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February 7

Saint’s Day for Juliana, Angulo, Crisol, and Teodoro.

1461 - The Catalan Cortes raise arms and send troops to free Carlos de Viana.
1518 - in Valladolid, Carlos I, king of Spain, swears the laws of Castile before the Courts of Castile.
1632 - in Madrid the Cortes are summoned.
1705 - in the framework of the War of Spanish Succession, Franco-Spanish forces assault Gibraltar.
1783 - Great Siege of Gibraltar launched by France and Spain against the British colony during American War of Independence is lifted after 3 years and 7 months

Ramón Mercader - Photo www.araiocata.blogspot.com
1793 - The French National Convention declares war on Spain for its adherence to the already executed monarch Louis XVI.
1852 - in Madrid is publicly hanged the priest Martín Merino, who had attacked the life of Isabel II.
1861 - in the waters of Alicante, Narciso Monturiol makes satisfactory tests of his submarine Ictíneo, although does not get official support.
1884 - an order of Pope Leo XIII creates the diocese of Madrid-Alcala.
1885 - the Spanish playwright José de Echegaray premieres La vida alegre y morte triste.
1897 - Benito Pérez Galdós enters the Real Academia Española de la Lengua.
1904 - in Valladolid, demonstration of women calling for "bread and work"; The Civil Guard attacks them and leaves many wounds.
1906 - in San Sebastián is celebrated the ceremony of conversion to the catholicism of the princess Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg.
1913 - King Alfonso XIII takes a flight in the dirigible España.
1920 - in Madrid, the Maurists won the municipal elections.
1922 - presentation of the tenor Miguel Fleta in the Real Theater of Madrid, where it obtained a great success with the opera Carmen.
1927 - In Barcelona, the civil governor forbids the auditions of sardanas in downtown sites of the city.
1928 - first aerial postal expedition Madrid-Barcelona.
1931 - constitutional guarantees are restored and legislative elections are held in Spain.
1934 - in Valencia, Juan de la Cierva makes a descent and takeoff test with his autogyro on the deck of the aircraft carrier Dédalo.
1938 - in Barcelona the film La casta Susana is released, one of the few films released during the war.
1951 - Argentine footballer Roque Olsen, hired by Real Madrid, arrives at Madrid's Barajas airport.
1953 - in Bilbao, the football field of San Mamés is extended.
1957 - the police forces control an attempt of strike in the Asturian mining promoted by the communists.
1964 - the diocese of León cedes to the INI the convent of San Marcos.
Archive photo

1966 - Spanish Minister of Information and Tourism, Manuel Fraga, allegedly bathes in the beach of Palomares (Almería), in the face of popular fear of the radioactivity of an American H bomb lost at sea after a plane crash. Years later it would be discovered that the beach where Manuel Fraga bathed was not that of Palomares.
1972 - Cardinal Vicente Enrique and Tarancón is elected president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference.
1978 - The IMF grants a credit of 300 million dollars to Spain.
1978 - Spain breaks the consensus on the Spanish Constitution. The PSOE leaves the chamber.
1983 - the first pancreas transplant is performed.
1983 - In Madrid the doors of the remodeled Palacio de El Pardo are opened, destined in the future to the residence of foreign Heads of State during their visit to Spain.
1985 - the ETA terrorist band assassinates Carlos Diaz Arcocha, head of the Ertzaintza.
1987 - In Madrid, in the extraordinary congress of the AP, Antonio Hernández Mancha is proclaimed new president with 1930 votes (compared to 729 achieved by Miguel Herrero and Rodríguez de Miñón).
1989 - negotiations between the Spanish government and the unions on social measures relating to the demands of the general strike of December 14, 1988 are broken.
1991 - the Congress plenary session approves the creation of the Cervantes Institute, whose purpose is the dissemination of the Spanish language and culture abroad.
1993 - the Spanish stock market fell 23% in 1992.
1994 - In Barcelona, members of the terrorist group ETA murdered Colonel Leopoldo García Campos, 59 years old.
2003 - The Spanish Government approves the bill amending the Criminal Code to introduce the increase and full compliance of sentences for those convicted of terrorism and serious crimes.
2003 - the Ebro River - the largest river in the country - floods several municipalities and forced to evict almost a thousand people.
2005 - begins the process of extraordinary regularization of immigrants, which seeks to legalize the situation of almost one million foreign workers living in Spain.
2015 - Film ‘The minimum island’ (La Isla Minima) won 10 Goya’s (Spanish Oscars)
2017 - ‘Mas defended himself before the judge and the sovereignists took to the streets’ – the former president alleged the Constitutional Court did not warn him about Nov-9 – the independents used the case to mobilise thousands of demonstrators – the Government called for citizen life not to be affected and demanded justice must be respected.

