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March 27

Saint’s Day for Ruperto, Narsés, Lázaro and Alejandro.

1344 - Alfonso XII enters the old town of Algeciras after a siege of four years.
1513 - Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León reaches the northern end of The Bahamas on his first voyage to Florida.
1572 - the Inquisition imprisons Fray Luis de Leon, accused of supporting the Vulgate Bible contained translation errors.
1713 - Spain loses Menorca and Gibraltar to Britain under the Treaty of Utrecht
1721 - France and Spain signed an alliance pact marriages between members of the royal families of both countries.
1809 - Peninsular War: A combined Franco-Polish force defeats the Spanish in the Battle of Ciudad Real.
1826 - Spain announces first Spanish decree on patents.
1892 - in Manresa, the Assembly of the Union Catalanista approves the basis for the constitution of the Catalan region.
1920 - Cataluña was legally constituted the Sindicat of Metges de Catalunya, Europe's oldest medical union.
1934 - In Spain, the government restored the death penalty to contain terrorism.

Aircraft wreckage at Tenerife 

1977: the world’s worst air accident with the highest number of fatalities took place on Tenerife on 27th March 1977 when two Boeing 747 jumbo jets collided on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport (now Tenerife Norte), killing 583 people. The aircraft had been diverted there after a small bomb exploded at the airport on Gran Canaria.
1980 - The price of silver falls alarmingly causing market panic (Silver Thursday)
1994 - Spain successfully concluded in the case of pharmaceutical Olot, with the liberation of Maria Angels Feliú, who remained kidnapped more than 16 months.
1996 - La Coruna (Galicia) officially inaugurated the community radio station FM Quack headquarters of the Community Media Network.
2000 - The Spanish Justice accepts the complaint admissible genocide against the Mayan people filed by Rigoberta Menchú against the Guatemalan military regime
2006 - in Spain the television network Sixth is inaugurated, with a survey of the Spanish and the inaugural speech of Emilio Aragon.

1306 - Philip III of Navarre (d. 1343)
1662 - María Luisa de Orléans in Paris in 1662, Queen Consort of Spain as the wife of Carlos II.
1681 - Joaquín Fernández de Portocarrero, Spanish-Italian cardinal (d. 1760)
Juana María de los Dolores de León Smith, Lady Smith was the wife of General Sir Harry Smith, Governor of the Cape Colony. (d. 1872)
1851 - Ruperto Chapí,  composer, co-founded Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (d. 1909)
1862 - Francisco Alió, composer. (d. 1908)
1887 - Balbino Santos Olivera, bishop (d. 1953).
1927 - Miguel Picazo, film maker
1932 - Sígfrid Gracia, footballer (d. 2005).
1932 - Agustín Rodríguez Sahagún, politician (d. 1991).
1944 - Enrique Barón Crespo, Spanish economist, lawyer, and politician, 16th President of the European Parliament
1955 - Mariano Rajoy, Partido Popular Prime Minister, (2011-18) was born in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia.
1968 - Tomás Gómez Franco, politician PSOE.
1970 - Nico Abad, journalist.
1971 - Santiago Herrero Amor, footballer
1972 - Ignacio Garrido, golfer
1973 - Imanol Etxeberria, football goalkeeper
1974 - Joan Horrach, cyclist
1974 - Gaizka Mendieta, footballer born in Bilbao
1976 - Carlos Areces, actor.
1981 - Quim Gutiérrez, actor.
1982 - Francisco José Pacheco, cyclist
1984 - Fernando Usero, footballer
1990 - Joselu, German-Spanish footballer
1990 - Natalia Sánchez, actress and singer (Santa Justa Klan)
1992 - Pedro Obiang, footballer
1992 - Marc Muniesa, footballer

1350 - Alfonso XI of Castile (b. 1312)
1381 - Juana Manuel, Spanish wife of Henry II of Castile (b. 1339)
1625 - Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas, historian.
1676 - Bernardino de Rebolledo, Spanish poet, soldier, and diplomat (b. 1597)
1676 - Francisco Fernández de la Cueva, 8th Duke of Alburquerque, Spanish general and politician, Viceroy of New Spain (b. 1619)
1678 - Juan de Leyva de la Cerda, conde de Baños, Spanish politician, Viceroy of New Spain (b. 1604)
1770 - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, barrocc Italian painter (in Madrid) (b.1696).
1960 - Gregorio Marañón, physician, philosopher, and author (b. 1887)
1961 - Anzuela Manuel Montoya, sculptor (b 1892.).
1966 - Jose Maria Albareda, scientist (b 1902.).
1993 - Vicent Andrés i Estellés, journalist and poet (b. 1924).
2003 - Jose Maria Satrustegí, ecclesiastical, ethnographer, anthropologist and scholar of Basque (b 1930.).
2003 - Sunday Ynduráin Muñoz, professor of Spanish Literature (b. 1943).
2005 - Fernando Jiménez del Oso, psychiatrist and parapsychologist (b 1941.).
2005 - Elvira Farreras i Valentí, poet and author (b. 1913)
2005 - Antonio Téllez, journalist and historian (b. 1921)