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October 30

Saint’s Day for Gerardo Germán and Dorotea.

1340 - Battle of Salado, in which the combined forces of Castile and Portugal decisively defeated benimerines, last North African nation would try to invade the Iberian Peninsula.
1503 - Queen Isabella of Spain bans violence against Indians in the Americas
1657 – Spanish forces fail to retake Jamaica at the Battle of Ocho Rios during the Anglo-Spanish War.
1739 - Great Britain declares war on Spain: War of Jenkins' Ear (NS-Oct 19)
1813 - Pamplona French troops capitulate. End of the War of Spanish Independence.
1975 - Prince Juan Carlos , officially designated in 1969 as successor to Francisco Franco, takes over temporarily as Head of State for the second time when the General is taken ill. He was proclaimed as King of Spain on 22nd November that year, two day’s after Franco’s death.
1988 - Emiliano Revilla is released by ETA after 249 days of captivity
1989 - Salou segregates from Vila-Seca, to become an independent municipality.
1991 - The US President George Bush opens the Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid
1991 - Signed in Madrid the Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty from 30 countries, which protects the zone from exploitation for 50 years
2007 - The Prado Museum extension was offically inaugurated in Madrid, the largest alteration in the museum in its almost two centuries of existence.

1451 - Christopher Columbus, Genoese navigator  who discovered the 'New World' for Spain and initiated European colonisation, born in the Republic of Genoa on or just before this date (d. 1506)
1880 - Juan Vigón, soldier (d. 1955)
1885 - Amparo Lopez Jean, Galician suffragette (d. 1942)
1887 - Castillejo Jose Duarte, jurist and teacher, delegate of the International Committee for Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations and professor at the Free Institution of Education, which promoted the Multilingual School and the International School.
1895 - Francisco Pagaza, footballer (d. 1958)
1895 - Claudio de la Torre, novelist, poet, dramatist and filmmaker.
1897 - Francisco de Val, songwriter who had great success in the mid-twentieth century.
1907 - Guillermo Ascanio, soldier (d. 1941)
1910 - Miguel Hernández Gilabert, poet and playwright of particular relevance in the Spanish literature of the twentieth century,(Viento del Pueblo) traditionally framed in the generation of 36, considered by Damaso Alonso as "great follower of the Generation of '27" born in Orihuela (d. 1942)
1912 - Jose Ferrater Mora, philosopher, essayist and writer
1920 - Ayestarán Jose Maria Echevarria, footballer (d. 1966)
1922 - José Luis Villar Palasí, intelectual and politician (d. 2012)
1930 - Néstor Almendros, Spanish-American director and cinematographer (d. 1992)
1944 - José-Miguel Ullán, poet and journalist (d. 2009)
1953 - Álvaro Morales Rodríguez, actor, theatre director and poet (d. 2011)
1958 - Quique Hernández, football trainer.
1962 - Eduardo Benavente, musician.
1978 - Cristina Castaño, actress.
1988 - Cristina Pedroche, actress, model and reporter.

1046 - Abat Oliba, Catalan Benedictine abbot (b. 971)
1789 - Jerome Grimaldi, Italian-Spanish politician and diplomat.
1799 - Esteban de Arteaga, musicologist and Spanish Jesuit writer.
1837 - Francisco de Paula y Marín, botanist (b. 1774)
1949 - Cándido Angel Gonzalez Palencia, Spanish Arabist and historian.
1956 - Pío Baroja, novelist.
1961 - Cayetano Ordoñez, the world-famous bullfighter, Known as Niño de la Palma, Hemingway used him as the basis for the character of Pedro Romero in his novel, The Sun Also Rises.
1999 - Uxío Novoneyra, poet and writer in Basque.
2002 - Juan Antonio Bardem, film director died in Madrid, at the age of 80. He was best known for his film ‘Muerte de un Ciclista,’ which won the International Federation of Film Critics prize at the 1955 Cannes Film Festival. The top Spanish actor, Javier Bardem, is his nephew.
2004 - Fernando Chueca Goitia, architect and essay writer.
2005 - Carande Victor Bernardo, writer.