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June 15

Saints Day: María Micaela del Santísimo, Vito y Libia

1094 - Cid Campeador conquered the city of Valencia

Blanca Portillo - photo www.rtve.es

1300 - The city of Bilbao was founded
1492 - The Catholic Monarchs approve the capitulation to sell property that had yielded to Boabdil and those that before had, in the sum of 80,000 ducats.
1502 - Christopher Columbus lands on the island of Martinique on his fourth voyage.
1580 - Felipe II of Spain declares William the Silent to be an outlaw.
1607 - Virginia Colonists finished building James's Fort to defend against Spanish and Indian attacks
1808 - The first assault on the city of Zaragoza in the Spanish War of Independence
1808 - Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Spain.
1977 - The first democratic elections in Spain since the death of the dictator Francisco Franco

1754 - Juan José Elhuyar, chemist and mineralogist (d. 1796)
1934 - Mikel Leboa, Basque singer-songwriter (d. 2008)
1938 - Jesús Pereda, football player and manager (d. 2011).
1947 - Fernando Onega journalist
1949 - Maria Teresa Fernández de la Vega, Deputy Prime Minister
1955 - Beatriz Packer, journalist.
1957 - Iñaki Cano, Basque journalist.
1963 - Blanca Portillo, stage and screen actress (Volver, Goya's Ghost) born in Madrid
1973 - Carlos Jean, music producer
1980 - Almudena Cid Tostado, gymnast
1980 - Iker Romero, handball player.
1985 - Cristina Llorente, singer.
1989 - Víctor Cabido, cyclist (d. 2012)
1994 - Iñaki Williams - Basque footballer

1901 - José Luis Pellicer, painter and sketcher (b. 1842).
1949 - Antonio Ballesteros Beretta, historian (b. 1880).
1961 - Eduardo Torroja Mired, engineer (b. 1899).
1994 - Carmen Bravo-Villasante, writer (b. 1918).
2009 - Fernando Delgado, actor (b. 1930).