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September 15

Saints Days: Nicomedes and Teodoro, Nuestra Señora de la Bien Aparecida 
Regional Day for Cantabria

800 - The name Castilla appeared written for the first time replacing Bardulia.

Carmen Maura in Volver - Photo www.btchflicks.com

1227 - Abu I-Ala Idris, brother of the caliph Al-Adil, proclaimed caliph of Sevilla and takes the title Al-Mamun
1556 - Carlos V and Maria of Hungary return to Spain and retired to the Monastery of Yuste in Extremadura
1588 - The so-called 'Invincible Armada' sent by Catholic King Felipé II of Spain to overthrow Protestant Queen Elizabeth I of England has been handed a crushing defeat in the English Channel  
1821 - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guaremal, Honduras and Nicaragua proclaim their independence from Spain

1586 - Cristobal de Isla Diego, Baroque composer, born in Berlanga de Duero (1651) baptism date
1739 - Juan de Villanueva, architect.
1810 - Jerome Usera, priest, founder of the Sisters of the Love of God.
1811 - Nicomedes Pastor Díaz, writer (d. 1863)
1829 - Manuel Tamayo y Baus, playwright
Esteban Terradas - https://es.wikipedia.org/
1883 - Esteban Terradas i Illa, mathematician scientist and engineer. He researched and taught widely in the fields of mathematics and the physical sciences, working not only in his native Cataluña, but also in the rest of Spain and in South America. He was also active as a consultant in the Spanish aeronautics, electric power, telephone and railway industries. He held two doctorates in mathematics and physics in 1904, as well as two degrees in engineering from the ETSEIB school. He was professor of mathematical analysis teaching differential equations and later of mathematical physics at Barcelona Central University. He also taught acoustics, optics, electricity, magnetism and classical mechanics at the University of Barcelona, teaching mechanics also at the University of Zaragoza, University of Buenos Aires and the University of La Plata (Argentina) and Montevideo (Uruguay) He was a Member of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language and active in the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences and the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona. He was granted honorary doctorates by the Universities of Buenos Aires, University of Santiago (Chile) and University of Toulouse (France) and established as an honorary member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Barcelona, the association Argentine Engineers, and of the Society of Engineers of Peru among many other honours. He was an Invited Speaker at the ICM in 1912 in Cambridge, England
He studied at Charlottenburg in Berlin, Barcelona and Madrid. Known as an exceptional student, entered the University in 1898, when he was only 15 years old. He held professorships in the universities of Zaragoza, Barcelona and Madrid, specialising in physical and mathematical sciences and publishing numerous articles about those subjects. In 1909, while at the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona, he produced an important work entitled Emisión de radiaciones por cuerpos fijos o en movimiento 
His teaching and pedagogical activity was also important. He published articles in the 'Revista de la Academia de Ciencias' in Madrid, and in the bulletin of the Institute of Sciences of Barcelona. He set up a physics-mathematics seminar, to which he brought some of the best regarded scientists of his time. He became a founding member of the Sciences Section of the Institute of Catalan Studies in 1911, within the framework of the Monographic Courses of High Studies of Exchange promoted by the Commonwealth of Cataluña.    (d. 1950)

1904 - Ramón Areces, businessman (d. 1989).
1911 - Jose Muguerza Anitúa, footballer. (d. 1984)
1912 - Maria del Pilar of Bavaria and Borbon, Infanta of Spain, fourth and last child of Prince Ferdinand Maria of Bavaria and the Infanta Maria Teresa of Bourbon.
1914 - Adolfo Bioy Casares, Argentine writer and Cervantes Prize in 1990.
1927 - Joan Segarra, footballer (d. 2008)
1933 - Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, conductor and composer (d. 2014)
1945 - Carmen Maura, actress (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, Volver) born in Madrid
1945 - Eusebio Poncela, actor.
1945 - Narcís Martí Filosia, football.
1947 - Eusebio Poncela, actor.
1951 - Federico Jimenez Losantos, journalist.
1953 - Joaquín Oristrell, director and scriptwriter of Spanish cinema.
1969 - Roberto Solozábal, former footballer
1971 - Juan Pedro Galan Naranjo, bullfighter.
1972 - Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, Queen consort of Spain to King Felipe VI, born in Oviedo.
1974 - Marta Botía, singer, from the band Ella Baila Sola.
1976 - Tiko, footballer.

1877 - Ponciano Ponzano, sculptor.
1951 - Jacinto Guerrero, Composer of zarzuela Spanish musical style.
1973 - Ramón de la Fuente Leal, footballer (b. 1907)
1975 - Carlos Conti, draftsman (b. 1916)