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March 9

Saint’s Day for Francisca Romana and Paciano.

1809 - Juan Clarós is about to release Barcelona Napoleonic troops, but a storm prevents it.
1902 - Real Madrid, known then as the Sociedad Madrid Foot-Ball Club, plays its first official match.

Antonio Molina - Photo youTube

1973 - Diplomatic relations are officially established between Spain and China.
2008 - in the general elections in Spain PSOE wins so is reelected President of Government Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. Final result of the elections in seats: 169 PSOE - PP 154 - Other 27.

1190 - Pedro González Telmo, Catholic priest. (d 1246)
1522 - Juan de Castellanos, poet, writer and priest. (d. 1607)
1577 - Thomas of Zumárraga and Lazcano , was a Roman Catholic Missionary from Spain. He was beatified in May 1867 by Pope Pius IX.(d, 1622)
1589 - Baltasar Moscoso y Sandoval, Cardinal. (d. 1665)
1695 - Martín Sarmiento, monk and scholar (d. 1772)
1734 - Vicente Antonio García de la Huerta,  Spanish dramatist, educated at Salamanca. At Madrid he soon attracted attention by his literary arrogance and handsome person, and at an early age became chief of the National Library, a post from which he was dismissed owing to the intrigues of his numerous enemies.(d. 1787)
1734 - Francisco Bayeu y Subías, painter, active in a Neoclassic style, whose main subjects were religious and historical themes. (d. 1795)
1830 - Manuel Silvela y Le Vitualle was a Spanish politician, lawyer, writer and journalist who held several importante governmental offices, such as Minister of State and Councillor of State. Silvela was son of the prominent lawyer Francisco Agustín Silvela y Blanco and wife Luisa de le Vitualle y Sotés, and brother of the also politician Francisco Silvela. (d. 1892)
1833 - Admiral Segismundo Bermejo y Merelo, was a Spanish naval officer who served as chief of staff in the Spanish Navy and Minister of the Navy during the Spanish–American War. (d. 1899)
1888 - Raquel Meller, singer and actress. (d, 1962)
1927 - Jaime de Armiñán, writer and filmmaker.
1928 - The flamenco singer and actor, Antonio Molina, who was born in Málaga.
1941 - Manuel Galiana, actor.
1949 - Isabel Tocino, politician.
1961 - Juan Pablo García-Berdoy, is a Spanish diplomat and lawyer who currently serves as Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to the European Union.
1974 - Ismael Serrano, singer songwriter.
1975 - Elena Jimenez, writer, an expert in reading comprehension.
1976 - Carmen Montón Giménez, politician who belongs to the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE). She was the Spanish Minister of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare from the 7 June 2018 until her resignation on 11 September 2018 due to the scandal of her master's degree.
1976 - Francisco Mancebo, cyclist.
1978 - Chema Ruiz, bass player (El Canto del Loco).
1978 - Chirie Vegas, rapper
2002 - Usman Garuba, basketball player.

1806 - Federico Gravina, sailor.
1951 - Gonzalo Queipo de Llano y Sierra, Soldier.
1964 - José Capuz, sculptor.
1981 - Telesforo Monzón, politician.
1983 - José María Otero de Navascués, physicist (b. 1907).
1990 - Carmelo Vines and Mey, teacher, researcher and academic.
1991 - Luis Gomez-Acebo, aristocrat (b. 1934).
1994 - The actor Fernando Rey, famous for dubbing the voice of Laurence Olivier and for his work with the director Luis Buñuel, died of cancer at his home in Madrid at the age of 76.
2002 - Carlos Casares, narrator and essayist (b 1941).
2003 - Jose Manuel Blecua Teijeiro, philologist (b 1913).
2003 - Francisco Perello, businessman and sports leader (b 1917).
2007 - Pedro Beltrán, screenwriter and actor (b. 1927).