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January 13

Saint’s Day for Hilario, Gumersindo, Leoncio and Verónica.
0587 - Recaredo Visigoth king Hispanic, declares its commitment and that of his family to the Catholic faith.
1435 - Sicut Dudum, forbidding the enslavement of the Guanche natives in Canary Islands by the Spanish, is promulgated by Pope Eugene IV.
1532 - A royal decree signed in Seville prohibits the Indians mark with hot irons.
Pasqual Maragall - photo www.zoomnews.es 
1607 - The Bank of Genoa fails after announcement of national bankruptcy in Spain.
1712 - The Council of Castile approves the statutes of the Monte de Piedad, written by Father Francisco de Piquer and Rodilla.
1750 - The Treaty of Madrid annuls the boundary line agreed in the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas which had established Portuguese and Spanish territory in South America. It gave further expansion to the Portuguese.
1874 - Ends the cantonalista insurrection of Cartagena before the blockade by sea and land of the governmental forces.
1928 - Jaime Pahissa's opera Marianela is premiered in Valencia.
1936 - Spanish poet Miguel Hernández publishes The ray that does not cease.
1939  Belgian premier signs Burgos Treaty for trade relations with Franco's Spain
1955 - Spain joined the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

1984 - Unemployment affects 17.81% of the working population, inflation stands at 12.2% and growth at 2.07%.
1986 - The television programme Buenos Días opened morning television in Spain.
1995 - ETA assassinated a policeman in Bilbao.
1998 - the Spanish rock group El Último de la Fila announce they are splitting up.
2001 - 50,000 people demonstrate in Vitoria in a protest called by the Church to demand an end to ETA violence.
2002 - In the center of Bilbao, the terrorist band ETA explodes a car bomb.
2015 - Catalan president Artur Mas and leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, agree to bring forward the Catalan elections to 27 September
2017 -  ‘Oleguer Pujol continues to launder money, but the judge granted liberty’ – the anti-corruption prosecutor had asked for his imprisonment noting he was still collecting commissions from Miami from a real estate operation.
Magistrate De la Mata removed his passport and ordered his appearance every fortnight.
2019 - Lionel Messi scores for FC Barcelona in 3-0 win over Eibar, his 400th goal in La Liga; becomes first player to reach mark in one of Europe's top 5 leagues; Cristiano Ronaldo had 409 in Spain, England & Italy
2020 - Sánchez II Government: It become the first nationwide coalition government to be formed in Spain since the Second Spanish Republic. The parties were Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) and Unidas Podemos.

0039 - Almanzor, , was an al-Andalus military leader and politician, chancellor of the Umayyad Caliphate of Córdoba and hajib (chamberlain) from Caliph Hisham II. Born in an alqueria on the outskirts of Torrox to a family of Yemeni Arab origin with some juridical ancestors, ibn Abi -Amir left for Córdoba when still young to be trained as a Faqih. After a few humble beginnings, he joined the court administration and soon gained the confidence of Subh, mother of the children of Caliph Al-Hakam II. Thanks to her patronage and his own efficiency, he quickly expanded his role.During the caliphate of Al-Hakam II, he held several important administrative positions, including director of the mint (967), administrator for Subh and her children, and for intestate inheritances, and quartermaster for the army of General Ghalib ibn Abd al-Rahman (973).

