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June 26

Saints Days: Pelayo, Josemaría Escribá de Balaguer and Perseveranda

1280 - (Nasrid Kingdom of Granada), Sancho IV, under the command of the troops of his father, Alfonso X the Wise, together with those of Abu Yusuf and Banu Ashqilula, manages to arrive before the very walls of the city, where he is defeated.
1300 - The Sultan of Granada, Muhammad II takes Alcaudete in Jaén after four days of combat

Jesús Gil - archive photo

1709 - Felipe V gives the titles of noble and faithful to the town of Ayerbe for the collaboration in the war of succession
1714 - Spain & Netherlands sign peace/trade agreement
1740 - A combined force Spanish, free blacks and allied Indians defeat a British garrison at the Siege of Fort Mose near St. Augustine during the War of Jenkins' Ear.
1963 - The dictator Francisco Franco inaugurates the Castle of Montjuic like military museum.
1987 - Jesús Gil becomes president of the Atlético de Madrid football club
1998 - The first section of line 8 of the Madrid Metro is inaugurated.
2017 - Fire at the doors of Doñana - the flames have obliged the evacuation of some 2,000 residents and tourists in the zone of Mazagón, and threatens to provoke an ecological disaster in the protected natural space.  The flames left 50,000 people isolated during several hours at the coastal resort of Matalascañas.
2018 - ‘Congress has approved to regulate euthanasia with the rejection of the PP’ – Ciudadanos, called for abstention, changed their vote at the last hour and supported the proposal presented by the socialists.

1580 - Gaspar de Borja y Velasco, Cardinal (d. 1645).
1581 - San Pedro Claver, Jesuit saint, ministered to African slaves in Spanish America (d. 1654)
1600 - Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, Spanish-born bishop and viceroy of New Spain (d. 1659)
1870 - Ignacio Zuloaga, painter (d. 1945).
1890 - Francisco Elías Rueda, film producer (d. 1977).
1908 - Estrellita Castro, actress and singer (d. 1983).
1924 - José Ignacio San Martín, soldier (d. 2004).
1926 - Jose Vidal-Beneyto, philosopher, sociologist and political scientist (d. 2010).
1927 - Juan Velarde Fuertes, economist.
1933 - Carlos Mendo, Journalist (d. 2010).
1946 - Virgilio Zapatero Gómez, politician.
1984 - Francisco Javier Tarantino Uriarte, footballer.
1986 - Francisco Jiménez Tejada, (Xisco) footballer.

1541 - Francisco Pizarro, explorer and conquistador, Governor of New Castile (b 1476).
1557 - Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, writer and chronicler (b 1478).
1653 - Juliana Morell, writer, humanist and religious (b 1594).
1655 - Margaret of Savoy, aristocrat.
1752 - Giulio Alberoni, cardinal (b. 1664)
1839 - Mariano Lagasca, naturalist.
1878 - María de las Mercedes de Orleans, Queen  of Spain (b. 1860).
1958 - Miguel Otamendi, engineer.
1975 - Josemaría Escrivá, priest and saint founder of Opus Dei (b. 1902)
1989 - Enrique Fontana Codina, politician and businessman (b. 1921).
1990 - Manuel de Pedrolo, writer.
2001 - Manuel Soto Monje, El Sordera, singer songwriter (b. 2001).