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Janaury 19

Saint’s Day for Mario, Marta, Pablo, Geroncio and Pía.

1493 - France cedes Roussillon & Cerdagne to Spain by treaty of Barcelona
1668 - King Louis XIV & Emperor Leopold I sign treaty dividing Spain
1937 - Radio Nacional de España opens
1982 - Julio Iglesias Puga, father of the singer, Julio Iglesias, is freed by police after three weeks of being held in captivity by ETA terrorists.
1986 - Spain recognises Israel

Josep Tarradellas - photo www.factoriahistorica.wordpress.com

2017 -  Dénia (Alicante) which woke up yesterday to a large snowfall – the most severe and costly cold spell – localities such as Torrevieja saw snow yesterday for the first time in a century, while wholesale power saw a 113% jump compared to January 2016. The Government warned home electricity bills will be 100 € more expensive over this year.


1602 - Anna Maria Antigó i Pujo, was a Catalan nun.She is best known for her work for peace in this community, her reform of the Poor Clares' convent, and for her influence in Catalonia and beyond. (d. 1676)
1685 - Sebastián de Eslava y Lazaga, general and colonial official. He was governing the colony at the time of the defeat of British Admiral Edward Vernon at Cartagena de Indias. (d.21-Jun-1759) 
1760 - Melchor López sacred music composer, born in  Hueva, Guadalajara (d. 1822)
1760 - Cañedo Vigil Alonso, religious and member of the Cortes of Cadiz (d. 1829).
1813 - Ponciano Ponzano, in Zaragoza the sculptor, who designed the frontage of the Palace of the Congress of Deputies in Madrid and the two bronze lions which stand at guard outside the building (d. 1878)
1832 - Salvador Giner Vidal, Valencian composer.
1850 - Jose del Perojo, philosopher, journalist and writer (d. 1908).
1899 - Josep Tarradellas, President of the Generalitat de Cataluña in exile from 1954, and after his return to Spain in 1977, President of Cataluña’s provisional regional government until the first regional poll of the newly-democratic Spain in 1980.
1918 - José Costas Gual  was an  astronomer. (d, 2011)
1919 - Joan Brossa, poet, playwright and Catalan artist (d. 1998).
1922 - Miguel Muñoz, footballer and trainer (d. 1990).
1930 - Uxío Novoneyra writer in Galician and Spanish poet (d. 1999).
1930 - Miguel Sarrias Domingo  was Medical Director of the Institut Guttmann in Barcelona (d.01-Jan-2002) 
1948 - Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra, Socialist President of Extremadura for 24 years, was born in Mérida.
1960 - Antonio Guzmán Capel (born in Tétouan) is a painter.
1963 - Juantxu Olano, bass player, in the group Platero y Tú.
1965 - Juan Carlos Rodríguez Moreno, footballer.
Javier Cámara photo - De Guillem Medina - Trabajo propio, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org
1967 - Javier Cámara, actor born in Albelda de Iregua He starred in the Pedro Almodóvar films Talk to Her (2002), Bad Education (2004) and I'm So Excited (2013), and the television series 7 Vidas (Seven Lives).He played Cardinal Bernardo Gutierrez in the HBO series The Young Pope as well as Guillermo Pallomari, the chief accountant of the Cali Cartel, in season 3 of the Netflix series Narcos.
1972  - Princess Kalina of Bulgaria, royal family, born in Madrid
1979 - Josu Sarriegi, footballer born in Lazkao
1981 - Asier del Horno, footballer born in Barakaldo
1983 - Esther Acebo is a actress, presenter and reporter. As an actress she has appeared in Los encantados (2016) and achieved worldwide fame in Money Heist (2017).
1993 - Jesús Castro Romero  in Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz is a Spanish actor known for starring alongside Luis Tosar in a leading role in El Niño. He is considered to be one of the new sex symbols of the Spanish cinema.

1305 - Roger de Lauria, Admiral from Aragón (b. 1250).
1565 - Diego Laynez, Jesuit theologian (b. 1512)
1906 - Marcelo Spínola, archbishop (b. 1835).
1947 - Manuel Machado, poet (b. 1874).
1978 - Francisco Cantera Burgos, humanist and historian (b. 1901).
1983 - Luis Marco Pérez, sculptor (b. 1896.).
1986 - Enrique Tierno Galván, politician (b. 1918).
1987 - Gerald Brenan, British writer and scholar (b. 1894).
1992 - Eduardo Barreiros, businessman (b. 1919).