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March 21

Saint’s Day for Serapio, Benito and Nicolás de Flue

1534 - Conquistador Pedro de Mendoza is designated "front" of the Rio de la Plata.
1829 - an earthquake in Torrevieja, Alicante province, It registered 6.6 on the Richter scale and caused 389 deaths and destroyed 1895 homes across the Vega Baja district.
1937 - The Battle of Guadalajara ends (Spanish Civil War)
1990 - Basque radio station Gaztea broadcasts for the first time.

Francisco Godia Sales - Photo www.elperiodico.com

2016 - ‘Km 333: Erasmus tragedy’.
Balance: Thirteen university students died when a coach overturned on the AP-7
Cause: The accident happened on straight stretch of road: human error
Victims: The vehicle was returning from the Fallas with 57 deaths from 20 different nationalities.  Witness: ‘When I looked in my rear view mirror, the coach was missing’ – said the driver of another coach ahead.

1626 - Pedro de San José Betancur, was born in Vilaflor, Tenerife. saint and missionary in Guatemala
Known as the "St.
Francis of Assisi of the Americas", he is the first saint native to the Canary Islands, is also considered the first saint of Guatemala and Central America for having done his missionary work in those American lands.He was the founder of Order of Our Lady of Bethlehem. (d. 1667)
1828 - Benito Sanz y Forés was a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and Archbishop of Sevilla. Benito Sanz was born in Gandía, Valencia Province.
He was educated at the University of Valencia where he studied philosophy and law, obtaining a bachelor's degree in law in 1848
He continued his studies at the Seminary of Valencia where he received a doctorate in canon law in 1853 and in a doctorate in theology in 1857. (d. 1895)
1836 - Jesús de Monasterio, violinista and composer. He was one of the main promoters of Madrid instrumental music during the nineteenth century.  (d. 1903).
1843 - Ricardo Velázquez Bosco ( born in Burgos) was an architect, archaeologist and scholar. Velázquez's most notable architecture was erected in Madrid, buildings such as the Palacio de Cristal and the Palacio de Velázquez (both in the Parque del Buen Retiro) and the massive Ministry of Agriculture building. As an architect he was known for the prolific use of glazed pieces of ceramics in bright colors for his projects. He also carried out restoration work on the Cathedral–Mosque of Córdoba and directed important archaeological excavations near Córdoba in Medina Azahara. (d. 1923)
1877 - Andrés Saliquet, solider (d. 1959).
1886 - Emilio Jimeno Gil, scientist (d. 1976).
1900 - Antonio Romañá Pujó, mathematician and priest (d. 1981).
1905 - Joan Corominas, philologist (d. 1997).
1921 - Spain’s first Formula One driver, Francisco Godia Sales, was born in Barcelona.
1935 - Antonio Membrado, Spanish-French classical guitarist and composer, born in Madrid He was a student of Andrés Segovia and gave many concerts in France and abroad. (d. 2016)
Martirio in 2017 - https://diario.madrid.es/
1954 - Maribel Quiñones or María Isabel Quiñones Gutiérrez in full, known under her stage name as Martirio (a Spanish given name meaning Martyrdom or Torment, in English) is a  singer born in 1954 in Huelva, Spain. She borrows her style and inspiration from flamenco that she adapts or merge with more modern musical trends, especially jazz and tango but also pop, rock, swing, and guaracha, in this sense, she can properly be ranked as a New Flamenco artist. She is also noted for a distinctive look (wearing large sunglasses).
1977 - Raúl Peña, stage and screen actor and singer known for appearing as Carmelo Leal in the long-running telenovela El secreto de Puente Viejo.
1989 - Jordi Alba, footballer.
1983 - Lucila Pascua, basketball player
1986 - Michu, footballer
1989 - Jordi Alba, footballer

1721 - Juan de Gaona y Abad, diplomat and aristocrat (b. 1658).
2011 - Txutxi Aranguren, Basque football player and trainer (b. 1944).
2015 - Jackie Trent, English-Spanish singer-songwriter and actress (b. 1940)