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March 22

Saint’s Day for Deogracias, Bienvenido and Saturnino.

950 - the caliph Abd al-Rahman III ordered the execution of Abu Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Barr for having participated in a conspiracy against him.
1369 - Pedro I, King of Castilla and León, is killed by his half-brother, Enrique de Trastámara, the illegitimate son of Alfonso XI, who then became Enrique II.
1506 - Denia, Ferdinand (53), widower of Isabel I of Castile married Germana de Foix (17), niece of French King Louis XII.
1508 - Ferdinand II of Aragon commissions Amerigo Vespucci chief navigator of the Spanish Empire.

José Antonio Aguirre - photo www.joseantonioaguirreeh.blogspot.com

1518 - Valladolid, Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan signed a capitulation by which he was appointed commander in chief of the Navy and governor of the lands that are discovered.
1835 - at the Teatro del Principe (Madrid) opens Don Alvaro or the force of fate, the Duke of Rivas, representing the ultimate triumph of romanticism in Spain.
1848 - Plaza Mayor in Madrid the statue of Felipe III installed.
1873 - The Spanish National Assembly abolishes slavery in Puerto Rico.
1918 - Antonio Maura is elected new president of the Spanish government, which is hosted in Spain with jubilation.
1927 - between Spain and Argentina radiotelegraph service is created.
1928 - Spain gives notice that it will continue to work with the League of Nations following its withdrawal in September 1926.
1932 - Ramon Casanellas, one of the murderers of Eduardo Dato, is expelled from Spain after being arrested on 19 March.
1934 - Juan Ramon Jimenez withdrew his verses of the second edition Gerardo Diego preparing his anthology Spanish Poetry.
1945 - Dr. Antonio Vallejo-Nájera published in Madrid the first Spanish treaty of psychiatry.
1953 - a decree of the Ministry of Information and Tourism organized by the National Film Archive.
1977 - Spain suspends diplomatic relations with Equatorial Guinea after a verbal attack Macías the government and the king.
1979 - Juan Carlos I inaugurated the headquarters of the Royal Academy of the Galician Language.
1984 - stops printing the Journal of Barcelona, dean of the Spanish daily newspaper.
1993 - the Supreme Court judge, Marino Barbero, receives the report of some experts of Finance referred to the scandal Filesa, which states that the company received more than a billion pesetas for nonexistent reports and apparently made payments to finance the PSOE.
1999 - Secretary General of NATO, Javier Solana, receives full powers of the Alliance to intervene militarily in Belgrade if Serbian President Milosevic refused the Rambouillet peace plan.
2003 - In Madrid, police and a minority of troublemakers face the end of a new march against the war in Iraq.
2004 - Spanish police arrest four new suspects for their alleged involvement in the attacks of 11-M.
2006 - ETA announces a permanent ceasefire to start on the 24th of the month. It ended with a car bomb explosion in the car park of Madrid Barajas Airport in December that year, which saw the death of two people. ETA themselves did not announce an end to the ceasefire until early June 2007.
2014 - 101 people are injured and 29 arrested after an anti-austerity march turns violent in Madrid
2015 - Susana Díaz won the elections in Andalucía with 47 seats. The PP lost 17 to 33, and Podemos and Citizens arrived with 15 and 9 seats respectively

841 - Bernardo III de Tolosa, conde of Tolosa (d. 886).
1833 - Manuel Ruiz Zorrilla,  politician. He served as the 41st Prime Minister of Spain for a little over ten weeks, in the summer of 1871, and again for eight months, between June 1872 and February 1873. (d. 1895)
Vicenta María López y Vicuña - https://en.wikipedia.org/
1847 - Saint Vicenta María López y Vicuña was a professed religious and the founder of the Religious of Mary Immaculate. Her order was dedicated to administering to "working girls", or young women in domestic employment, and she took the view that these housemaids and other domestic servants needed care, with a particular emphasis on girls who suffered abuse.
Pope Pius XII presided over her beatification in 1950 and Pope Paul VI later proclaimed her to be a saint in 1975. (d. 1890)
1891 - Pedro Bosch Gimpera, prehistorian (d. 1974).
1901 - Francisco Iniguez, architect (d. 1982).
1904 - Joaquin de Entrambasaguas, philologist (d. 1995).
1927 - Antonio Isasi-Isasmendi, film director.
1931 - Carlos Ferrer Salat, businessman (d. 1998).
1935 - Fernando Botán Castillo, photographer.
Alberto García-Alix - https://www.publico.es/
1956 - Alberto García-Alix,  photographer from León, A National Photography Award winner in 1999,El honor de las injurias (2007), a documentary film about Felipe Sandoval. His work has reached different countries and has been praised by publications such as Vogue, British Journal of Photography or Vanity Fair. A motorcycle and portrait lover, his Leica and Hasselblad cameras have immortalized important national and international artists. He has always been inspired by bikes, tattoos, music and the night.
He defines his portraits as a confrontation with his own model. Garcia-Alix is one of the leading figures of the movement known as La Movida Madrileña leaving behind well-known and powerful images of this cultural movement's youth. Among its members are some of his friends, who subsequently have become renowned personalities in different fields: Pedro Almodóvar, Rossy de Palma, Emma Suárez, Camarón de la Isla and many others. Often violently shameless, his works are recurrently raw and naked portraits. They are often considered to be overreactions but their expressive power and graphic effectiveness is undeniable.
García-Alix has devoted his entire career to black and white photography as personal and social documentation. Since his long stays in France and China in 2007 and 2008, he has been experimenting with video by documenting his images accompanied by his own texts and voice. An example of his video-art was showcased at it his exhibition De donde no se vuelve (2008) at the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid.
1960 - Julián Gorospe, cyclist.
1962 - Florencio Maillo, painter.
1962 - Joan Aguilera, tennis player, born in Barcelona
1975 - Bea Segura, actress.
1975 - Sandra Daviú, presenter.
1976 - Iker Garai, footballer
1991 - .Roberto Merhi Muntan  racing driver who drove in Formula One for the Manor Marussia F1 Team during the 2015 season. Merhi has also raced in the Formula Renault 3.5 Series for Pons Racing, and won the Formula 3 Euro Series championship, while driving for Prema Powerteam.

1018 - Alí ben Hamud al-Nasir, caliph of Córdoba.
1369 - Pedro I, King of Castilla y León (b. 1334).
1863 - Nicomedes Pastor Díaz, writer (b. 1811).
1931 - Ofelia Nieto, soprano (b. 1898).
1960 - José Antonio Aguirre, the first Lehendakari of the Basque government and President of the Basque government in exile, died in Paris.
1962 - Fidel Dávila Arrondo, solider (b. 1878).
2004 - Germán Gómez Gómez, footballer (b. 1914).
2005 - Antonio Millán-Puelles, writer (b. 1921).
2007 - Albert Baez, mathematician and physicist.
2013 - Joaquín González Echegaray, archaeologist (b. 1930).