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November 23

Saint’s Day for Clemente, Sisino and Lucrecia.

1097 - Alfonso VI confirms a letter of donation of land for his son, Henry of Burgundy, Count of Portugal.
1248 - Conquest of Seville by Christian troops under King Ferdinand III of Castile.
1554 - Royal Order authorizing the port of Malaga to exercise trade loading and unloading Barbary Muslims.
1808 - Spanish troops are defeated by French forces in the Battle of Tudela in the War of Spanish Independence.

Spain's first lottery ticket - intrinsecoyespectorante.blogspot.com

1811 - a session of the Cortes de Cádiz – the legislative body established during the Spanish War of Independence – approves with just one vote against the creation of a national lottery. The first draw took place on 4th March 1812.
1851 - The polygraph writer and Venezuelan Andres Bello was appointed correspondent of the Royal Spanish Academy for his "Grammar of the Spanish language."
1909 - The Palace of Communications was opened in Madrid.
1912 - Constituted in Madrid the Editorial Católica.
1920 - The CNT was declared illegal in Spain.
1951 - Presented in Barcelona Car "flea" Topolino, manufactured in Palma de Mallorca. It has rear engine, four-speed, consumes 2.5 liters per 100 km, reaches 60 km/h will cost less than 25,000 pesetas.
1954 - Carmen de Areco created the association of volunteer firemen.
1957 - The Moroccan occupation of Spanish Sahara started.
2008 - Spain wins the 3rd salad bowl in the Davis Cup with the team made by Verdasco, Feliciano López, David Ferrer and Granollers.

1221 - Alfons X, King of Castile and León, (1252-84) he was known as Alfonso The Wise born in Toledo (d. 1284)
1608 - Francisco Manuel de Melo, Spanish-Portuguese writer (d. 1666)
1666 - Francisco Ximenez, religious, historian, philologist and biographer.
1845 - Fernando Villaamil Fernández-Cueto, naval officer who designed the first destroyer warship in history, was born in Asturias. The ship was named The Destructor.
1876 - Manuel de Falla, pianist and composer (Atlántida) born in Cádiz (d. 1946)
1922 - The Partido Popular veteran politician, Manuel Fraga Iribarne, was born in 1922. He was a government Minister during the Franco years, and President of the Xunta de Galicia for 15 years.
1936 - Celin Romero, classical guitarist (The Romeros), born in Málaga
1963 - Esther García Llovet, writer.
1972 - Antonio Orozco, singer.
1978 - Jorge López Marco, "Tote", footballer.

1534 - Beatriz Galindo, writer and humanist (b. 1465)
1637 - Carlos Coloma, soldier historian and diplomat.
1853 - Francisco Andrevi, Composer.
1869 - Domingo Dulce, soldier.
1990 - Ignacio Gallego, politician, president of PCPE.
1991 - Felipe Calvo y Calvo, scientist.
1994 - Álvaro del Portillo, Prelate of Opus Dei.
1994 - Félix Rotaeta, actor and film director.
2001 - Luis Santaló, mathematician (b. 1911)
2002 - Ángel Martín Municio, scientist and academic.
2007 - Francesc Candel, writer and journalist.
2012 - José Luis Borau, actor, director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1929)