May 25
Saints Day: Gregoria, Urbano, Beda el Venerable, María Magdalena, Nuestra Señora del Puy
1808 - the General Junta of the Principality of Asturias pronounced sovereign and declares war on Napoleon's army.
Savoia-Marchetti SM.81" by unknown - Gianni Cattaneo, The Fiat CR.32, Profile Publications, number 22.G. Apostolo photo archive1930s Italian photograph, most likely a PR shot from the manufacturer or Italian Air Force. Author and source unknown. Per below, Italian copyright expired in the 1950s, therefore not copyrighted in the US.. Via Wikipedia
1939 - Alicante suffered its worst bombing during the Spanish Civil War. 313 died when the market was bombed.
2005 - Street Rufino Gonzalez, in the neighborhood of Simancas, San Blas district (in Madrid), at 9:30 a car bomb explodes the terrorist group ETA with about 20 kg of explosives.
1625 - Gaspar Téllez-Girón, noble and military man (d. 1694).
1853 - Elena Maseras, doctor (d. 1900).
1897 - Juan Cristóbal, sculptor.
1912 - Isidro Langara, footballer (d. 1992).
1918 - Angel of Andrés, comic actor.
1920 - Urbano Navarrete, cardinal (d. 2010).
1947 - Lluís Pujol, footballer.
1958 - Adolfo Fernández, actor.
1965 - Amparo Llanos, musician, from the band Dover.
1969 - Joxemi (José Miguel Redin), guitarist, from the groups Ska-P and No-Relax.
1969 - Josu Uribe, football trainer.
1979 - Nacho Novo, footballer.
1980 - David Navarro, footballer, born in Sagunto
1555 - Enrique II, King of Navarra.
1681 - Pedro Calderón de la Barca, poet and playwright (b. 1600)
1899 - Emilio Castelar, politician.
1955 - Juan Vigón, soldier (b. 1880).