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Dairy Products - Eggs - Oil - Cold Cuts - Flour - Water

While most products you see in a Spanish supermarket will be easily recognisable, some may not. This list of vocabulary may make your shopping experience a little less stressful. You’ll need to have your passport with you for identification if you pay by credit card.

Photo - www.rondatoday.com

Milk – Leche. Long life – UHT, is much more popular than fresh – fresca, in Spain. The different variations for both types are full – entera, semi-skimmed – semidesnatada, skimmed - desnatada.
Yoghurt – Yogur. The only types of yoghurt you may not easily recognise are unsugared – natural, and sugared – azucarado.
Cheese – Queso. There are some delicious cheeses produced in Spain, with a good range available pre-packaged on the shelves. They will be marked either as made with cow’s milk – leche de vaca, goat’s milk – leche de cabra, or sheep’s milk – leche de oveja, or as a blend of different milks. They are classified according to their maturity: queso tierno – less than 21 days, queso oreado – 21 to 90 days, queso semicurado – 3 to 6 months, and queso curado – 6 months or more.
Cream – nata. Fresh cream may be difficult to find in some areas. Pasteurised cream is available as either whipping cream – nata para montar, or cooking cream – nata para cocinar.
Butter – mantequilla, and margarine – margarina.

EGGS – Huevos
Free range eggs will either be marked as huevos camperos, de corral or de gallinas de granja.

OIL - Aceite
Sunflower oil – aceite de girasol, is generally used for deep frying. There are several different grades of olive oil – aceite de oliva. Extra virgin olive oil – aceite de olive extra virgen, is generally the best quality which is available on the shelves.

Cooked ham – jamón cocido. You may also come across paleta cocida which is from the shoulder of the pig and is a cheaper cut. Chicken breast and turkey breast – pechuga de pollo, pechuga de pavo. You’ll also find in this section cured salchichón and chorizo.

FLOUR – Harina
Normal white wheat flour – harina de trigo. Slightly stronger flour for baking – harina de repostería. Bread flour – harina de fuerza. Flour for batter – harina de repostería. Cornflour – maizena.

WATER – Agua
Mineral water – agua mineral. Fizzy water – agua con gas.