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October 5

Saint’s Day for Froilán and Santa Flor, Marcelino, Apolinar and Gala.

1143 - With the signing of the Treaty of Zamora, King Alfonso VII of León y Castile recognises Portugal as a Kingdom

Strikers in 1934 - photo www.historiageneral.com

1592 - The implementation of the Gregorian calendar by Pope Gregory XIII means eliminating this date in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Poland. To Thursday 4 October 1582 followed on Friday 15 October, 1582.
1796 - Spain declares war on England
1884 - Spanish East Indies, in the present province of Davao del Sur the city of Santa Cruz is created.
1928 - The Real Academia Española, the Royal Spanish Academy, presents its new grammar of the Spanish language.
1934 - Strikes take place in many cities across Spain, with uprisings in Asturias and Cataluña in what became known as the 1934 Revolution.
2011 - The Duchess of Alba and Alfonso Díez got married

Catherine, Princess of Asturias - https://en.wikipedia.org/
1422 - Catherine, Princess of Asturias, and heiress presumptive to the Castilian throne all her life.

Catherine was born on 5 October 1422 in Illescas, Toledo. She was the first child of King John II of Castile and his first wife, Maria of Aragon. Named after her aunt and grandmother, the Duchess of Villena and Catherine of Lancaster, she immediately became heiress presumptive to the throne of Castile upon her birth. The Infanta was formally recognised as successor to the throne of the kingdom and sworn in as Princess of Asturias on 1 January 1423 by the Cortes of Toledo.

However, the Princess of Asturias did not live long enough to succeed her father as Queen of Castile. She died in Madrigal de las Altas Torres on 17 September 1424. Her younger sister, Infanta Eleanor, replaced her as heiress and Princess of Asturias. Princess Catherine is buried in Miraflores Charterhouse, along with her father and stepmother, Isabella of Portugal. She succeeded her father, John II of Castile, as Princess of Asturias in 1422.  (d. 1424)
1867 - Secundino Delgado Rodriguez, Spanish politician considered by some as the father of the Canarian nationalism and by others as anarchist-independence. He acquired the Cuban nationality with the independence of Cuba.
1873 - Agustín Parrado García, bishop (d. 1949)
1896 - Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta, politician (d. 1992)
1898 - José Camón Aznar, historian and thinker (d. 1979)
1917 - Demetrio Zorita Alonso, soldier and aviator (d. 1956)
1925 - Emiliano Aguirre, paleontologist.
1926 - Mariano Ozores, actor and humorist.
1930 - Miguel Báez y Espuny "El Litri", bullfighter.
1955 - The Goya-nominated actress, Ángela Molina
1966 - Xabier Carbayeda, cyclist.
1977 - Angel Martin, comedian, writer, actor and presenter of Spanish television.
1979 - Patricia Conde, comic, writer, actress and presenter of Spanish television.
1980 - Conchita, Spanish singer of Finnish origin.
1987 - Javier Villa, GP2 driver. born in Colunga

1214 - Alfonso VIII of Castile and Toledo  (b. 1155)
1793 - José del Castillo, painter (b. 1737)
1986 - Diego Angulo Íñiguez, art historian (b. 1901)
1997 - Federico Gallo, journalist (b. 1930).
2002 - José Botella Llusiá, researcher and gynaecologist (b. 1912)
2005 - Alvaro Domecq Díez, livestock breeder, rejoneador and businessman (b. 1917)
2012 - Luis Gómez Llorente, politician and philosopher (b. 1939)