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January 8

Saint’s Day for Severino, Luciano, Máximo, Paciente and Erardo.

1870 - In Malaga, the first issue of the satirical newspaper "Brooms", led by Republican Teobaldo Nieva.
1885 - Treaty of peace and friendship between Spain and the Republic of Ecuador.
1924 - A royal decree suspended in Spain's parliamentary immunity.
1938 - Colonel Domingo Rey d’Harcourt surrenders his troops to Republican forces in Teruel in the Spanish Civil War.
1941 - premiers the film 'Raza' by José Luis Sáenz de Heredia 
1968 - In Belmez (Córdoba) Spain won the competition 'A million for the best'
1986 - The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Spain (AACCE) is created.
1997 - Lt Col Jesús Cuesta Abril is shot dead by ETA terrorists outside his home in Madrid after he blamed Herri Batasuna for 'a future of suffering'
2009 - In the Basque Country sitting on the bench of the Supreme Tribunal as accused for the first time an autonomic president, Juan José Ibarreche, along with Patxi López, accused of talking with the outlawed Batasuna.
2018 -‘The Government has its back against the wall over the management of the snowfall’ PSOE, Podemos and Ciudadanos reclaim the Rajoy Cabinet to offer explanations in Congress for the chaos on the AP-6 – Interior and development ministries and DGT in the firing line.
2021 - Storm Filomena hits Spain with 50cm of snow falling on Madrid, resulting in four deaths and leaving thousands stranded

1551 - Don García de Silva Figueroa, diplomat, and the first Western traveller to correctly identify the ruins of Takht-e Jamshid in Persia as the location of Persepolis, the ancient capital of the Achaemenid Empire and one of the great cities of antiquity. (d. 22-Jul-1624)
1601 - Baltasar Gracián, y Morales S.J better known as Baltasar Gracián, was a Jesuit and baroque prose writer and philosopher. He was born in Belmonte, near Calatayud. His writings were lauded by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, (d, 1658)
1635 - Luis Manuel Fernández de Portocarrero, cardinal archbishop of Toledo. Uncle of Luis Antonio Tomás de Portocarrero y Moscoso, 5th Count, who became a Grandee of Spain, 2nd class, since 1707 by King Felipe V of Spain., born in Palma del Río (d. 1709)
1863 - Elías Ahúja y Andría, philanthropist, politician, businessman and academic. Interested in culture, he founded several sports, military, religious and educative institutions. He constructed hospitals, clinics, dining halls, schools, quarters, city council buildings, provided the poor with food, helped widows and orphans and did work to improve conditions in jails and sanitoriums. He was a candidate in the last elections of the Monarchy as and also an academic of the Real Hispano Americana y Bellas Artes de Cádiz. He was honorary president of the Red Cross in Cadiz and Seville and was awarded state decorations for his philanthropy like the Military service cross, the Gold medal of the Red Cross, the Cross of the Civilian order, and the Gold medal of the Scouts, However he was later accused of misusing funds and was forced to leave Spain in 1937 through Gibraltar. He died in 1951 in New York City. His name is honored in Puerto Santa Maria and has a place and house dedicated to him and a council plaque.
1870 - Miguel Primo de Rivera Orbaneja, who governed Spain in a military and then a civil dictatorship between 1923 and 1930, who was born in Jerez de la Frontera. It was under Primo de Rivera's rule that Francisco Franco was promoted to general, the youngest person holding this high rank in Europe. After his death, his son, José Antonio Primo de Rivera, played an important role in the development of fascism in Spain. (d. 1930)
1876 - Antonio Palacios, architect (d. 1945).
1881 - Elvira Moragas Cantarero,  religious María Sagrario de San Luis Gonzaga - was a Spanish Roman Catholic professed religious from the Discalced Carmelites. Her initial path was to follow her father in the pharmaceutical business and she excelled in this and having become one of the first women to become a pharmacist. This continued after the death of her father when she assumed control of the business and later stepped aside for her brother to take over when it became clear that she felt inclined to enter the religious life. Her time in the convent saw her assume leadership roles in which she was protective of her fellow nuns with an amiable disposition. But the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War forced her to flee into hiding alongside another nun while refusing her brother's invitation to live with him since she wanted to ensure her fellow religious were kept safe. But she herself was captured and later shot dead in the middle of the night when the militia grew furious with her silence during interrogations.Her death caused for widespread calls for the beatification process to be introduced and which later opened in 1962 under Pope John XXIII; she became titled as a Servant of God once the cause commenced. Pope John Paul II beatified Moragas in mid-1998 in Saint Peter's Square. (d.15-Aug-1936) 
1882 - Luciano Pérez Platero, bishop (d. 1963).
1925 - Bernardo Ruiz, cyclist.
1933 - Juan Marsé, writer.
1947 - José Antonio Martínez Soler journalist and former General Director of 20 minutos, he was born in Almería.
1952 - Rafael Rullán, basketball player
1957 - Nacho Duato, the ballet dancer and choreographer, Artistic Director of the National Spanish Dance Company since 1990, was born in Valencia.
1957 - Miquel Barceló, Catalan painter.
1958 - Ignacio Solozábal, basketball player.
1960 - María Mercedes Aizpurua Arzallus, is a Basque journalist, politician and a member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain.
1969 - Salva Esquer, handball player.
1976 - Marta Solaz, actress.
1979 - David Civera, singer.
1979 - Jonás Fernández,  politician and economist. He serves as Member of the European Parliament since 2014.
1963 - Francisco Caamaño Domínguez  politician, who served as justice minister from 2009 to 2011.
1986 - David Silva, footballer. born in Arguineguín
1988 - Adrián López Álvarez, footballer.
1992 - Koke, footballer

1634 - Joan Sala i Ferrer, bandolero (b. 1594).
1879 - Baldomero Espartero, liberal soldier and politician. (b. 1793)
1925 - Fernand Sanz, Spanish-French cyclist (b. 1881)
1990 - Jaime Gil de Biedma, poet. (b. 1929)
1992 - Miguel Roca Cabanellas, theologian and archbishop.
1996 - Carmen Conde, poet. (b. 1907)
2003 - Antonio Palenzuela, Bishop of the diocese of Segovia between 1969 and 1995 (b. 1919)
2008 - Lluís Coll, footballer (b. 1937).
2011 - Ángel Pedraza, footballer and coach (b. 1962).
2011 - Juan Piquer Simón, film director, producer and screenwriter (b. 1935).
2013 - Manuel Mota, fashion designer (b. 1966).
2015 - Fernando Argila, footballer (b. 1923)
2022 - Jaime Ostos, bullfighter, heart attack (b. 1932)