1772 - Miguel Ricardo de Álava y Esquivel, was a Spanish General and statesman who served as Prime Minister of Spain in 1835. (d. 1843)
1810 - José Balaca y Carrión, painter born in Cartagena. (d. 1869)
1822 - Joaquín Gaztambide, composer (d. 1870).
1825 - Cristóbal Oudrid y Segura pianist, conductor, and composer. As a founding father of Spanish musical nationalism, he was instrumental in bringing the zarzuela to a national status (d. 1877)
1836 - Josep Tapiró i Baró, was a Catalan painter; best known for his watercolor portraits from Morocco. (d. 1913)
1837 - José Jiménez Aranda (born in Sevilla) was a Spanish painter and brother of the painters Luis Jiménez Aranda and Manuel Jiménez Aranda. (d, 1903)
1873 - Magdalena Santiago Fuentes, teacher and writer (d. 1922).
1885 - Romualdo Galdós, priest, publicist and writer (d. 1953).
1887 - Néstor Martín-Fernández de la Torre, painter and artist (d. 1938).
1914 - Ramón Mercader, the man who became famous as the murderer of Leon Trotsky, was born in Barcelona. Trotsky was fatally stabbed with an ice pick at his home in Mexico on 20th August 1940 and died the following day. Mercader is believed to have acted on the orders of Stalin.
1931 - Sebastián Martín-Retortillo, professor and teacher (d. 2002).
1931 - Tran, cartoonist and painter
1934 - Javier Hervada, Philosopher of the Law, obstetrics and canonist.
1938 - Cayetano Ré, soccer player of Paraguayan origin.
1940 - Fernando Fernández, cartoonist and illustrator specializing in comic (d. 2010)
1950 - Ramon Solsona i Sancho ( born in Barcelona) is a Catalan writer and publicist.
1951 - Mayte Mateos, singer (Baccara).

1956 - Manzanita (José Ortega Heredia), was a Spanish singer and guitarist.In 1978, with producer José Luis de Carlos, he recorded his first solo album, Poco ruido y mucho duende, in a very personal style with flamenco nuances. The theme Verde, adapted from a poem by Lorca, was a great success. In 1999 he repeated the gold record with the soundtrack of the film Sobreviviré. In 2000 he recorded Dímelo, a new gold record, and in 2002 Gitano cubano, accompanied by Raimundo Amador, Lolita and Cuban singers Lucrecia and David Montes. In 2004 he died in his house as a result of a heart attack.
1992 - Sergi Roberto, footballer

1317 - Roberto de Clermont, founder of the house of Borbón (b. 1256).
1823 - Juan Antonio Llorente,politician and ecclesiastic (b. 1756).
1862 - Francisco Martínez de la Rosa, poet, dramatist and politician (b. 1787).
1890 - Claudio Moyano, politician (b. 1809).
1916 - Josep Torras i Bages, bishop who promoted Catalanism (b. 1846).
1921 - Lucas Mallada, geologist, paleontologist and writer (b. 1841).
1934 - Rogelio Vigil de Quiñones, military and doctor (b. 1862).
1978 - Blas Pérez González, judge and politician (b. 1898).
2004 - Margarita Landi, journalist (b. 1918).
2022 - Margarita Lozano, actress (Viridiana, A Fistful of Dollars, Napoleon and Me) (b.1932)