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The ITV is the Spanish equivalent of the MOT

The test is compulsory and can only be carried out at authorised centres.

The Inspección Técnica de Vehículos (ITV) is the Spanish equivalent of the UK’s MOT roadworthiness test for your vehicle. The test is compulsory and can only be carried out at authorised centres. There will be several in each province, but not one in every town. If you are reluctant to take your car yourself, your local garage will do it for you for a fee, as well as carrying out the pre-ITV ‘pre inspección’ service on your vehicle.

There are mobile testing stations for 2-wheeled vehicles which visit each area on certain days of the month. The local police station will have the schedule or you can ask at your local garage who, again, will take your vehicle for testing if you wish.

First test for mopeds at 3 years and thereafter every two years.

First test for motorcycles, three-wheeled vehicles and quads at 4 years and thereafter every two years.
First test for cars at 4 years and thereafter every two years until the age of 10 when the test is annual.
First test for goods transport vehicles authorised for 3,500 kg or less at two years and thereafter every two years until the age of 6, when the test is annual up until the age of 10. Vehicles more than 10 years old must take the test every 6 months.

Hire vehicles or driving school vehicles with space for up to 9 people including the driver, including mopeds, motorcycles, three-wheeled vehicles and quads: first test at 2 years and thereafter every year until the age of 5, after which the test is six-monthly.

Public transport vehicles, including school transport, with space for 10 or more people including the driver - every year until the age of 5 and thereafter every six months.

Goods vehicles authorised for more than 3.5 tons – annually until the age of 10 and thereafter every six months.

First test for towed caravans at six years and thereafter every two years.