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May 6

Saints days – Benita, Heliodoro, Evodio, Lucio and Domingo Savio.

589 - Visigoth King Recaredo converted to Catholicism
822 - Omayian Emir, Al-Hakam 1, swore fidelity to his sons, Abd al-Rahman and Al-Mugika, designating them heirs to the throne in that order.
1497 - A Royal order declared trade with the new world free of tax
1527 - Spanish and German troops sack Rome; some consider this the end of the Renaissance. 147 Swiss Guards, including their commander, die fighting the forces of Charles V in order to allow Pope Clement VII to escape into Castel Sant'Angelo.

Baltasar Garzón - Archive photo

1536 - The Siege of Cuzco commences, in which Incan forces attempt to retake the city of Cuzco from the Spanish.
1594 - The Dutch city of Coecorden held by the Spanish, falls to a Dutch and English force
1707 - The body of the Royal Guards are created in Spain for the service and safety of the Spanish Royal Family.
1801 - Captain Thomas Cochrane in the 14-gun HMS Speedy captures the 32-gun Spanish frigate El Gamo.
1908 - Vicente Blasco Ibáñez published his novel ‘Sangre y arena’
1937 - The Guardia Civil fight in the centre of Barcelona against communists, the POUM Trotskyites and Anarchists.
1968 - Spain closes border to Gibraltar except to Spaniards
1972 - Nuclear power station at Vandellós joins the grid.
1994 - Baltasar Garzón resigns as anti-drug tsar for the Socialists.
1998 - Basque terrorists ETA kill the UPN councillor and spokesman in Pamplona, Tomás Caballero.
2001 - Basque terrorists ETA kill the PP President of Aragón, Manuel Giménez Abad when he was on the way to watch the football with his son.
2012 - Asefa Estudiantes basketball team descends for the first time in its history.
2015 - Francis Ford Coppola – Princess of Asturias award for the Arts

1534 - Antonio Perez, secretary of Felipe II
1584 - Diego de Saavedra Fajardo, writer, politician and diplomat.
1809 - Donoso Cortés, speaker and political writer.
1934 - Luis Ángel Rojo, economist and Governor of the Bank of Spain.
1845 - Ángel Guimerá, poet and dramatist.
1882 - Manuel López Cañamaque, musician and composer.
1883 - José Ortega y Gasset, philosopher and author (The Revolt of the Masses) born in Madrid (d. 1955)
1893 - José Calvo Sotelo, politician (d. 1936).
1905 - Manuel Mendizabal, scientific and politician (d. 1996).
1909 - Angel Juan Quesada, choirmaster and composer (d. 1988).
1919 - Alejandro Finisterre, inventor and poet. (d. 1971)
1923 - Josep Seguer, footballer.
1924 - Néstor Basterretxea, sculptor and painter. (d. 2014)
1934 - Luis Ángel Rojo, economist and governor of Banco de España. (d. 2011)
1941 - Guillermo Galeote Jiménez, politician.
1944 - Fernando Méndez-Leite, film director.
1945 - Xosé Lluis García Arias, philosopher and writer.
1947 - Francisco Galdós, cyclist.
1952 - Fernando López-Amor, politician.
1955 - Pedro Piqueras, journalist
1958 - María (Loltia) Flores,  Spanish-Gypsy singer (Sarandonga) and actress born in Madrid
1959 - Julia Otero, radio presenter
1960 - Juan Luis Cano, journalist (member of Gomaespuma).
1966 - Marta Belaustegui, actress.
1970 - Tristán Ulloa, actor and director.
1976 - Iván de la Peña, footballer.
1983 - Daniel Alves, Brazilian footballer nationalized Spanish.

1245 - Pedro Nolasco, friar (b. 1180).
1540 - Juan Luis Vives, humanist writer (b. 1492)
1691 - Caterina Tarongi, mallorquí Jewish woman burned alive by the Spanish Inquisition (b. 1646).
2003 - Tito García, actor (b. 1931).