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March 15

Saint’s Day for Raimundo, César and Matrona.

1311 - Battle of Halmyros: The Catalan Company defeats Walter V. Count of Brienne to take control of the 'Duchy of Athens' a Crusader state in Greece
1391 - Anti-Semite monk in Sevilla stirs up people to attack Jews
1493 - Christopher Columbus with the Pinzón brothers and his men anchors in Palos de la Frontera, Huelva, on his return from his first voyage of discovery to the Americas.

Christopher Columbus in Palos de la Frontera - Picture http://theageofdiscovery.wikispaces.com
1526 - French Dauphin Francis and his brother Henry exchanged as hostages for their father Francis I, beginning four years of captivity in Spain under Treaty of Madrid
1858 - Madrid-Alicante railway line officially opens.
1922 - the newly-born Partido Comunista de España holds its first Congress, held in Madrid where Antonio García Quejido is elected as general secretary,
1992 - the nationalist party, Convergencia i Unió, wins its third absolute majority in elections to the Catalan parliament, a region the party had governed since 1980 and would continue to do so until 2003, under the presidency of Jordi Pujol.
1999 - Carlos Moya becomes the first Spanish man to reach the number one spot of the ATP.
2020 - European countries impose restrictions on gatherings and borders as COVID-19 deaths rates rise dramatically - italy 1,809. Spain 288, France 120

1720 - Philip of Spain, was Infante of Spain by birth, and Duke of Parma from 1748 to 1765. He founded the House of Bourbon-Parma, a cadet line of the Spanish branch of the dynasty. He was a son-in-law of Louis XV.(d. 1765)
1837 - Don Agustín Maria Muñoz y de Borbón, 1st Duke of Tarancón, Grandee of Spain was the eldest son of Maria Christina, Regent of Spain, and of her morganatic husband Agustín Fernando Muñoz, 1st Duke of Riánsares. Muñoz was born in Madrid while his mother was still Regent of Spain and his parents' marriage was not publicly known.
In 1840 Muñoz went with his parents into exile in France.
In 1842 his mother purchased the Château de Malmaison where Muñoz and his siblings grew up. In 1844 Muñoz's half-sister Queen Isabella II of Spain was declared to be of age.
On 19 November 1847 Isabella gave to Muñoz the title duque de Tarancón to which was attached a Grandeza de España. On 10 June 1849 she gave Muñoz a second title, vizconde de Rostrollano.In 1846 Muñoz became a candidate for the throne of Ecuador.
The proposal was made by Juan José Flores, former President of Ecuador, and consisted of two parts: the first one was declare him as King of Ecuador, with his mother and Flores as Regents, and then as Restorer of the monarchy in Perú and Bolivia, converting him in the monarch of the tentative United Kingdom of Ecuador, Perú and Bolivia.
The child was referred to in the Spanish press as Prince of the Antilles, and as Prince of Ecuador by his mother.
While at first the proposal received some support from the Spanish and British governments, it collapsed. Muñoz died in 1855 at Malmaison at the age of 18.
1869 - Teodoro Llorente Falcó, writer and journalist (d.1949).
1908 - Diego del Gastor, guitarist (d. 1973).
1913 - Ramón Gabilondo, footballer (d. 2004)
1914 - Eugenio Morales Agacino was a Spanish entomologist and naturalist, named honorary doctorate by the Autonomous University of Madrid. (d. 2002)
1916 - Blas de Otero Muñoz, poet born in Bilbao. (d. 1979)
1936 - Francisco Ibáñez Talavera, cartoonist and book artist (d. 2023)
1942 - Montserrat Figueras, Catalan soprano and early music advocate (Hespèrion) born in Barcelona (d. 2011).
1957 - Juan José Ibarretxe, Former President of the Basque Government.
1957 - Víctor Muñoz, footballer and manager.
1960 - Enrique Urquijo, musician
1971 - Manolo Carrasco is a pianist and conductor. He is the author of Real Escuela Andaluza de Arte Ecuestres music. He has recorded a few albums and is also a developer and performer on tours around Japan, China, the US, Europe and Spain.
1973 - Agustín Aranzabal, footballer.
1980 - Carlos Merino, professional footballer
1982 - Malú (full name María Lucía Sánchez Benitez) singer and the niece of the famous composer and guitarist Paco de Lucía, and is known for songs such as "Aprendiz", "Como Una Flor", "Toda", "Diles", "Si Estoy Loca" and "No Voy a Cambiar"
1985 - Javier Garrido, footballer

1594 - Queen Casiodoro, religious jerónimo (b 1520).
1939 - Luis Barceló, colonel (b. 1896)
1971 - Carles Pi i Sunyer, Catalan politician (b. 1888).
1983 - Josep Lluís Sert, architect (b. 1902).
1984 - Luis Lucia Mingarro, filmmaker and screenwriter (b. 1914).
1990 - Cesáreo Galindez, businessman and sports leader (b. 1894).
2000 - Jaime García Añoveros, politician (b. 1932).
2011 - María Beneyto i Cuñat, poet (b. 1925).
2012 - Pepe Rubio, actor (b. 1931).
2019 - Juan Manuel Arza Muñuzuri, politician and lawyer (b. 1932)