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November 8

Saint’s Day for Diosdado, Mauro, Nicostrato and Castor.

1519 - the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II welcomes the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés at the city entrance to Tenochtitlán with a great celebration, in Mexico.

Cardinal Cisneros - https://en.wikipedia.org/

1576 - Eighty Years' War: Pacification of Ghent: The States General of the Netherlands meet and unite to oppose Spanish occupation.
1936 - Spanish Civil War: Francoist troops fail in their effort to capture Madrid, but begin the 3-year Siege of Madrid afterwards.
1936 - General Miaja becomes responsible military and political of Madrid after the retirement of the government of the city during the Civil War.
1995 - The new Penal Code is approved by the Spanish parliament.
2001 - The Nuevo Colombino stadium of Real Club Recreativo de Huelva opens.
2004 - Laboratory of Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine was opened in Sevilla.
2022 - October 2022 was the hottest month of October since records began in 1961, with the average temperature during the month was 18ºC, 3.6ºC higher than the average between 1981 and 2020

1765 - Martín Fernández de Navarrete, writer, marine and librarian.
1925 - Tomás Zori, actor.
1925 - Asunción Balaguer, actress.
1932 - Felipe Mellizo, journalist (d. 2000).
1956 - Fernando de Villena, writer.
1961 - Sonsoles Espinosa, the wife of the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
1967 - José Luis Pérez Caminero, footballer.
1971 - Carlos Atanes, director, producer, and screenwriter born in Barcelona
1975 - Angel Corella, dancer
1975 - José Manuel Pinto, footballer born in El Puerto de Santa Maria
1985 - Michel, footballer

977 - Ibn al-Qütiyya Andalusian historian 
1246 - Berengaria (nicknamed la Grande), was reigning Queen of Castile for a brief time in 1217, and Queen of León from 1197 to 1204 as the second wife of King Alfonso IX. As the eldest child and heir presumptive of Alfonso VIII of Castile, she was a sought after bride, and was engaged to Conrad, the son of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa. After his death, she married her cousin, Alfonso IX of León, to secure the peace between him and her father. She had five children with him before their marriage was voided by Pope Innocent III
When her father died, she served as regent for her younger brother Enrique I in Castille until she succeeded him on his untimely death. Within months, the turned Castile over to her son, Ferdinand III, concerned that as a woman she would not be able to lead Castile's forces. However, she remained one of his closest advisors, guiding policy, negotiating, and ruling on his behalf for the rest of her life. She was responsible for the re-unification of Castile and León under her son's authority, and supported his efforts in the Reconquista. She was a patron of religious institutions and supported the writing of a history of the two countries   (b. 1179)

1517 - Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, cardinal (b. 1436)
1599 - Francisco Guerrero, pianist and composer (b. 1528)
1517 - Cardenal Cisneros, priest.
1599 - Francisco Guerrero, musician.
1873 - Manuel Bretón de los Herreros, poet, playwright, and critic (b. 1796)
1876 - Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo, queen consort of Spain (1870 -1873). (b.1847)
1944 - José Franchy y Roca, politician (b. 1871)
1978 - Armando Muñoz Calero, doctor and football manager (b. 1908)
1984 - Ciriaco Errasti, footballer.
1999 - Antonio Fernández-Galiano, politician (b. 1926)
2014 - Hugo Sánchez Portugal, Spanish-Mexican footballer and sportscaster (b. 1984)