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October 25

Saint’s Day for Frutos, Lucio, Crispin, Jenaro, Crisanto and Teodosio

1521 - María Pacheco surrenders, handing over Toledo in honorable conditions to the troops of Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany, thus ending the War of the Communities of Castile.
1533 - Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany appoints Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes first chronicler of the Indies.

1555 - Holy Roman Emperor Charles V publically abdicates his roles as Lord of the Netherlands and Duke of Burgundy in favour of his son Philip II of Spain
1747 - Signature Family Pact, which established a defensive alliance between Spain and France.
1833 - The decree creating the Savings Bank of Madrid is approved.
1969 - Closing of the frontier at Gibraltar.
1977 - The Moncloa Pacts, an agreement between all parties represented in parliament to resolve the country’s economic situation during the Transition to Democracy, were signed in Moncloa Palace.
1979 - Pre-Autonomic statutes of Catalonia and the Basque Country and Euskadi approved by referendum.
1980 - Spain's oldest Roman circus is discovered in Cadiz.
2000 - Pyrenees, Spain: Decree for the dignity of the Pyrenees Mountains and against the construction of reservoirs Jánovas, Santaliestra, Biscarrués and regrowth of Yesa.

Pablo Picasso - https://www.wikiart.org/

1979 - Statutes of Autonomy are approved in referenda by the people of Cataluña and the Basque Country.

1692 - Elisabeth Farnese, Princess of Parma and Queen of Spain (1714-24) born in Palazzo della Pilotta, Parma (d. 1766)
1779 - Pedro Velarde y Santillán - artillery captain (d. 1808)
1865 - Lago Manuel Gonzalez, churchman and writer.
1881 - Pablo Picasso (Pablo Diego José Ruiz Picasso) artist (3 Dancers, Guernica) was born in Plaza de la Merced, Málaga.
painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and theatre designer who spent most of his adult life in France. One of the most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907), and the anti-war painting Guernica (1937), a dramatic portrayal of the bombing of Guernica by German and Italian air forces during the Spanish Civil War.

Picasso demonstrated extraordinary artistic talent in his early years, painting in a naturalistic manner through his childhood and adolescence. During the first decade of the 20th century, his style changed as he experimented with different theories, techniques, and ideas. After 1906, the Fauvist work of the slightly older artist Henri Matisse motivated Picasso to explore more radical styles, beginning a fruitful rivalry between the two artists, who subsequently were often paired by critics as the leaders of modern art.

Picasso's work is often categorized into periods. While the names of many of his later periods are debated, the most commonly accepted periods in his work are the Blue Period (1901–1904), the Rose Period (1904–1906), the African-influenced Period (1907–1909), Analytic Cubism (1909–1912), and Synthetic Cubism (1912–1919), also referred to as the Crystal period. Much of Picasso's work of the late 1910s and early 1920s is in a neoclassical style, and his work in the mid-1920s often has characteristics of Surrealism. His later work often combines elements of his earlier styles.

Exceptionally prolific throughout the course of his long life, Picasso achieved universal renown and immense fortune for his revolutionary artistic accomplishments, and became one of the best-known figures in 20th-century art.(d. 1973)
1905 - José Corts Grau, writer (d. 1995)
1909 - Manuel Mur Oti, filmmaker.
1910 - Ignacio F. Iquino, film director.
1915 - Francisco Salinas Quijada, doctor of law (d. 2006)
1917 - Manuel Alia Medina, geologist and academic.
1922 - Luis Gutierrez Jodra, chemical and nuclear researcher.
1922 - Gloria Lasso, singer (d. 2005)
1924 - Alfredo Muiños, ophthalmologist.
1933 - Jose Martinez de Sousa, bibliólogo, ortotipografía and lexicographer.
1934 - Carlos Sherman - Belarusian-Spanish translator, writer and activist (d. 2005) 
1937 - Ignacio Carrasco de Paula - prelate 
1942 - Gregorio Marañón y Bertrán de Lis, lawyer and businessman.
1947 - Requena Nozal, artist
1953 - Mayor Gonzalo Crespo, writer, researcher, photographer and illustrator from Palencia.
1956 - Iñaki Perurena, Basque actor and sportsman.
1957 - Erbium Leonel Diaz Garcia, sculptor.
1958 - Edi Clavo, drummer, with the band Gabinete Caligari.
1970 - Rafael González Robles, footballer
1971 - Raúl Quijano, musician, from the band Café Quijano.
1976 - David Davis Cámara, handball player.
1976 - Roberto Losada Rodríguez, footballer.
1977 - Rodolfo Bodipo, footballer.
1982 - Victoria Francés, artist and illustrator 
1984 - Iván Ramis, footballer
1985 - Dani López, footballer

1349 - Jaime III of Mallorca, King of Mallorca (b. 1315)
1866 - Modesto Lafuente y Zamalloa, historian. (b. 1806)
1906 - Ángel Rubio, composer and orchestra conductor (b. 1846)
1916 - Papus, French doctor and occultist of Spanish origin (b. 1865 A Coruña)
1963 - Eustaquio Gopar, Solider and one of the last of the Philippines. (b. 1876)
1966 - José María Echevarría Ayestarán, footballer. (b. 1920)
1973 - Luis Fernández López, painter (b. 1900 Oviedo)
1986 - Guillermo Eizaguirre, ex-footballer and trainer. (b. 1909 Sevilla)
1994 - Francisco Yndurain, philologist. (b. 1910)
1998 - Rafael Alonso, actor. (b. 1920 Madrid)
2011 - Manuel González Sosa, poet (b. 1921)