0915 - Al-Hakam II, also known as Abü al -'As al-Mustansir bi-Llah al-Hakam b, 'Abd al-Rahmän, was the Caliph of Córdoba. He was the second Umayyad Caliph of Córdoba. He was the second Umayyad Caliph of Córdoba in Al-Andalus, and son of Abd-al Rahman III and Murjan. He ruled from 961 to 976 (d. 976 in Córdoba) 
1334 - Fadrique Alfonso, Lord of Haro  25th Master of the Order of Santiago (1342–1358), was the fifth illegitimate child of Alfonso XI of Castile and Eleanor of Guzman. (d. 29-May-1358)
1334 - Henry II of Castile and León (1369-79) born in Sevilla (d. 1379)
1808 - Francisco Montes Reina, Paquiro, bullfighter. (d. 1851)
1827 - Peregrina Mogas Fontcuberta  Roman Catholic nun in the name of "María Ana" and the founder of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Mother of the Divine Shepherd. Mogas Fontcuberta was in a Capuchin congregation before establishing her own order and was under the guidance of Josep Tous Soler.The beatification cause commenced under Pope Paul VI on 11 June 1977 and Pope John Paul II beatified her on 6 October 1996. (d. 03-Jul-1886)
Gumersindo de Azcárate - https://revistaregistradores.es/

1840 - Gumersindo de Azcárate, philosopher, jurist and politician. After law studies in Oviedo, he taught comparative law in Madrid since 1864 and represented León in the Cortes.In the 1870s, he joined Francisco Giner de los Ríos and Julián Sanz del Río to teach at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (Institute of Free Teaching). De Azcárate was a leading representative of Krausismo, a philosophy based on the teachings of Karl Christian Friedrich Krause, in law.In his works, which include Estudios económicos y sociales (1876), El self-government y la Monarquía doctrinaria (1877), Estudios filosóficos y políticos (1877) and Concepto de la Sociología (1876), he opposed excessive political centralism, proposed privatisation of nonessential governmental functions and studied models of parliamentary and decentralised government. In 1912, he was the co-founder of the Reformist Republican Party. (d. 1917)
1844 - Joaquín Rucoba, architect (d. 1919)
1895 - Fortunio Bonanova, opera singer. He occasionally worked as a producer and director. According to Lluis Fàbregas Cuixart, the pseudonym Fortunio Bonanova referred to his desire to seek fortune, and his love of the Bonanova neighborhood in his native Palma de Mallorca. (d. 02-Apr-1969)
1895 - Manuel Angeles Ortiz, painter, designer and ceramist of the Spanish Generation of '27.
1920 - Eduardo Carretero, sculptor (d. 2011)
1938 - Gregorio Peces-Barba, politician (d. 2012)
1941 - Pasqual Maragall, Catalan Socialist politician, was born in Barcelona. He would go on to become Mayor of Barcelona for many years, and later President of the Generalitat de Cataluña.
1947 - Carles Rexach, Spanish-Catalan footballer and coach.
1958 - Francisco Buyo, footballer and manager.
1966 - Maria de la Pau Janer, writer. is a writer from Spain who works in Spanish and Catalan.She is a recipient of the Premio Planeta de Novela and the Ramon Llull Novel Award.She got her PhD degree at the University of the Balearic Islands.
1977 - José Francisco Córdoba, El Chivi, Flamenco singer.
1979 - Gorka Otxoa, Basque actor .
1980 - María de Villota, race car driver (d. 2013)
1984 - Kepa Blanco, footballer.

1590 - Francisco de Salinas, musician. (b. 1513)
1861 - Carlos Luis de Borbón y Braganza, pretender to the Spanish throne (b. 1818)
1891 - Manuel Alonso Martínez, politician. (b. 1827)
1961 - Antonio Gallego Burín, journalist and politician (b. 1895)
1963 - Ramón Gómez de la Serna, writer. (b. 1888)
2000 - Constantino Romero, a household name, Radio and Tv presenter he had one of the voices most easily recognised by the public. The voice got him a great income from dubbing foreign films and actors such as Clint Eastwood, Roger Moore, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. (b. 1947)
Constantino Romero - Photo www.efe.es
2002 - José María Sánchez Silva, writer. (b. 1911)
2002 - Sixto Marco, painter (b. 1916)
2004 - Joan Reventós, politician (b. 1927)
2011 - José Aramburu Topete, soldier (b. 1918)
2011 - Joaquín Colomer Sala, doctor and politician (b. 1924).