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June 16

Saints Day: Aureliano, Justina, Áureo, Julita and Quirico

1456 - King Enrique IV of Castilla gives a letter of privilege to Estepona in Málaga

Philip II of Spain - Photo www.news.ubc.ca

1586 - Mary, Queen of Scots, recognizes Felipe II of Spain as her heir and successor.
1746 - War of the Austrian Succession; Austria and Sardinia defeat a Franco-Spanish army at the Battle of Piacenza
1779 - Spain declares war on the Kingdom of Great Britain in support of France and the USA, and the Great Siege of Gibraltar begins and which goes on to last 3 years, 7 months and 2 weeks

1875 - Luis Garrido Jurist, politician (d. 1940).
1892 - Josep Llorens i Artigas, ceramist (d. 1980).
1929 - Antonio Pérez Crespo, politician (d. 2012).
1940 - César Pérez de Tudela, alpine climber.
1948 - Leopoldo María Panero, writer.
1953 - Juan Muñoz, sculptor (d. 2001).
1957 - Jordi Hurtado, television presenter
1962 - Patrick Ericson, writer.
1978 - Daniel Brühl, Spanish-German actor. (Good  Bye Lenin!) born in Barcelona
1982 - Albert Rocas, handball player.
1983 - Verónica Echague, actress.

1742 - Luisa Isabel de Orleans, queen consort Spanish for a few months in 1724 (b. 1709).
1899 - Lucas García Cardona, maestro of artes (b. 1847).
1986 - Luisa Sala, theater actress (b. 1923).
1989 - Antonio Román, film maker (b. 1911).
1992 - Fernando González Bernáldez, ecologist (b. 1933).
2011 - Carles Navales, unionist (b. 1952).