, director and screenwriter, known for his roles in Latin films, mainly in Argentina and Mexico. (d. 1954)
1900 - Josep Rovira i Soler was a Catalan painter remarkable above all for his ability with portraits. (d. 1998)
1912 - Odorico Leovigildo Saiz Pérez was a Spanish Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church. At the age of 100, he was one of oldest bishop in the Church and the oldest Spanish bishop (d. 2012)
1922 - José Luis Panizo, footballer (d. 1990).
1948 - José Luis Capón, football defender (13 caps Atlético Madrid, 200 games) born in Madrid (d. 2020)
1949 - Manuel Orantes, tennis player. He won the US Open in 1975, beating the top seed, Jimmy Connors, in straight sets, born in Granada.
1952 - Ángeles Maestro, Politician.
1954 - Juan Domingo de la Cruz, basketball player of Argentinean origin.
1962 - José Blanco López, PSOE’s Secretary for Organisation, was born in Palas de Rei, Lugo.
1963 - Josep Maria Bartomeu Floreta, entrepreneur and the current president of FC Barcelona.
1971 - José María Jiménez, ciclist (d. 2003).
1972 - Blanca Pilar Fernández Morena is a Spanish politician member of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), regional minister of Equality and Spokesperson of the Government of Castilla–La Mancha since July 2019.
1974 - Javi Navarro, footballer.
1974 - Silke, actress.
1981 - Luis García Fernández, footballer.
1983 - Dimas Delgado, footballer
1991 - Maxi Iglesias, actor and model

1833 - Fausto Delhuyar chemist (b. 1755).
1899 - Ramón Verea, Journalist, writer and inventor (b. 1833).
1929 - Maria Cristina of Hapsburg-Lorraine, queen consort and regent Spanish (b 1858.).
1938 - Néstor Martín-Fernández de la Torre, painter and artist (b. 1887).
1984 - Jorge Guillén, poet one of the Generation of 1927.
1988 - Carmen Polo, wife of dictator Francisco Franco (b. 1900).
1990 - José María García de Paredes, architect (b. 1924).
1991 - María Zambrano, the philosopher and essayist. (b. 1904)
1995 - Maruja Mallo, painter (b. 1902).
2012 - Antoni Tàpies, painter and sculptor (b. 1923)
2024 - Miguel Ángel González Suárez, known as Miguel Ángel. Legendary Real Madrid and Spain goalkeeper. Angel played for Los Blancos for 18 seasons, collecting a mass of trophies between 1968 and 1986. He was capped 18 times by Spain and turned out for his country at the Argentina World Cup in 1978 and then in his homeland in 1982. (b, 1948)