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July 28

Saints Days: Pedro Poveda, Víctor, Nazario, Celso, Inocencio and Acadio

1369 - the siege of Algeciras, with which King Muhammad V of the Kingdom of Granada is produced with the aim of recovering the city of Al-Al-Hadra Yazirat (Algeciras), the Kingdom of Castile.
1508 - A Bula, a lead sealed document from Pope Julio II awarded the patronage of the churches in the New World to the King of Spain.

Leonor Watling - Photo www.europafm.com

1571 - La Laguna encomienda, known today as the Laguna province in the Philippines is founded by the Spaniards as one of the oldest encomiendas (provinces) in the country.
1635 - In the Eighty Years' War; the Spanish capture the strategic Dutch fortress of Schenkenschans
1778 - The Province of Cantabria was constituted, ratified at the Assembly Hall in Bárcena la Puente, Recocín 
1809 - Peninsular War: Battle of Talavera: Sir Arthur Wellesley's British, Portuguese and Spanish army defeats a French force led by Joseph Bonaparte.
1821 - José de San Martín declares the independence of Peru from Spain.
1933 - Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Spain are established.
1991 - Spanish cyclist Miguel Indurain wins his first Tour de France.
2010 - The Spanish autonomous community of Cataluña bans bullfighting, the first region on the mainland to do so
2017 - a passenger train crashed into a buffer stop and derailed at Barcelona França station in Barcelona, Spain. Sixty people were injured, eleven of them seriously, including the driver
Ibn Arabi - drawing https://funci.org/?lang=en

1165 - Ibn Arabi 'Sultan of the Knowers' was an Arab Andalusian Muslim scholar, mystic, poet and philosopher, extremely influential within Islamic thought. Out of the 850 works attributed to him, some 700 are authentic while over 400 are still extant. His cosmological teachings became the dominant world view in many parts of the Muslim world. He is renowned among practitioners of Sufism and was considered a saint. In medieval Europe, he was known as Doctor Maximus) Greatest Teacher   born in Murcia (d. 1240)
1575 - Fernando de Valdés y Llano, bishop (d. 1639)
1617 - Nicolás Antonio, wise man (d. 1684)
1833 - Inocencio María Yéregui, bishop (d. 1890)
1835 - José García Robles, composer born in Barcelona (d. 1910)
1878 - Emiliano Iglesias, politician (d. 1941)
1879 - Gabriel Miró, writer (d. 1930)
1893 - Juan Rodríguez Lozano, soldier (d. 1936)
1902 - Víctor Chumillas, Blessed priest (d. 1936)
1906 - Manuel González-Mesones, politician (d. 1980)
1911 - Dolores Jiménez, singer better known as Niña de la Puebla.
1917 - Gloria Fuentes, poet.
1925 - Enrique Ponte, footballer.
1928 - Venancio Muro, actor (d. 1976)
1929 - Enrique Gimeno, orchestra conductor (d. 2007)
1935 - Luis Sánchez-Harguindey, doctor and politician (d. 2003)
1935 - José María Iraburu, priest and theologian.
1938 - Luis Aragonés, football striker (11 caps Atlético Madrid) and manager (Spain 2004-08 Atlético Madrid, Barcelona) born in Madrid (d. 2014)
1938 - Julio César Fernández, television presenter.
1944 - José Miguel Bravo de Laguna, politician
1944 - Fidel Herráez Vegas, bishop.
1948 - Andrés Aberasturi, journalist.
1948 - Iñaki Esnaola, lawyer and politician.
1950 - Cristóbal Montoro, PP politician.
Valencia Opera House - www.veryvalencia.com
1951 - Santiago Calatrava, architect, structural engineer, sculptor and painter, particularly known for his bridges supported by single leaning pylons, and his railway stations, stadiums and museums sculptural forms often resemble living organisms. His best-known works include the Olympic Sports Complex of Athens, the Milwaukee Art Museum, the Turning Torso tower in Malmö Sweden, the World Trade Centre Transportation Hub in New York City, the Auditorio de Tenerife in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge in Dallas and his largest project the City of Arts and Sciences and Opera House in his birthplace Valencia    
1951 - Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, socialist politician.
1954 - Alfonso Sanz, diplomat.
1959 - José Manuel Espinosa, footballer.
1961 - Nieves Ibeas, politician.
1961 - Mariló Montero, TV presenter.
1961 - Iñaki Vijandi, cyclist.
1963 - Pablo Carbonell, actor.
1966 - Miguel Ángel Nadal, footballer.
1967 - Jesús Diego Cota, footballer.
1971 - Fernando Teixeira Vitienes, football referee.
1974 - Carmen Ruiz, actress.
1975 - Lucía Riaño, TV presenter.
1975 - Leonor Watling, actress and singer (Marlango) born in Madrid
1981 - Samy S. Lynn, writer.
1982 - Joseba Arriaga, footballer.
1987 - Pedro Rodríguez Ledesma, footballer

164 - Pedro de las Cuevas, painter.
1527 - Rodrigo de Bastidas, explorer, founded the city of Santa Marta (b. 1460)
1535 - Esteban Gabriel Merino, cardinal (b. 1472)
1631 - Guillén de Castro y Bellvis, playwright (b. 1569)
1844 - Joseph Bonaparte, older brother of Napoleon I and King of Naples and Spain died aged 76
1852 - Stephen Allen, politician (b. 1767)
1858 - Melchor García Sampedro, bishop (b. 1821)
1936 - Antonio Acuña Carballar, politician (b. 1901)
1936 - Domingo Burgaleta, lawyer and politician (b. 1897).
1936 - Cándido Catalán Lasala, priest (b. 1916).
1936 - Joaquín García-Hidalgo, journalist and politician (b. 1890).
1936 - Bautista Garcet, politician and unionist (b. 1899)
1936 - Pedro Poveda, priest and writer (b. 1874)
1936 - Pedro Acacio Sandoval, politician (b. 1870)
1937 - Manuel Suárez Castro, politician (b. 1889)
1938 - Pere Reus Bordoy, judge and politician (b. 1896)
1939 - Domènec Puigrredon, lawyer, writer and politician (b. 1874)
1968 - Ángel Herrera Oria, journalist and priest (b. 1886)
1968 - Antonio Oliver, literary critic (b. 1903)
1976 - Rafael Leoz, architect and sculptor (b. 1921)
1980 - Joaquín Garrigues Walker, businessman and politician (b. 1933)
1988 - Fernando Briones Carmona, painter (b. 1905)
1993 - Enrique Montoya, flamenco singer songwriter (b. 1928)
1996 - Manuel Beiras, intellectual and politician  (b. 1904)
2006 - Jaime de Yraolagoitia, writer (b. 1964)
2011 - Ramón Sáez-Royuela, ornithologist and science writer (b. 1932)