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January 3

Saint’s Day for Genoveva, Antero, Daniel and Atanasio.
1874 - a coup d’état by General Manuel Pavía y Albuquerque, following a motion of no confidence in President Emilio Castelar y Ripoll, puts an end to the brief First Spanish Republic.
1903 - Academies of Sciences in Madrid and Paris recognized the research and academic engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo y Juan Felipe.
1944 - Near Torre del Bierzo (León), dozens of people died as a result of a railway accident.
1974 - Arias Navarro succeeds Carrero Blanco as Premier of Spain
1976 - Spanish Falange and JONS constitutes political party. Enters into force on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
1981 - In Paris created the European Academy for Science Arts and Letters whose founding members included the Spaniards Pedro Laín Entralgo, Federico Sopeña and Federico Mayor Zaragoza
1997 - Cyclist Miguel Indurain puts an end to his career.
2014 - the 75th anniversary of the Agencia EFE.
2017 - More than 1100 migrants fight with riot police on the border to the town of Ceuta

Esperanza Aguirre - https://es.wikipedia.org/
1533 - Jerónimo Bautista Lanuza,  Dominican friar, bishop and writer. He was bishop of Barbastro and Albarracin. He wrote many works, usually in the form of homilies: Treaties evangelicals; Homilies in three folio volumes; Memorial against the Jesuits and Homily on Solemnity of the Blessed Sacrament. (d. 15-Dec-1624)
Fray Diego Morcillo Rubio de Auñón - https://peru-cristiano.blogspot.com/
1642 - Fray Diego Morcillo Rubio de Auñón, O.SS.T, was a Spanish bishop in Peru and twice viceroy of the colony, from August 15, 1716 to October 5, 1716 and from January 26,1720 to May 14, 1724 (d. 1730)
1746 - Ramón Posada y Soto  jurist, writer and academic who served as the first president of the Supreme Court from 1812 to 1814. (d. 01-Jan-1815)
Genoveva Torres Morales - https://www.mujeresnotables.com/ 

1870 - Genoveva Torres Morales, Spanish Roman Catholic nun who established her own congregation known as the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Holy Angels. She wanted her new congregation to focus on the care of women. During her life and after her death, she was referred to as an 'Angel of Solitude' (d. Jan 5 , 1956 Zaragoza) 
1895 - José Pascual Vila, chemist (d. 1979)
1906 - Óscar Domínguez, surrealist painter (d. 1957).
1912 - Federico Borrell García, anarchist who fought in the militia of the CNT, known worldwide for being portrayed his death in combat photographer Robert Capa in the photograph 'Death of a militiaman', published in 1936 in the French magazine VU.(d. 1936)
1923 - Javier Carvajal Ferrer, architect.
1928 - José Lladró, ceramics and entrepreneur.
1931 - Joseba Leizaola He was a member of the Basque Parliament for eighteen years from 1980 to 1998, including a tenure as the third President of the Basque Parliament from December 18, 1990, to September 1, 1998.Leizaola was born in San Sebastián.
1942 - Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, film director.
1944 - Nazario Luque, painter.
1951 - Rosa Montero, writer and journalist.
1952 - Esperanza Aguirre, who has been President of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, was born. She made history as the first woman to be elected President of an autonomous community in Spain. A member of the People's Party (PP), she served as President of the Community of Madrid between 2003 and 2012, as President of the Senate between 1999 and 2002 (becoming the first female politician to have held the post) and as Minister of Education and Culture (1996–1999).
1955 - Palmolive, Spanish-English drummer (The Slits, The Raincoats, and The Flowers of Romance)
1956 - Leoncio Alonso González de Gregorio, 22nd Duke of Medina Sidonia, Born in Madrid, Medina Sidonia is the eldest son of Leoncio González de Gregorio y Martí and his wife Luisa Isabel Álvarez de Toledo, 21st Duchess of Medina Sidonia.
1958 - Carles Francino, journalist.
1962 - Manolo Lama, journalist
1963 - Marta Calvó, actress
1974 - Fran Rivera, bullfighter.
1974 - Juancho Pérez, handball player.
1976 - Daniel Solà He won the Junior World Rally Championship in 2002 and the Spanish Rally Championship in 2006.Daniel "Dani" Solà debuted in the World Rally Championship in 1997 and won the junior class (JWRC) title with Citroën in 2002.
1981 - Edu Moya, footballer.
1982 - José María Dolls Samper, bullfighter.
1992 - Jon Aurtenetxe footballer who plays mainly as a left back but also as a central defender for CD Atlético Baleares.

1870 - Javier de Ramírez, dramatist
1967 - Ramón Zabalo, footballer (b. 1910)
1980 - Canito, drummer (Los Secretos) (b. 1959)
1981 - José Ignacio Prieto, musicologist. (b. 1900)
2000 - José Antonio Fernández Ordóñez, engineer (b. 1933)
2003 - José María Gironella, writer (b. 1917)
2019 - José Vida Soria, jurist and politician (b. 1937)
2023 - Elena Huelva, cancer activist and influencer Through her regular use of social media, she divulged information about Ewing sarcoma, the type of cancer she was suffering from, to a wider audience, and demanded more investment for cancer research. She was credited with increasing the visibility of childhood bone cancer while dispelling misconceptions and myths about the disease (b. 2002)