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Almeja: clam
Angula/anguila: eel and baby eels
Atún: tuna
Bacalao: cod, which is difficult to find fresh. It’s on sale in supermarkets salted and dried, and must be soaked in water before use to get rid of the salt
Besugo: red bream
Boquerones: anchovies, which are either served fried in batter (fritos) or filleted and ‘cooked’ in vinegar (en vinagre).


Espetos de sardinas - Photo www.Panoramio.com

Caballa: mackerel
Calamar: squid
Congrego: crab
Cazón: dogfish
Cigala: is the French langoustine
Dorada: gilt head bream, a really flavourful fish which is often baked in a crust of coarse sea salt
Gamba: prawn
Jibia: cuttlefish
Langosta: lobster
Langostino: king prawn
Lenguado: sole
Lubina: sea bass
Mejillón: mussel
Merluza: hake, a very popular fish in Spain
Ostra: oyster
Pez Espada or Emperador: swordfish, absolutely delicious cooked as a steak with olive oil, garlic and parsley
Pulpo: octopus
Rape: monkfish
Rosada: is a white fish which is not found in Spanish waters, but is very popular in the country’s gastronomy. It’s only found frozen in Spain.
Salmón: salmon
Salmonete: red mullet
Sardinas: as you would expect, are sardines. When in season, you will often find them as a dish at the ‘chiringuito’ beach bars on the coast, where they’re cooked on a wooden skewer over an open fire. These are known as ‘espetos de sardinas’.
Trucha: trout. ‘Trucha asalmonada’ is salmon trout.