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October 8

Saint’s Day for Brígida, Demestrio, Nestor, Pedro and Artemón.

1573 - Spanish troops withdrew from the siege of Alkmaar, in the north of Holland, after the town had held out for more than a month. It marked a turning point for rebel forces in the 80 Years War, or the Dutch War of Independence, against Catholic Spain.

1992: The Spanish King and Queen opened the Thyssen Museum in Madrid.

1582 - Because of the implementation of the Gregorian calendar this day does not exist in this year in Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
1625 - English Admiral George Villiers' fleet sails from Plymouth to Cádiz
1881 - the new railway line between Madrid and the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, was inaugurated.
1918 - Antonio Maura resigns with his cabinet.
1988 - the first underground section of the Valencia metro network opened.
1992 - The Spanish King and Queen opened the Thyssen Museum in Madrid.
2017 - ‘Historic demonstration against separation and for the Constitution’ – ‘the margination has ended; we have the rights to be taken into account’ – Vargas Llosa: ‘They wanted to covert Cataluña into a third world country’ – Borrell to the businessmen ‘This would not have happened if you had warned (about your moving) beforehand’
The image of Cataluña has sunk following the exodus of the companies.
‘The opposition has ruled out forming a concentrated Government now’ – the socialists now want the opening of talks as Ciudadanos demands article 155 be triggered and a penal process to be opened.

Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y Montenegro - https://dbe.rah.es/
1676 - Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y Montenegro, monk and scholar who led the Age of Enlightenment in Spain. He was an energetic populariser noted for encouraging scientific and empirical thought in an effort to debunk myths and superstitions.

He joined the Benedictine order at the age of 14, and had taken classes in Galicia, León, and Salamanca. He later taught theology and philosophy at the University, where he earned a professorship in theology.

He was appalled by the superstition and ignorance of his time, and his works aimed at combating the situation. His fame spread quickly throughout Europe. His revelations excited considerable opposition in certain quarters in Spain, for example from Salvador José Mañer and others; but the opposition was futile, and Feijóo's services to the cause of education and knowledge were universally recognized long before his death in Oviedo.

A century later Alberto Lista said that a monument should be erected to Feijóo, at the foot of which all his works should be burned. He was not a great genius, nor a writer of transcendent merit; his name is connected with no important discovery, but his literary style is clear and not without distinction. He tried to uproot many popular errors, awakened an interest in scientific methods, and is justly regarded as the initiator of educational reform in Spain.

His two famous works, Teatro crítico universal (1726–1739) and Cartas eruditas y curiosas (1742–1760), are multi-volume collections of essays that cover a range of subjects, from natural history and the then known sciences, education, history, religion, literature, philology, philosophy and medicine, down to superstitions, wonders and salient points of contemporary journalistic interest. In the edition of 1777, they occupy nine and five volumes respectively, to which three supplementary volumes must be added. A reprint occurs in volume 56 of the Biblioteca de autores españoles, with an introduction by Vicente de la Fuente. As learning advanced, his writings were relatively relegated to a place of historical and literary interest. The majority of his works were translated into English by Captain John Brett (3 vols., 1777-1780). (d. 1764)
1690 - Jaime de Casellas, composer born in Valls (d. 1764)
1741 - Jose Scaffold, writer.
1760 - Dionisio Alcalá Galiano, sailor, soldier and scientist (d. 1805)
1844 - Bartolomé Maura y Montaner, painter (d. 1926)
1881 - Jose Solchaga, soldier.
1894 - Vicente Rojo Lluch, teacher and military Chief of Staff of the Republican Army during the Spanish Civil War.
1919 - Teresa Pàmies, writer. (d. 2012)
1927 - Carmina Virgili, chemist.
1942 - Pepe Domingo Castaño, communicator, writer and singer.
1956 - Tente Sánchez, footballer.
1959 - Miguel de Andrés, footballer
1960 - Lorenzo Milá, journalist
1961 - Carlos Goñi, musician.
1969 - Susanna Griso, journalist and presenter.
1971 - Roberto Rios, footballer.
1976 - Galo Blanco, tennis player, born in Oviedo
1993 - Garbiñe Muguruza, tennis player
1996 - Sara Sorribes Tormo, tennis player

1844 - Martín Fernández de Navarrete, sailor and writer (b. 1765)
1898 - Juan Alonso Zayas, soldier.
1946 - Agustín Parrado García, bishop (b. 1873)
1955 - Trifón Gómez, politician and unionist (b. 1889)
1963 - Remedios Varo, Spanish-Mexican painter (b. 1908)
1990 - José Luis Alonso Mañés, theatre director (b. 1924)
1993 - Santiago Navarro, basketball player (b. 1936)