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May 9

Saints days for Hermas, Gregorio, Pacomio and Geroncio.

1013 - The Berbers, aided by Sancho Garcia, Count of Castile, seize the Córdoba palatine city of Medina Azahara, residence of the caliphs, plundering it, destroying it and appointing Caliph Sulaiman al-Mustain.

Seat cars in 1950 - photo www.autonews.fr

1502 - Christopher Columbus started his fourth and last voyage to the New World.
1540 - Hernando de Alarcón, sets sail on an expedition to the Gulf of California.
1605 - The first part of The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra is published.
1781 - The Spaniards expel the British from Western Florida.
1841 - The regency of General Baldomero Espartero begins.
1929 - Seville, the Latin American Exhibition opens
1950 - Fiat and five banks create the Spanish car firm SEAT.
1976 - Two Carlist militants are murdered in Montejurra, Navarra
2006 - The Spanish government, trade unions and business organizations sign agreement to improve growth and employment.
2015 – An Airbus A400M Atlas military transport aircraft crashes near the Spanish city of Seville with three people on board killed.
2017 - The Police have found unjustified €69 million which her family hid in Andorra and other ‘offshore jurisdictions’ with a ‘preconceived and illicit’ plan. Marta Ferrusola, when she was the Catalan ‘first lady’ transferred two million € using language encryption.
El País quotes Marta Ferrusola ‘I am the Mother Superior of the Congregation’ – the wife of Jordi Pujol and her seven sons hid in Andorra 70 million € between 1990 and 2014 according to the National Police

1555 - Jerónima de la Asunción - Spanish Catholic nun and founder of the first monastery in Manila (d. 1630)
1699 - Gregorio Mayans y Sircar, was a historian, linguist and writer of the Enlightenment in Spain (d. 1781)
1883 - José Ortega y Gusset, philosopher, author, and critic (d. 1955)
1898 - Agustín Pedro Pons, doctor (d. 1971).
1905 - Lili Álvarez, tennis player author and feminist (d. 1998)
1923 - Carlos Bousoño, poet and philologist.
1937 – Rafael Moneo, architect, designed the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels and Valladolid Science Museum
1939 - Dolores Abril, flamenco singer.
1947 - Victor Ullate, dancer.
1949 - Andreu Martín, writer.
1959 - Dis Berlin, painter, sculptor and photographer.
1964 - Genar Andrinua, footballer.
1964 - Nacho Masoreta, musician and composer.
1975 - Juan Antonio Bayona, film director.
1977 - Íñigo Landaluze, cyclist.
1978 - Bebe, singer.
1980 - Estíbaliz Martínez, gymnast.
1995 - Andrea Motis jazz signer and trumpeter (Emotional Dance) born in Barcelona

1679 - Miguel de Manara, philanthropist.
1925 - Baldomero Bonet y Bonet, chemist (b. 1857).
1950 - Esteban Terradas i Illa, mathematician and engineer (b. 1883)
1984 - Antonio Quirós, artist (b. 1912).
1986 - Anxel Fole, writer.
1988 - José Luis Fernández Eguia (Pirri), actor.
1990 - Dalmiro de la Valgoma, lawyer, writer historian and academic.
1991 - Toño Martín, singer (Burning) (b. 1954).
2013 - Alfredo Landa, actor (b. 1933).
2013 - Ramón Blanco Rodríguez, footballer and manager (b. 1952)